Auditioning Hyperion 938's this weekend

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Albert Allen

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Auditioning Hyperion 938's this weekend
« on: 7 Jan 2009, 05:23 am »
Hello all, I am a first time poster here and I have not even heard a pair of the 938's yet but I have a chance to audition a used pair at home.

The current owner purchased them from Audiogon but has never set them up (apparently an impulse buy) and he is willing to let me take them home and try them first which is very generous!

These are used but have not been played for a while and I assume that the larger drivers will need to loosen up a little before they sound the best so I guess the question would be; how long might it take used drivers to sound their best after sitting for a long time?

I am currently using a pair of Dynaudio Focus 220's and a pair of ESB 7-06's and I am really hoping these will do for me what I need two pairs of speakers for now.

The Dynaudio's are great at imaging/soundstage but not too great with dynamics (I love full scale orchestral works and they just don't do that well at anything approaching real world volumes) The ESB's are huge and move a lots of air and can create a deep soundstage but lack the refinement and pin point amaging of the Dynaudios.

It seems from the reviews the 938's should be able to do both...I hope!

Thanks for any comments or suggestions and I will keep you all posted about the audition.




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Re: Auditioning Hyperion 938's this weekend
« Reply #1 on: 7 Jan 2009, 04:45 pm »
Hello Albert,

I wouldn't think that they should take anytime at all to loosen up (of course, mine don't sit for any length of time static).

Check out the cabinets for any construction flaws around the feet, mine had a problem that was fixed by the Hyperion shop owner.

Make sure that you play with the speaker setup to get optimum staging and imaging.

And, .... read all of the threads here for info on the 938's and enjoy!


Re: Auditioning Hyperion 938's this weekend
« Reply #2 on: 7 Jan 2009, 05:03 pm »
If they are already broken in, I'd imagine that 24 hours of music playing would do the trick ...

It is a nice speaker - I have enjoyed listening to them at the shows!
Good Luck!

Albert Allen

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Re: Auditioning Hyperion 938's this weekend
« Reply #3 on: 9 Jan 2009, 04:06 am »
Hello again everyone, well as the way of things sometimes the Hyperions have some problems, not due to workmanship but apparently a shipping incident.

I picked them up today and the guy that I got them from told me that one had either been dropped during shipping or the previous owner dropped it....either way the newest owner basically plugged them in and they made sound so he stuck them back in the boxes and never really checked them out (why he didn't play with them a little I have no idea)

Long story long, the bass cabinet hit way harder than anyone thought and the magnet structure actually broke off the polymer basket on one of the woofers so the woofer is shot.....strangely enough the cabinet hit on the back side and it appears to be minor damage to the cabinet and not really that noticeable.

The guy purchased them way too long ago to do any damage claim now so he is stuck.

I guess I need to check on a replacement woofer and have the guy discount them some (hey the owner let me take them home and try them first so I am sure he was not trying to hide anything)

Thanks for listening....


Albert Allen

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First Impressions Hyperion 938's
« Reply #4 on: 12 Jan 2009, 05:42 am »
I will preface this review by saying I went into this audition with a strong bias against the speakers (without even hearing them) due to an apparent problem with getting replacement drivers; that being said here is a timeline of what transpired:

1. Unpack speakers and discover that they are packed very well with cool little shirts on them to boot.

2. Notice the fit and finish is quite nice and the cabinets are quite inert; no boom when you tap on all sides of the cabinets just a hurt finger tip.

3. Notice the damage to one cabinet like I was told but was not expecting the clunk of the broken and detached motor assembly of one of the woofers when I set the cabinet upright.

4. Pulled the woofer and found said damage and noticed the woofers baskets look very frail compare to the weight of the magnet/motor structure it needs to support.

5. Strong bias begins to take hold as I find out from Albert that getting spare parts (at least the woofers and I strongly suspect other components as well) is definitely a long shot at best.

6. Stuff the dead woofer cone and basket back in the hole so I can give the speakers back to the guy I got them from in the same condition they were in and say "so much for that"

7. Here is where things start to change....I figure why not set these clunkers up and for a laugh give them a try.

8. What's that I hear?........nah can't be, they are just something new and I am not used to how bad they really sound yet (bias still there)

9. Listen more....well they aren't that bad but the reviewers must have gotten some big money to give them such high marks (yep bias still there)

10. Still more listening....then some more.....still more......hey these really do sound pretty good, then I think about the saying "these speakers add up to more than the sum of their parts"...yes it must be synergistics (and yes I still believe it involves some of this)

11. I get serious and do painstaking A/B comparisons with my reference arms are getting tired shoving the Dynaudios back and pulling the Hyperions forward...shoving the Hyperions back and bringing the Dynaudios forward again, getting the same sound pressure levels since we all know "the louder one will always sound better"......(by the way I did have to turn the volume down a little when I hook up the Hyperions) :D

12.This can't be happening...these speakers actually sound better in all ways than my beloved Dyn's????

13. I begin to think I should have just stuck the Hyperions back in the boxes like I was going to do and never listened to them.

Ok, I admit the 938's do sound fabulous (way better than pretty much any speaker I have ever heard..even with only three woofers working!) but what happens if a tweeter dies..or that wonderful midrange dies, then what??? I don't want to beat a dead horse but I have absolutely no assurance that I can even get parts now let alone 3 or 4 years from now!

I want these speakers but I want to be able to enjoy them for many years to come and I just don't know if that is possible if anything goes wrong in the future..



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Re: Auditioning Hyperion 938's this weekend
« Reply #5 on: 12 Jan 2009, 07:58 am »
A very interesting read and a most valid point is raised and one as a 938 owner concerns me. Is there a back up service for the speakers and will their be one in years to come. Perhaps Albert Wu could reply direct to this website and reasure users?

Albert Allen

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Re: Auditioning Hyperion 938's this weekend
« Reply #6 on: 20 Jan 2009, 04:07 am »
I am not sure what to make of this last discourse with Mr. Wu but I am very confused now if I wasn't before. At the time I wrote this last Email to Hyperion I had already sent two Email messages to Mr. Wu and talked directly on the phone to him once about the replacement woofer for the 938's.

I also know of at least one other person who has contacted Hyperion about getting the same woofer so I just get the feeling I am getting the run around trying to shake me....sorry if I am wrong but I call it like I see it.

Here is the latest discourse:

From: Albert Allen
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 12:34 AM
Cc: Zoya Kao
Subject: Hyperion HPS-938 Woofer

Hello, I can't say enough good about your speakers, these are by far the best speakers I have ever heard but I still am not getting any information on getting a replacement woofer for the speakers.

Please respond with any news, good or bad, but something.

Thank you for any information you can provide.

Albert Allen


From Mr. Wu:

"Dear Albert,


Thank you for your kind words.  I have placed the orders for the replace woofers.  We don’t have a request like this before.  Will let you know when it is available.


Best Regards,


Albert Wu

Sales Manager

Hyperion Sound Design, Inc."

I like these speakers so much that I will continue to be a thorn until I can get a final say about way or another  aa


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Re: Auditioning Hyperion 938's this weekend
« Reply #7 on: 21 Jan 2009, 06:42 am »
Hi Albert Allen,  when I got my Hyperions the midrange gave out after several months.  Called Albert Wu and I got a replacement within  a month.  I haven't spoken to Albert Wu in awhile, and I'm not sure how well the company is doing at this point.  I've heard another who had problem getting replacement parts couple years back.  But it seems like Hyperion packaging of their products is lacking.  This isn't the first time I've heard about shipping damage.  Hopefully, Hyperion will reconsider their packaging.  I'm not sure how to help you out as you already have talked to Albert Wu about the problem, and he acknowledged he is working on a replacement part.   But the sound of the 938s are worth the trouble IMO.  If you get them in a decent size room at least 14 feet wide and 20 feet long, you will be amazed at how well these speakers image and how dynamic these babies are.

Albert Allen

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Re: Auditioning Hyperion 938's this weekend
« Reply #8 on: 21 Jan 2009, 02:58 pm »
Hi Dracule1 and thanks for commenting!

The only reason I am making such a fuss about the parts is because these speakers are so amazing!....

I have them setup in a dedicated 16' x 24' room with extensive treatments and the imaging, depth and tonality are exceptional!

You mentioned the midrange drivers and I wondered if you got a good look at the design? (I have not pulled mine yet)
Is it possible the mids are repairable? I have made many repairs on many different drivers and if mine went bad I would not be afraid to try and fix them (what's the worst that could happen)  :)


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Re: Auditioning Hyperion 938's this weekend
« Reply #9 on: 21 Jan 2009, 05:31 pm »
The midrange and bass drivers are pretty unique in that they don't have a spider for suspension.  If you want to repair it yourself, I guess it depends on what the problem is.  I'm surprised Hyperion has not been a little bit more responsive to your request.  BTW, nice size room.  I'm building a dedicated room about 15.5 (w) x 22.1 (l) x 10 (h) room.  Do you have a picture of your room?

Albert Allen

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Re: Auditioning Hyperion 938's this weekend
« Reply #10 on: 22 Jan 2009, 03:01 pm »
I will try and get some images of my system on tonight. I will post them in the system pics thread.


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Re: Auditioning Hyperion 938's this weekend
« Reply #11 on: 29 Jan 2009, 05:57 pm »
Hello excuse my bad english(norway).I am very disapointed about Hyperion and i cant believe the answer i get frome Albert.

The capacitors in the crossovers to the mid/high on both speakers have been broken.The crossovers are fild with epoxy so you must change the hole crossover box.Albert said that they dont sell parts to the 938 so i must buy new speakers!!! the capacitors cost 10 dollars and Albert tell me to buy new speakers!!!
Every speaker manufactors in the world have spear parts to their speakers!!!
Then i asked if i can get drawings of the crossover so i can make new ones but they want give it to me!!!
they cost me 5000 dollars and they are 3 years oldand they cant be fixed!!!!

Albert Allen

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Re: Auditioning Hyperion 938's this weekend
« Reply #12 on: 29 Jan 2009, 08:20 pm »
Eddie, I assume you are speaking of Albert Wu? Did he actually tell you he can't get parts for your 938's?

If he did tell you this then that is more information then I got.....he would not even commit to me that he could or couldn't get I must go on not knowing.

I have a feeling there are a whole lot more folks out there who can't get service but are just not complaining! The only way we will get any action is to keep making noise and emailing/calling about it! Let Hyperion know that they need to service what they sell.................this is the only weak point I see with this product but without good service even a good product will not keep a company going!!!!!


Re: Auditioning Hyperion 938's this weekend
« Reply #13 on: 6 Oct 2009, 03:16 am »
eddie123, I was wondering if you could post a followup on your ordeal to acquire replacement parts for your pair of 938's. Kindly post here or PM me. I am looking to purchase a pair, and would like to know if replacement parts are readily available. Thanks