anyone go for the pan LX3 cam?

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anyone go for the pan LX3 cam?
« on: 3 Oct 2008, 05:02 am »
Panasonic LX3.

I have been looking for a smaller camera with full manual control for times that I didn't want to lug along my D80. The LX3 seemed like the right move. A good deal with my work discount ($360) so it is reasonable. my use is primarily street and candid shots (no sports or landscape) The F2.0 lens really pulled me in.  Not expecting it to be perfect but should do the job between my P&S canon sd800is (parties and work) and the DSLR. Also considered the Canon G9. Size, cost and lens I went toward the panaleica.

Crazy day at work just looking it over now. I've taken a few snaps, lots to explore.

Anyone else go this route?


Re: anyone go for the pan LX3 cam?
« Reply #1 on: 3 Oct 2008, 11:08 am »
Hi, that seems like a great price, here in AU the RRP is AU$829 (currently US$645), although probably a bit less in the shops.

I have its predecessor, the LX2, and like it very much. In fact, it will probably be my only travel cam for short (< 1wk) work trips. I find that the OIS works very well, in fact contrary to popular opinion it's very useful at wide angles, where you can use it for hand-held night shots. I mostly have the camera set on "P" and use the joystick to adjust exposure compensation as I wish and to avoid blowing highlights. I've used aperture priority a couple of times, but with minimum f-stop of f/8 it doesn't really make a lot of difference (but it may well do with yours, with lens speed of 2.0-2.8 vs mine with 2.8-5.6 at the long end). I've been shooting RAW for the most part, which means lots of room to adjust in Photoshop but the RAW files are very large (20 Megs) so I had to buy a 4Gig card for it...

I almost always use it in 16:9 mode. With the 24mm wide end on yours (vs 28 on mine) you will get some awesome shots!
