I am a dealer in Texas

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I am a dealer in Texas
« on: 17 Sep 2008, 02:08 pm »
Hi to all,

I have to start out by saying that I love Albert's speakers!

I first heard the VR4SR's at CES about 5 years ago and I thought the sound was incredible in a very small square room.  Albert then pulled me aside and asked me to give the VR9SE's a listen. I did and WOW, this was the most coherent and "live" sounding speaker I had ever heard, they simply disappeared. I knew I would someday own a pair.

On that day at CES I became a Von Schweikert dealer and I have yet to hear a better speaker then the VR9SE. I would like to invite anyone in Texas or visiting the Dallas/Fort Worth area to come by our store or my home to listen to the VSA speakers we have on demonstration. I have a pair of VR9SE's at my house and we have the Unifield 3, VR4SRMkII, Vision Signature at our store.

Best Wishes,

Scott Warren
Advanced HT


Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #1 on: 17 Sep 2008, 02:47 pm »
I'd love for you to bring those VR9s over for a listen; they'd be perfect for the living room.  Heck I'd even host a North Texas Audio Jam if you'd bring over those speakers for a weekend !

 Just let me know when.  :)


Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #2 on: 17 Sep 2008, 03:23 pm »
....oh....a dealer for VS speakers....thought you meant something else :lol:

Hey Scott, hope you're well.  I may take you up on coming out to hear the VR9SE's sometime.....or if Oscar buys a pair it would save me some gas money... :thumb:



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Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #3 on: 17 Sep 2008, 03:32 pm »

The 9's have wheels. I will just hook them to the back of my truck and drive them right over  :D


Pst, pst I got what you need...

I would love to have you over to listen to the VR9SE's. You are welcome anytime, just drop me an email or call me.



Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #4 on: 17 Sep 2008, 04:25 pm »

This is Ken (kinda tall Asia guy).  It's been a long time and hope all is well. 

And, herro Art...get back to work.


Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #5 on: 17 Sep 2008, 05:07 pm »
Man, we need a Texas get-together to hear those VR9s...I'm in Austin so I won't ask you to drive them down here :)


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Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #6 on: 17 Sep 2008, 05:31 pm »
Hi Ken, good to hear from you.

Delacroix you are welcome to come to Plano and hear the VR9s anytime. Let me know.


Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #7 on: 17 Sep 2008, 06:21 pm »

This is Ken (kinda tall Asia guy).  It's been a long time and hope all is well. 

And, herro Art...get back to work.

I not know any Ken, frank you veddy much....


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Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #8 on: 18 Sep 2008, 03:18 am »
I too am a dealer in Houston for Albert, over a decade now.. My experience with VSA stretches even further,, having had an opportunity to hear the first Gen of VR 4's at George Merrill's (of turntable fame) Underground Sound in Memphis, early to mid 90's(?).  I picked the 4's over the triple the price Avalon's and the Nestorvic's during my audition.  I was shocked at the level of transparency and realism.  I was immediately won over by VSA and never looked back.  VSA products are the only speakers and cables I actively promote and show now.  I have a pair of the Unifield 3's set up and would be happy to accommodate auditions for anyone in the Houston and surrounding communities interested in a listen. 
I plan to provide info on the fantastic VSA cables,, IC's Pwr and speaker cables per the moderators request,, hopefully tomorrow.  I've had a momentary pwr outage compliments of Ike!  I'm typing away by candlelight at the moment.



Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #9 on: 18 Sep 2008, 12:45 pm »
Based on your inputs we put in our order for a demo pair of Unifield 3s a couple of hours ago.

Disco, we seem to have followed pretty much the same path :D

I'm not in Texas so pulling them with a truck won't work. ANybody have an ocean liner? :lol:


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Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #10 on: 18 Sep 2008, 01:43 pm »

When I first heard the VR9SEs they were driven by a Dartzeel amp and Emm Labs CDSD/DCC2 and eventually I arrived at this setup myself. I have since changed to an ASR Emitter II which I really like. But looking at your pictures and seeing the Lamm amps has got my mouth watering  :drool:

Also I sure do like the 9s in that gun metal grey color, beautiful, just beautiful!



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Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #11 on: 19 Sep 2008, 07:42 am »
Hi Scott.

Any thoughts on the Unifield 3?  How does it compare, for instance, with the VR4SRmkII and the VR5SE?

Is it easy to drive?  Like, would tube amps be able to drive them to loud levels?

Albert, welcome too.  Your thoughts would be appreciated too. 



Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #12 on: 19 Sep 2008, 12:28 pm »
Hi Keith,

I can't comment about the Unifield 3 in comparison to the VR4SRmkII and the VR5SE since I haven't heard either of these.  But I have heard the Unifield 3 in a direct comparison to the VR4SR.  Scott brought the Unifield 3's over to my house a few weeks ago and we did some extensive listening.  The highlights for me were the silky smooth highs that the 3's had.  Not even a hint of grain or raspiness.  Another thing that really worked for me with the 3's was how much better they blended with my 18" Velodyne for music (I'm a bit of a Bass nut).  The 3's are rolled off on the low end which keeps them from sounding bloated when coupled with an external Sub.  And evidently, this 'roll off' also helps protect the 3's from high powered, low frequency transients.  We ran some pretty demanding audio through them, and not once had any issues with unloading.

As far as driving them, we were using a pair of Parasound Halo JC-1's.  So they didn't have any difficulty in driving them.

BTW Keith, is that really your system with the Lamms and the 9's?  What a great system!


Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #13 on: 19 Sep 2008, 01:28 pm »
Hi Rutgar,

I have the bruiser Lamms and 9s Keith has the ultra liquid Lamms and 99's below :)

Damon confirmed our order. We can't wait to get our hands on the Unifield 3 now. We'll be going to show with them this November. The hotel rooms are tiny and really strangely shaped. They should be the right tool for the job :D



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Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #14 on: 19 Sep 2008, 02:32 pm »

I am very impressed with the Unifield 3s. They remind me of the 9s in their transparency in the mids and highs. They have a very open soundstage for a speaker with a small footprint and At 88db I would not call them a very difficult load, but they do like power. I currently have my pair hooked up to a 70 watt Electrocompaniet integrated and they sound very good, but the 400 watt/channel JC-1s at Bill's really open the U3s up and get them moovin and groovin! In a large room the VR4SRMKII might be a better choice because of their bass response, but as Bill mentioned the U3 never unloaded in his room(17x22ish).

I gave the VR5 Anniversary an extensive listen at CES this year. While the VR5SE reminded me of a better VR4SRMKII the new VR5 Anv. reminded me of a small 9. In my opinion the VR5 Anv. reaches deeper into the music, with better macro and micro detailing then the U3 and has a more organic sound, but it should at $11,000 more retail.

Overall I am really enjoying the U3s and so will you guys. They are just plain fun to listen to and a great speaker!



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Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #15 on: 19 Sep 2008, 04:45 pm »
Hi Rutgar. 
Yes that is my system.  Many thanks.  Jack and I are that close that we don't need an invitation to show up in each other's place.  So we do get the best of both worlds in terms of systems.  Many thanks for your comments on the U3.

Thank you too for your comments.  We are so looking forward to hearing the U3s once they arrive.  Actually, we are planning to use this in the upcoming HiFi Show here in Manila. 


Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #16 on: 23 Sep 2008, 06:32 pm »
Hi Scott and Rutgar,

I'm sure the Unifield 3s sound great. I mean even the late VR-1 has a cult following over here and are trading for very close to their original retail price.

I went over the design decisions Albert made for the Unifield 3 and while it is a departure in the sense that they do away with the A.I.R. feature. I think the use of the ceramic compond mid driver in practically full range duty and judiciously augmented by the ribbon tweeter and magnesium SEAS unit will indeed provide a unique solution for people that listen primarily in the near field. Being a recording and post production engineer, I have experience with many nearfield monitors. I've found that two ways with attention to time alignment of the acoustical centers is imperative. Having the mid driver run pretty much full range guarantees integration from as little as 5 feet away if not even closer. The front porting and what I'm expecting to be some contour management in the bass unit should also allow placement very near the front walls.

Now all I have to do is wait for our demo pair to arrive! :D

Thanks again for your inputs!

Jack D


As to how close Keith and I are, we are first cousins born six months apart. We literally had our cribs set side by side by our parents. We belong to a very closely knit extended family and are Godparents to each other's children. Our kids are like brothers and sisters. :D


Re: I am a dealer in Texas
« Reply #17 on: 30 Sep 2008, 03:12 am »
Can any of you dealers tell me how many VSA dealers are out there in the US? The website only lists international dealers (Hi Jack/Keith).... HigherFi, an  ultra-hi consignment and used dealer, is the only internet-bsed part of the network on site but I cannot find any listing of dealers around the US. I know from this AC that there are at least two in Texas. Since I travel a lot and would like to hear more Vons, I'd love to find a listing of all dealers in the country.