how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?

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how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« on: 23 Sep 2008, 04:05 pm »
Hi Hugh

how did your initial struggle to make your modded DUET be connected to yr music database end?


Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #1 on: 23 Sep 2008, 08:48 pm »
Hi Kyrill,

A good friend came around, fixed it in about half an hour, and all was wonderful for about two weeks.

Then some rogue code (I'm presuming) wafted down the line and took out the network.  I managed to disconnect the router and restore my internet connection - that was a relief.  But without any understanding of how to set it up again, it's remained down, a great pity.

The problem with the SB and the Duet is that fairly deep networking ability is required.  You need a wireless router for the Duet, and this introduces another layer of complexity.  I have no aptitude at all with networks, still can't understand it despite attempts to document it, and I've given up.  Perhaps a Mac would be easier;  not sure.  I know it's difficult because DSK, who works in computing full time, spent a whole day trying to get it up and running and could not;  so I'm in good company.

I have built up new power supplies for both the SBIII and Duet, and they work spectacularly well, but it's all a bit of a disappointment because I miss my Cool Jazz from Paris and Copenhagen!!

I'm actually fed up with it, but there you go, that's life!!




Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #2 on: 24 Sep 2008, 12:25 pm »
I don't know about the Mac as I have a shiny iMac and Leopard is software from hell. I now run XP on it.

I call my iMac mudguard.... shiny on top and full of sh!t underneath.


Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #3 on: 24 Sep 2008, 01:56 pm »
Hugh,  occasionally consumer quality routers need to be rebooted or just replaced. They sell for $50 so imagine what they are really worth. Maybe get yourself a nice new DLink wireless router. Consider it a consumable item. 2-5 years is all you should expect from some brands. Maybe others can better suggest a specific wireless router for you. I only know to avoid Linksys.

Home routers are designed for easy setup, you can do it!! Read the help files, or ask us for help if you get stuck. Ask your ISP for the info you need to setup the router connection to them. Some other suggestions: use DHCP for every client on your network, use 128bit WEP wireless security, change the SSID name from default, and change the router password. Verify the wireless is working if you have another wireless client besides Duet.

Then do a factory reset on the Duet and start the installation process again from scratch.  If a step fails, backup and try it again a few times. Don't forget to keep smiling, fake it til you make it, whistle while you work, etc... Keep the children and small animals away.  :evil:    If you still can't get it working, you might need a new remote under warrantee. Duet setup should be easy as pie.
Good luck Hugh!


Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #4 on: 24 Sep 2008, 03:59 pm »

Is there any chance you can get the Hologram page of your website up, I NEED to read some more about it.  :thumb:


(Has just pissed up a fortune for a subwoofer finally)


Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #5 on: 24 Sep 2008, 10:43 pm »

You've given me a worthy task, I will respond today.....  all the photography is done!!   :oops:

Nothing like pissing up a storm with a sub-woofer, something all of us need to do in our lives....... :lol: :lol:



Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #6 on: 25 Sep 2008, 04:16 am »
Thanks Richidoo,

I really appreciate the time you've taken.  I have no confidence I can do it, to be sure, but I'm grateful for the manful attempt you've made...

Yours in digital stupidity.... (but not short on words!)



Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #7 on: 25 Sep 2008, 09:08 am »
ah sad to hear Hugh
I listen to a SB3 heavily modded and it is soo sweet and tempting and after install hassle free
but also so convenient to have the PC as a database

is there no local audiophile who could just set it up for you?

Greg Erskine

Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #8 on: 25 Sep 2008, 11:36 am »
Hugh is beyond hope.  :lol:

Let him concentrate on designing amps.


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Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #9 on: 10 Dec 2008, 07:10 am »
It could just be the router.  The wifi chips used by slimdevices just refuses to work with certain routers for some reason.  I had a really tough time maintaining the wireless connection with my transporter, in fact something about my router would cause the transporter to become unresponsive and lock up.  Go figure.  I put in a cheap d-link router and things worked great.  I didn't expect someone who does networking for a living would have such a hard time.


Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #10 on: 10 Dec 2008, 08:07 am »
Hmmm, I think Greg has it right.  I am beyond hope - an analog wizard, and a digital dumkoff.  A dear friend is organising a surplus laptop so I can run my Duet without a network - though I always did love the internet radio - and that at least will restore my HDD which has LOTS of good music on it.

It is interesting to reflect on things we are all bad at.  I certainly have my fair share, and think it's hilarious!!  I even had to ask a friend how you rotate a component in an LTSpice program - I think he was dumbounded......




Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #11 on: 10 Dec 2008, 10:31 am »
what is a LTSpice program :scratch:


Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #12 on: 10 Dec 2008, 11:20 am »

It's a software simulation program for analysing schematics produced by Linear Technologies, available free.  Quite useful, but tells you nothing about how it will sound......  I decided to learn it to see what all the fuss was about, and it's definitely useful for establishing trends.  However, for analysis, nothing beats a human brain, particularly when you can easily compute all the currents and voltages in your head, something I've trained myself to do with amps over the years.

However, as I've said, it's useful, and I'd be a Luddite to criticise it......



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Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #13 on: 11 Dec 2008, 01:35 am »
Hmmm, I think Greg has it right.  I am beyond hope - an analog wizard, and a digital dumkoff. 

I thought, like me when I worked, you were an IT guy.  Am I mistaken?

If true I suspect it is said tongue firmly planted in cheek. 

Not that I like hardware stuff either, but there is a difference between being beyond hope and avoiding it because you don't like it.  My advice to Hugh is if he can't easily solve it, pay someone who likes that sort of stuff to do it, or forget about it.  That's what I would do.  Life is too short to spend too much time on stuff you don't particularly like. 

Cheers all



Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #14 on: 11 Dec 2008, 09:44 am »

You are correct.....  but my Masters thesis is 'Expert Systems in Medical Diagnosis', hardly what you'd call software analysis, sadly.

The problem is that I am actively disinterested.  When you add age to the equation, it's an unbeatable combination for hostile ignorance!!

BUT, I still think it's hilarious, a distant memory of what I was once quite good at, until I corrupted my mind with audio.....




Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #15 on: 11 Dec 2008, 10:34 am »
i still dont understand Hugh

Why dont you enjoy the fruit of the tree but let some local gardener
plant the tree in yr garden, set it up until he is content and with a big grin
hand it over to you?
In the mean time you set coffee, read a paper or solder something in the innards of Soraya II?

A Duet properly set up ( or SB3 like i now have) is a dream to listen to
only bested by cumbersome black analogue LP's


Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #16 on: 11 Dec 2008, 10:16 pm »

What is it about human nature (and especially hifi people) that means that we always try to make simple things complicated?

We move to fripperies like the Squeezebox on the presumption that it will make our lives easier (because we aren't tripping over great piles of CDs) and yet they seem to need a gentle hand and a select set of criteria (and computers, routers and software etc etc etc) to remain functional....let alone get the best out of them.

CD (LP)....pre-amp....power amp....speakers.   Is that really so bad/difficult?  Are we so short of space or clever storage ideas? Or are we just giving in to the me-too's?


Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #17 on: 11 Dec 2008, 10:30 pm »

the sound of an good USB DAC or ethernet DAC ( like the SB3 or DUET) is not a hype or
following a trend but because they sound BETTER than 90% of all sold CD players regardless
of price

as a nice benefit it is very very handy. you only listen to music you want to
a complete database of music at yr disposal with all the benefits of organised storage.

Once setup, you never return to those initial difficulties
from then on it plays "toddler" proof ( well ehh in a way)


Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #18 on: 11 Dec 2008, 11:38 pm »
Once setup, you never return to those initial difficulties
from then on it plays "toddler" proof ( well ehh in a way)

Ha! Until you decide to update the software, with the installer provided by the vendor i might add, and then all hell breaks loose. Last and only time I did that it took me about a week of blood sweat and tears to get the thing going again, and I still don't know how I did it! Support was of little help. I've lived in fear of another upgrade ever since...



Re: how is Hugh's modded Duet coming?
« Reply #19 on: 12 Dec 2008, 04:35 am »
Hugh - The problem may be antivirus software on your computer.  Try removing the antivirus software and then see if you can connect.  There's no logical reason for this to work, but this was the advice I received from Slimdevices tech support when I couldn't get my SB to connect to my home network - and it indeed solved my problem.