My "open letter" to Jim and Dennis

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My "open letter" to Jim and Dennis
« on: 5 Jan 2009, 05:44 pm »
January 3rd, 2008

Jim and Dennis -

I wanted to take this opportunity to express how appreciative I am of all your hard work.

As you know, a few years ago I began searching for the perfect speaker.  Finally in 2006 I gathered up enough courage to create my first thread at AVS to aid me in this "journey."  Up to that point I had auditioned just under two dozen speakers or so and still had not found what I was looking for.  With the help and recommendations of many, after dozens of auditions and while making new friends along the way, I ultimately ended up at Craigsub's home to take part in a blind speaker test.  Little to my knowledge Craig had lied about the Salk SongTower's not being present.  I still remember when the first track of our audition round (round 4) began...something was wrong, but in a good way, as I thought I knew all the speakers that were present but couldn't put my finger on which I was currently hearing.  Half way through the listening session I just simply drew the conclusion that Craig had thrown a much more expensive and high end speaker in the mix, just to keep us honest.  Much to my shock that speaker was within my budget and, ultimately, the sound of it never left my head. 

Fast forward to present time, and here I am sitting in front of my custom dream speaker (within my price range), still in awe of how great they sound.  I have attended no less than 2 more get togethers since receiving my ST's, and not one of the dozen or so speakers I've heard has made me regret my purchase; not even the more expensive ones.  Each time I have left those get togethers I've walked out with a huge smile on my face, filled with a great sense of satisfaction.  Some how along my journey I was blessed enough to meet both of you (well, at least through the internet), hear your products and become a happy member of the Salk owner's family.  I am truly and grateful for what you both did for me.  Creating a custom design takes a lot of hard work, but you both rose to the challenge (and not just for me) and you nailed it!  I am eternally grateful to both of you and what you did for me, and I will not forget it. 

2008 was a very tough year for my wife and I, but the birth of our second daughter and the end of my exhausting audio journey got me through it.  Thank you for making 2008 the best year I've had concerning audio, and thank you for all the hard work and graciousness.  You both are one of a kind.  The day you two retire will be a sad day indeed.

Sincerely grateful,

Brandon Brunner (Nuance)

R Swerdlow

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Re: My "open letter" to Jim and Dennis
« Reply #1 on: 5 Jan 2009, 06:20 pm »

...I still remember when the first track of our audition round (round 4) began...something was wrong, but in a good way...

Much to my shock that speaker was within my budget and, ultimately, the sound of it never left my head.

Well said Brandon!  I know I share your sentiments.  I can still remember the first time I heard SongTowers and the powerful effect they had on me.  I think that many others also agree.


Re: My "open letter" to Jim and Dennis
« Reply #2 on: 15 Jul 2010, 03:59 am »
I strongly agree!!!!


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Re: My "open letter" to Jim and Dennis
« Reply #3 on: 15 Jul 2010, 04:25 am »
I view Salk in the same light as VMPS.  They offer an almost embarrassing excess of performance for the money.  I corroborate the letter. I have tried ultra high end systems that left me non plussed.  I can unabashedly say that I *much*  preferred the 3-5 grand VMPS speakers (ribbon monitors like rm2 and rm30)  and ATC SCM speakers to the $22K  Wilson watt-puppies.  In another thread, an individual personally attacked me for holding such truths to be self to speak.
So indeed, congrats on reaching audio nirvana with Salk.  If most high end companies made Salk speakers you can guarantee you'd have to pay $8k to $40K for the same level of performance.


Re: My "open letter" to Jim and Dennis
« Reply #4 on: 15 Jul 2010, 04:39 am »
Thank you gentlemen.  I had completely forgotten about this "Open Letter" to Jim.  I wrote it because I wanted them to know how I felt, and doing so publicly was, in a way, giving my permission to use my statement in any way they saw fit.

I completely agree with you, Construct.  Funny enough, I didn't much care for the Watt Puppies either; not at that price anyway.  Unfortunately, in this hobby you don't always get what you pay for.  However, if you put in the research and time, you'll find a diamond in the rough, just like I did.

Happy listening everyone!

K Shep

Re: My "open letter" to Jim and Dennis
« Reply #5 on: 15 Jul 2010, 04:50 am »
Some how along my journey I was blessed enough to meet both of you (well, at least through the internet).

You'll get to meet Jim in October, now we just need to convince Dennis to book a flight.  RMAF here we come!
« Last Edit: 15 Jul 2010, 04:58 pm by K Shep »