Thanks, I was afraid of that. But after doing a lot of reading on the B100 it is very highly rated and one discussion paired just the preamp section with a 4B SST. If I read that article correctly there was not a great deal of difference and what did exist was positive, which says a lot for the BP-16. So, I'm still left with the question of how significant an improvement is the BP-26 over the BP-16? I guess the next step would be to go to a dealer and have them swap out a BP-26 for a BP-16 and see what difference there is. But that brings up another concern, the dealer is most likely to be using a 4B SST or the SST2 and I have a 4B ST and how much difference that will make, if any. I wouldn't be overly concerned about that aspect but Bryston in their literature says, "Designed inside and out to reflect the improvements in the entire Bryston line, these preamplifiers are a perfect match to our new SST series of amplifiers". What does that mean when pairing a BP-26 to a 4B ST as opposed to an SST or SST2, if anything? In any case a BP-16 or a BP-26 would undoubtedly be a significant improvement over the BP-60 (preamp section) I'm using now. I recently tried a McIntosh C2200 in place of the BP-60, with a noticeable difference, duh! But the sound stage was worse and tight bass I was use to vanished, the latter a product of a tube preamp I guess. So, I guess what might be helpful would be your thoughts on what improvements might be expected when replacing the B-60 with either the B-16 or B-26. I realize that a lot of this is subjective and much of this sounds like thinking out loud but nonetheless I would be interested in an opinion. Just as an aside when I replaced my source with a BCD-1 I was amazed. Someone would have to hold me at gun point before I would give up the unit.