MIDI Setup sampling rates, post your thoughts on the sound quality

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I have been experimenting with the sampling rates in the MIDI setup on my Macbook and found that switching between 44.1 and 48khz has a major effect on the sound, much more than I remembered from my previous Mac Mini/DAC combo.  I am running it into a PS Audio DAC Link 3 and changing the output sampling rate on my laptop has a bigger impact on sound than switching between 96khz and 192khz upsampling.

Switching to 48khz creates a very open and diffuse sound while still offering a very solid center image and lots of top-end sparkle.  44.1khz sounds warmer and has a bit more body, but also seems restricted dynamically and also a much less immense sound field.

I have also used a Benchmark DAC in my system and found that even going to 24/96 output which it would accept did less to effect the sound than switching to 48khz with the DAC Link 3.  Anyone else have similar experiences with this?  I have my own ideas why this may be (48khz is integer of upsampling frequencies, some recordings show up in iTunes as 48khz sampling, etc.) but maybe someone else can share their insight.


I'm with the NOS camp, but I'm curious as to whether you're experiments were done via USB or optical.


All USB....can't say I much liked the optical output from the Mac, kind of glassy and harsh IMHO.


I am not happy with the sound of USB out of my Mac Mini into a Bel Canto DAC 3.  But Toslink out, set to 44/16, is very good.  Audio Midi set to 96/24 is inferior in my experience.  I have not tried 48k but will give it a go.


I am not happy with the sound of USB out of my Mac Mini into a Bel Canto DAC 3.  But Toslink out, set to 44/16, is very good.  Audio Midi set to 96/24 is inferior in my experience.  I have not tried 48k but will give it a go.

I agree with your observations re: USB. Most USB dacs out there are isosynchronous and convert the USB bit-stream to SPDIF and then to I2S. OTOH, an asynchronous direct-to-I2S USB dac is sublime, IMO.


All USB....can't say I much liked the optical output from the Mac, kind of glassy and harsh IMHO.

I agree.  I previously had an Ipod Classic with Wadia 170i transport.  It was hooked up to a CI Audio VDA2 DAC.  The sound was just magical to me.  Recently just switched to a Mac Mini with optical out to the same DAC.  It wasn't as musical or involving to me.  I think it may be the toslink output vs. the coax on the Wadia