REVIEW: SqueezeBox SB3. "Enthusiast Full Mod". The newest level of mods.

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Bob in St. Louis

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Hey fellas,   :wave:
Recently I was given an opportunity to have my SqueezeBox (SB3) modded by Wayne at Bolder Cables.
What I hear is pretty darned impressive to say the least. So, I'm telling my friends here and at HawthorneAudio about my first few weeks impressions.
Here's my story:
I've been drooling over the Hot-Rodded SqueezeBoxes of my fellow St. Louis "Gateway Audio Society" brethren for a couple years now. Recently Wayne of Bolder Cables approached me about being a beta tester for his latest round of upgrades to the SB3. Well I've had my beloved stock SqueezeBox (SB3) for about one year so you can guess how long I had to think about that one.
Of course I expected a "bit" of a difference. At least enough of a difference to justify the going rate of several hundred dollar modifications to a three hundred dollar piece of consumer electronics. In fact, I expected a little more than a "bit" of a difference honestly.
Well, as it turns out, that little mod he performed, which we're calling the New "Enthusiast Full Mod" has rejuvenated what was becoming a relatively boring music collection. The difference I experienced was not subtle by any stretch of the imagination, mind you, but an eye opening revelation I've not heard in my system in a while.
The most recent favorites added to my music collection have been Keb' Mo' "Just like you", Lyle Lovett "Joshua Judges Ruth", and Hope Waits "Self Titled".
So, with these albums at my side, I set off to see what audible differences I could ascertain.
With the Keb' Mo' and Lyle Lovett I noticed better stereo separation, like the band players where further apart on stage, and I was sitting in first row, center seat. My room had been transformed into a larger room with the speakers further apart than I had ever heard before. Further apart than they could possibly be given the limited width of my stage. Not a small feat for something as simple as some new "gadgets" in a Squeezebox. The total square footage of my front wall is just under 100 square feet, but the sound I was hearing was filling it beyond it's boundary's.
A side note; On Lyle Lovett's piece, "Baltimore", I can't say I've ever noticed the "mouth noises", the subtle lip smacking you don't hear very often. Unfortunately, with changes such as these, there's no way for a direct "A/B" comparison, but as one of my (recent) favorite songs, I can't believe I've not noticed this little tid-bit of content before. I'm usually actively searching for such morsels of "neat stuff". Was it there before the mod? Not sure, don't think so, but it's there now and I've just noticed it for the first time. Just like Lyle was sitting in the same room.
Session number two: It's time to torture my wife.........
The (almost) ever willing assistant that's my extra pair of ears when I ask (beg) her to. Using those untrained ears, she was able to quickly recall past torture sessions when I forced these very same songs on her. The words she used to describe the new sound in our room where, "The music is more full. If audio had pixels like video does, the mods that Wayne did gave it more pixels".
Hmm, interesting analogy, very accurate description in my opinion.
I did indeed notice a much quieter background on the Hope Waits tracks, overall a much cleaner sound. The phrases "blacker background" and "larger sound stage" occurred to me while listening as the space behind the speakers seems to have expanded just as they did with Lyle. For critical listening, I tend to have my eyes closed and the rooms lighting dimmed. More than once I found myself peeking with one eye, just to regain a perspective on where the speakers are, as I occasionally felt I was no longer in a room, but sitting isolated in a large field with nothing around me. Simply stunning the sensation I was experiencing. As thrilled with my system before the mods, I'll have to be honest and say I was slightly skeptical at exactly how much I was going to gain with the modification. I expected a cleaner, more pure sound, due to the higher quality components in the signal path. But what I wasn't expecting was for the mods to make the room larger. Color me impressed as this most certainly raises the bar. An unequivocal improvement over a couple weeks ago when I last heard the unit.
The internal modifications Wayne performed on the SqueezeBox have set in stone my belief that a discless PC based music server is a rock solid viable option for high quality music reproduction and will forever be the main (most likely only) source of music in my system.
I give the modifications my highest recommendation as they are truly several steps above the factory sound quality. With the gains in clarity, "cleanliness", background and soundstage, I'd never be happy with a stock SB in my system, as these improvments are simply too large to ignore.
Making a comparison between the factory power supply (PS) and the modded PS is laughable.
If it were possible to have a greater difference between night and day, well, that's the difference between the lightweight plastic walwart and the "heavier than a brick" PS that Wayne built. Using the factory PS, the SqueezeBox is most certainly not a viable component in the audio chain. The sound is dark and muffled. The soundstage is non-existant as is any "magic" whatsoever. I recall the first day of being a SB owner. Carefully unpacking it as to not get any fingerprints on the display face, I couldn't wait to hear the first song. Oh, I was so proud and so happy to finally have the much revered SqueezeBox. In less than 60 seconds of the first song, I was ready to pack it up and ship it back. It was the worst sound I'd heard in my system, EVER. Quickly I was on the phone with a fellow St. Louis audio buddy asking what I had done wrong. It was at this point I learned just how important getting rid of the factory power supply really is. It's not a "tweak", it's a necessity. Period.
Specs, Component used for evaluation, and other bits of useful goodies:

"Enthusiast Full Mod". "What is it", and "What do I get":
The main improvement of this mod over the previous generation is the installation of the voltage regulator on board. For a time, this option was limited to the digital only version and the regulator was installed in another box.
Main things are removing all caps from the board, upgrading caps to BlackGate, Panasonic FM and Sonicap Platinum. Rewire DAC chip to run direct from DC input. Add regulator for clock/buffer run off direct DC input, true 75 ohm (cable and connector) output on digital section. Upgrade analog output connectors (at slight extra cost over retail price).
 Power Supply:
 It has the cryo-treated ACME Audio Silver plated IEC, fuse holder and fuse in the AC line.
This PS has two stages of filtration. One before the rectifiers and one after. This removes quite a bit of noise from the line. It also should do a very good job of isolating the DC. It uses a choke as well as the main transformer. Did I mention it was heavier than a brick?!
System components;
USB external hard drive, all tracks in FLAC format. Wirelessly transmitted via "2wire" brand router to the SB3. A Harman Kardon AVR645 serves as the DAC and preamp feeding analog signal to a 40wpc Jolida 202-A tube amp for frequencies over 80Hz to a pair of HawthorneAudio 15" Silver Iris Coaxial drivers in a DIY baffle. Frequencies below 80Hz are rerouted through a Behringer DCX2496. Content between 80Hz and 40Hz run to a 225watt plate amp that powers twin 15" HawthorneAudio Augies in DIY baffles. All content below 40Hz runs to a Legion LSA900 amp that provides 800watts to four more 15" Augies in infinite baffle.
Cables and wiring;
- Power cable is a Nitro Plus with Oyaide Rhodium plated ends.
- 3' Nitro DC cable from power supply to the SB3.
- Cheapo optical cable from SB3 to Harman Kardon AVR645 to keep the signal digital as long as possible without having multiple A/D/A conversions. Also, I'm unaware of how to compensate for the phase inversion (with my equipment) that the mods cause.
- "OneAC" power conditioner for the SB3.

So there you go. The list of internal mods is a bit over my head. Not sure what all that does.   :dunno: :oops:
But the end result is like butter.   aa
Wayne, You 'da man:thumb:

Bob in St. Louis

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You're welcome Robin, but it was my pleasure.
Not much "effort" put into it. Just the rambling of a fellow very passionate about his tunes.
Writing that was "A labor of love" you could say.

Last night I came home from work, changed clothes, ate dinner, and went straight to my "man cave".
To make a long story short, I fell asleep.  :oops: But I was able to get some good quality time with the system before that. As most of you know, in the grand scheme of audio forums I'm fairly new to the hobby. But in the short time I've been here there have been many great strides in sound quality improvements in my system. Recently I was thinking that I've run out of things that are going to create "eye opening revelations" like this modification has. I thought I had worked my way up the ladder of quality to the point where all that was remaining was the little stuff. I couldn't have been more wrong.

To say it as eloquently as I can; These mods kick ass.


Bob in St. Louis

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You got that right Brother.   :thumb:
Wayne is putting the final tweaks on a new power supply for me to test.

There will be more to the story here soon.  aa


Bob in St. Louis

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Yea, he's cool like that.   8)



  • Industry Participant
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Nice write-up Bob.  Glad you're enjoying the new toys. 



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Nice enthusiast review, Bob.  It may be your longest post ever.  :o :wink:

Bob in St. Louis

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Bryan, thank you for the complement. Yes, I'm enjoying it very much indeed. There's a few more bugs in the system I'd like to work out. Once they're taken care of, I'd like to have you guys out on an "official" basis.
Also, Wayne tells me the mods he did to mine are the same as Bill's (deadfish) with the exception of mine has the voltage regulator on board. He has expressed interest in having a "shootout" between mine and Bill's unit. That would be interesting.

Woodsyi, thank you for the complement. Yea, I actually spent some time on that one.  :lol: Most of my posts are done while I'm at work and listening to "muzak" in one ear. So as a result, they're usually short, choppy and half incoherent.
I figure Wayne deserves more than that.  :wink:



A most excellent review, Bob!  You had good control of the words I cannot always find, and given my relationship to my SB3, I 'heard' ya talkin'!

By all means, a comparison between our two units is more than agreeable with me. Wayne had mentioned it to me as well, but like all things, fell aside as I worked on the house around here.
Got a sunday or an evening available?  We oughta talk.  Unfortunately, saturdays are out for me between work and burnout.
No big rush, but I think it would be cool to do to see if we can differentiate our parts.  I have no clue how your power supply compares to mine, but only Wayne knows what is in mine, and I think it is down the food chain a little way... :wink:

I haven't heard better in my own home than what comes out of my Bolder modded rig, and hope you hear the same!

Best Regards!


Seems that the Ultimate power supply itself would be regulating the voltage to the point that further inboard regulation inside the SB would be redundant. I really don't know here, I'm just wondering out loud.  :scratch:

That would be true, Robin, if all the components within the SB3 worked off 5 volts. Unfortunately the buffer/clock chip runs on 3.3 volts. As does the digital section of the D/A chip.

The stock SB3 does have an inexpensive 3.3 volt regulator built into it. That is also connected to the internal switching PS that supplies the higher voltage for the display.

By using a better spec'ed dedicated regulator circuit just for that chip, noise level is reduced. The new regulator is located VERY close to the chip, less than 1" of wire is used to connect them. This also allows the regulator better control of the voltage and current. The regulator circuit in the outboard power supply has a lot of other circuits to contend with and a rather long length of wire to sense it all through.

I took this concept to an extreme with the Re-Box SB3 that I showed at RMAF. It took me awhile, but I did finally figure out how to use what I learned in that unit within the confines of the original case.

Bob in St. Louis

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Wayne, thanks for answering Robin's question. I didn't know what to tell him and would have been forced to make something up. It would have turned ugly at that point.  :wink:
So in laymans terms, there's two items in the SB that need 3.3 volts, knocked down from 5.0. They used to get their power from one regulator. You simply separated their respective sources of power? (two different regulators)  :scratch:

Bill, (Mr. Deceased Fish) - Yea, we really need to get together. As many GAS shin-digs as we've been to, I'm not 100% sure you and I have met. I think we keep missing each other. Where do you live? Should we do your house, mine, or neutral territory (like Scott's, Bryan's etc...)?
{Notice how I just invited us to their house? Cool wasn't it?}
By the way, I'm in House Springs. Given your choices, Sunday's would be better for me.
Thank you for the complement on the review. I struggled (greatly) with something that sounded reasonably 'professional', yet had some emotion. Just not so much emotion that it sounded sappy and gooey like a 14 year old girl wrote it.



Howdy Bob,
Yeah, I know that we musta met but it has been a while since I've been 'around', and it were perhaps out at Scott's.  It's been a couple of years since I was any kind of 'regular'.
By all means, that was an excellent shot at schmoozing a volunteer 'neutral ground', and perhaps 3rd vote to make certain that we can make up our minds.... aa
I'm on the *other* side of St. Louis, 10 miles or so into Illinois on I-70 in Collinsville.
My biggest issue is a serious lack of room at present as my home rehab reaches a crescendo.  My living room system in a 13' square room is SB3, Burson buffer, AVA T5 pre and AVA Ultimate ST-70 playing through Hornshoppe Horns. HOWever, seating is extremely limited if anyone else wants to pop in for a listen.  I'm certainly willing to play 'musical sweet-spot' though!  :D
Other suggestions entertained, if anyone else wants to join in.
We'll work it out, if we want to bad enough.
Anybody else interested in hearing this?

Lemme know!



So in laymans terms, there's two items in the SB that need 3.3 volts, knocked down from 5.0. They used to get their power from one regulator. You simply separated their respective sources of power? (two different regulators)

As well as separating the source, I improved the source to the buffer/clock chip. It is quieter, the regulator is faster and responds to a wider bandwidth. In other words, it is mo'better  :D

I think that you came up with a great idea Bob. Invite everyone over to Scott's  :lol:

All attendee's must bring a modified SB and some form of power supply. There can be comparisons on so many different levels:

SB "A" has more depth on the OB speakers but lacks the dynamics of SB "B" on the Altec A7s. But SB "C" with PS "Z" has a wider soundstage on the Odysseys. AHH.. true audio geek heaven  :thumb:


Should we tell Scott before-hand? :icon_twisted: :wink:


Of course not.  :icon_twisted:

Just show up with SBs, power supplies and beer!

You should also raid his scotch cabinet.

Someone needs to save him from the evils of single malt  :lol:

Bob in St. Louis

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Wayne, thanks for the explanation. That helps me get a mental picture of it. I would have payed money to look over you shoulder during the mods to watch "what goes where", as I'm more of a visual learner. But your explanation helps me understand. Thank you.

Bill, we may have met, but it must have been three or four years ago. At that point in time I was pretty green (not to mention you guys intimidate the Hell out of me  :wink: ) and as a result, I was most likely cowering in the corner of Scott's basement suckin' on a beer, whimpering.
You probably didn't notice me.

As far as notifying Scott of our impending arrival. I don't know (you'd think by now his ears would be burning), one part of me wants to tell him, but another part wants to see the look on his face when a bunch of guys with SqueezeBoxes, power supplies, and bottles of single malts under our arms ring his doorbell.  aa  :lol:

Just to be the first guy to throw a date on the table; Last time I checked, the next Sunday I'll be free will be the 22nd. I'd have to have gain clearance through my director of social activities first of course, but I think it's a clear date.
Weeknight are out for me Bill. I get home too late to start activities. With you having Saturdays off the list, that leaves Sunday. Most of those are clear for me (except the 14th). We can always do my house if Scott is too busy on the upcoming Sundays.



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Glad to see some more gatherings.  It's been tough with everybody being so busy.  I'd like to have some folks over to the house.  We have power cords and also I got the amps for the Acoustats back - but there's a gremlin living in one of them. 

BTW, I just about wet myself at "Mr. Deceased Fish"  :rotflmao:  I've never heard Bill called Mr. before ;)


Bob in St. Louis

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So who's house should we do, Bryan's, Scott's, mine, or...??
And should we let Scott in on our little plan?  :lol:

Thanks for the heads up Bryan, I now know not to call Bill, "Mister".   :rotflmao:



Phew!  Yeah, my Dad, was "Mr. Fish"   :wink:  I'll really be old when they call me that.  :D

By all means, I don't care where, as long as we can agree to do this thing.  I've been out of circulation too long, and looking forward to it.

Scott is definitely conspicuous in his absence, but he ain't gonna get away that easy...

I'll check with my 'better half' to see when if my schedule is open towards the 22nd, or whenever.

Promise not to wet yerself Bryan, it is unbecoming.  :D


Scott F.

Scott is definitely conspicuous in his absence, but he ain't gonna get away that easy...

Howdy fella's.

Sorry bout being absent but honest to the medical God's I've got a note from my gastro-interologist as to why. See, I've been spending some time with him and he decided to cut out a big section of my sigmoid colon last Friday. Needless to say, I've been pretty stoned the past week or so plus I plan to stay that way until some more of this pain goes away.

Needless to say I'll take a pass on any gatherings within the next month or two. Have fun  :thumb:


Man, Scott, yer getting 'stoned' without us?  Tsk!!

We'll be keeping you in mind Scott and you get better.  It sounds like you have a pretty good excuse.

Be well!
