Short review

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Short review
« on: 19 Nov 2003, 09:33 pm »
I recently had an opportunity to do a casual comparison of gear with a fellow audiophile (Hantra) at his house yesterday.

My main goal was to hear a tubed DAC to see if it would bring my aggressive sounding system down a notch to remove a little harshness.  The main problem I'm having is reflections from lack of room treatment.  However, I have no money so, going and audtioning gear is a lot cheaper and more fun... and makes me think I'm solving some problem...  :lol:

For all the comparisons:
Speakers: Piega Limited C-3's
Preamp: Plinius 8200 mkII
Cable: Audience Au24
You can see more about Hantra's main rig here:;system=39
You can see more about my rig here:;system=68

My notes:
SN DAC vs. Museatex DAC (upgraded by John Wright):
Creates a smooth decay between notes/tones/sounds that makes the sound a little more natural than my Museatex.  The highs and upper mids aren’t as convincing as the Museatex because the higher-level detail isn’t as pronounced.
It was noted that the Museatex is a bit more ‘crunchy’ and I agreed that it was a bit ‘clicky’ or something around noises.  It starts and stops abruptly around individual words in a song and isolates sounds a bit more…  It wasn't night and day different, just different.

Plinius 8200 mkII:
Laid back, pretty sounding amp.   Compared to AKSA, lacks detail and headroom, impact/punch, etc.  but, does sound very real and musical.  Extremely convincing on guitar and piano without gobs of detail…. This gets the emotion of the music without having to dig out all the details.  

High energy, fast, detailed.. maybe even a little too fast.  Reveals details readily… compared to the SN monos and Plinius, seems to have a little overpronounced midbass.  It has a "high current" sound that I don't know how to describe.

Scott Nixon mono’s:
Reveals a little more detail than AKSA and doesn’t have ‘high current sound’.  Didn’t get in its own way at all.  It sounded similar to the AKSA but without as much headroom.  Very impressive amps.

Pioneer DV656a with modwright level 1 and bybee on digital output as Transport vs. Sony 7700
The Pioneer was  a bit smoother sounding, while being very quiet.  I didn't note whether there were more or less details.  I love my transport so, I didn't listen very carefully because I wanted Hantra to hear it in case he needed a replacement when his Sony dies.

Well, that's about it.  I'm not a great review writer... I was doing this primarily for me and Hantra to hear our gear's personalities in comparison.  We got some good ideas for our next trip to the music store and had a great time.  Hantra is an excellent host and I greatly appreciate it!

I hope this is helpful to someone.



Short review
« Reply #1 on: 19 Nov 2003, 09:49 pm »
when his Sony dies.

Haha!  That's one of the things I like about Carl.  My man is very firm in his convictions.  

I liked the AKSA as well.  I would describe it as searching out the next transient and getting ready to POUNCE on it.  Very detailed.  Carl did a nice job on the build too.  I got to peek at the innards.  ;-)

Anyhow, it was great having you over C, and I can't wait to come down and hear the Revels. .




Short review
« Reply #2 on: 20 Nov 2003, 03:55 am »
Quote from: Hantra
when his Sony dies.

Haha!  That's one of the things I like about Carl.  My man is very firm in his convictions.  

I should've put a ;) or something after my derogatory comment... sorry.  I have had nothing but bad experiences with Sony.  I told Hantra he'd need a replacement because I know it's going to die... ;)  It's a Sony!  Most other people I've known have had pretty good luck with Sony gear so, I know I'm the exception....

Ron D

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Short review
« Reply #3 on: 20 Nov 2003, 04:23 am »
Carlman - which upgraded Museatex do you have? I am currently auditioning a hotrodded IDAT 44 that John has just put together. Had an upgraded Bitstream but it "popped" and snapped when I opened the door of my Sony S7000 transport. The IDAT doesn't have this bad habit. John has just received some Black gates and I'll be bringing back the IDAT for an upgrade.


Short Review
« Reply #4 on: 20 Nov 2003, 10:03 am »
Hi Carlman,

Thanks for your impressions of the various products you auditioned.

It was interesting to reading your impression of the AKSA 100 Nirvana.  When you refer to a high current sound, do you mean the AKSA was dynamic?  This is the one of the strengths that i have found with my aksa.  Great dynamics, bass, midrange and control.  The top end is excellent but not quite (1- 2%) as good as a class a amp.  Unfortunately you can't have it all ways as a class a amp in my experience is not as dynamic as an AKSA.  The nirvana upgrade did provide that little bit of air i was after.




Short review
« Reply #5 on: 20 Nov 2003, 02:54 pm »
It's the Bitstream model and it does indeed make those nasty pops with my transport when opening or loading a CD.  John explained why a while back (unprocessable index signals?) and that it's not harmful to the unit itself so, I live with the minor annoyance by hitting mute when loading/unloading a CD.  I really like my DAC, I'd say it's as good as any I've heard and doesn't have a much of its own personality showing up in the playback.

I should've left the high current explanation out of my review.  I don't know how to explain myself on some things and it's not a good or a bad thing.  Also, after thinking about it, I think the reason I heard more midbass is because Hantra's speakers produce more midbass and less deep bass than my speakers.  So, the SN amps would probably sound like they have weaker midbass on my speakers... As to the high current sound, I think Hantra nailed it with his description... it's the sound of being ready or fast... and I didn't know how to describe it but, felt it was important to note.  I hope that helps...  :oops:

Other than headroom, the sonic characteristics were close enough with the SN's that I'd be equally happy owning either the SN or the AKSA for a small-ish room with speakers that are not difficult to drive.


Component comparisons
« Reply #6 on: 20 Nov 2003, 03:44 pm »
Hi Carlman,

Don't worry about having problems explaining your opininions  :) .  I struggle with that everytime i write a post.

I've just had to edit my last post, as i sounded a bit like a moron.

I've read Hantra's explanation and that is what i meant by dynamics.  My previous N.E.W. class a battery amp had a slightly better top end than my AKSA amp.  The N.E.W. however failed miserably in comparison to the AKSA for dynamics and soundstage.  The AKSA was also every so slightly more transparent.

That being said are you still happy with your AKSA?

Actually i take Hantra's comments positively as he is a straight shooter when comparing products.




Short review
« Reply #7 on: 20 Nov 2003, 04:45 pm »
I'm still extremely happy with my entire system.  I consider the AKSA one of the smartest choices I've made.  I trusted the right opinions and built a system that is tuned to my ear.

I don't know if people are just nice to me or if my equipment is really good but, of the dozen or so people that have critically listened to my components together or separately, they agree it's very good hifi.

I simply need room treatment now.  Once I've got that, I'm pretty much done for a long time.  I have time, I just need the money... which will come but, it'll be next year.



Short review
« Reply #8 on: 20 Nov 2003, 04:57 pm »
I don't know if people are just nice to me or if my equipment is really good but, of the dozen or so people that have critically listened to my components together or separately, they agree it's very good hifi.


I can assure you that audiophiles in general are never "just nice" to anyone.  ;-)  I really like the AKSA amp, and I can't wait to hear it in your system with the TubeDAC.  ;-)

Actually i take Hantra's comments positively as he is a straight shooter when comparing products.

Thanks Rod. .  I think the majority shares that opinion as well. . .

L8r guys. .