The trouble with True Audio Happiness

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The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« on: 13 Sep 2008, 05:02 pm »
This board has been quiet lately (maybe things will pick up when the GK-1 C4 + C7 group buy parts arrive and people begin making their mods), but this lack of action has probably hurt as folks cruise for "the latest news".  No news --> "off the radar" --> old, boring, dull, past its prime, etc.  Nothing could be further from the truth, IMO.

In my case (with an Aspen GK-1R preamp, five Aspen amps, Linkwitz Orions, Hugh's power supply for the Orion ASP) the music in my house is absolutely phenomenal.  I never had a clue that the music could be this good.  On better than average recordings I am getting very close to hearing something like the live unamplified performance.  I listen to music every chance I get.  I stay up way too late, I know I should get to bed so I can feel better (and work better) in the morning, but--WTH--let's listen to just one more CD, or maybe two.   

I don't post much because my time is limited and--because I couldn't be happier--I really don't have an audio problem or many questions to ask.  I think that many of us are in a similar position:  very happy, routinely listening to exceptional music, and mostly out of view.  There are a lot of folks out there for whom a GK-1 and a LF55 would be transformational (and cost a lot less than buying from an audio salon), but how would they ever know? 


David Ellis

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Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #1 on: 13 Sep 2008, 07:33 pm »
but this lack of action has probably hurt as folks cruise for "the latest news".  No news --> "off the radar" --> old, boring, dull, past its prime, etc.

I don't post much because my time is limited and--because I couldn't be happier--I really don't have an audio problem or many questions to ask.

I have this dilemma too.  The contribution Hugh's amplifier(s) have made in my system is... sublime.

I fully believe some "Hugh Love" is very well warranted.



Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #2 on: 13 Sep 2008, 10:15 pm »
Well, Pierre,

Many thanks.....  quite a post to wake up to!!

It is rare indeed to hear an audiophile trumpet his sonic contentment, and I am very touched!   :thankyou:


Nice to see you here, trust you and the family are well, and that you now have a three way 1801?

Thank you for your comments, very nice to hear them!   :rock:

Now that the USD is making a meteoric rise, the two candidates have chosen their running mates, Georgia has settled, Gustav is spent and 9/11 anniversary is behind us, I'm hoping that the world economy moves ahead and ridicules the naysayers, who insist we are heading into a depression, God forbid.

I have a deep family memory of the Great Depression passed down to me from two generations.  My Grandfather had been a wealthy man, and the GD, followed by half a lifetime of fluttering on the horses, cost him dearly.  I sure hope we do not go through that again......

Audio, I suspect, is a bit like food.  Some like it plain, some like it savory.  In fact, we are lucky we can accommodate these extremes with two very convenient technologies!



David Ellis

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Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #3 on: 14 Sep 2008, 05:16 am »
and that you now have a three way 1801?

er... not a 3 way, but the Accuton C95 midwoofer is better than the W18 midwoofer, and the impact of th 1 1/2" radius roundover was & is shocking.



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Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #4 on: 14 Sep 2008, 07:41 am »
I don't post much because my time is limited and--because I couldn't be happier--I really don't have an audio problem or many questions to ask.

DSK, I never knew we were clones!!! :)  I've been thinking much the same thing for a while now.  Since my last GK1 upgrade with the TKD and Solens caps, I've been sitting down listening each and every chance I get and it still excites and even surprises me just how good my system now is each time I start listening.  But just how many times can one post the same blissfully happy thoughts?  I'm sure that the rest of the hifi world is conditioned to never actually achieving Nirvana and so would rate such posts as this with huge scepticism and cynicism.  And imagine how bad it must make Hugh feel to be told he has done as much as is needed and has little more to achieve. aa


Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #5 on: 14 Sep 2008, 09:17 am »

The truth is that my best is never good enough, I am driven to do better.

I'm waiting on a road test of my old Glass Harmony at present, and on Ron's thoughts on my new preamp circuit.

I'm nervous as a kitten......

Doing a headphone amp at the moment just to pass the time until Dr Who......

Have a lovely holiday!




Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #6 on: 14 Sep 2008, 09:51 am »
Dr Who, brilliant nice to know its still doing the rounds, hope David Tennant stays.

I think there should be a re-make of Blakes 7 too.


PS: not sure about audio nirvana but Im pretty happy at the moment and I want subs before anything else, damn Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling for making the US based Rythmikaudios so expensive.......



Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #7 on: 14 Sep 2008, 09:31 pm »
I resemble these remarks....  :thumb:

The one constant I've noticed as I've moved up the Aspen amplifier food chain is that Hugh's amps have never been the limiting factor, rather, with each iteration, the improved amp has allowed me to focus on what was wrong with the rest of the system. With the Aksa 100 it was the interconnects. With the N+, it was the DAC. With the LF100 it was the power conditioning, and with the Soraya it was (may the Saints forgive me) power delivery and cords. Not that my system ever sounded worse with each increment, but rather, it allowed me to hear 'deeper' into the system and appreciate and hear changes with greater ease.

And when the Aztec/Maya, or whatever sillyass name Hugh gives it comes out, I be at the head of the queue.....

Regards from rainy Quebec City where I'm not even supposed to be thinking about audio,


Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #8 on: 14 Sep 2008, 10:11 pm »
Bonjour Paul,

I had no idea you were travelling again!!

Did you go to the Audio show in Montreal?

Maybe I should leave you to name my next?  Something pre-Columbian, or maybe post-industrial?   :scratch:




Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #9 on: 14 Sep 2008, 10:25 pm »
Couldn't agree more, Peter,

My LF upgrade (100/55/25) at the beginning of the year made me very happy with the extra resolution I was getting - little stuff I'd never heard with the AKSA N+s - but now, with the latest mod to my system, I am in ecstasy!  :drool:  (This upgrade was to replace the MDF frames of my active Maggies with hardwood frames ... Hugh (who is not a big fan of planars!  :P ) said they now sound almost as good as cone speakers!  :lol:  Again, what I'm getting is more resolution and a greater sense of "being there" - so the hardwood frames are allowing me to hear more of what the LFs can deliver.)

Night after night I listen to my system and never get tired of it.  :D  Roll on the GK-1 upgrade caps!  :D




Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #10 on: 14 Sep 2008, 11:33 pm »

I was gobsmacked that night at your home a couple of weeks ago.  I have NEVER heard planars - most particularly, Maggies - deliver that sort of slam and impact!  It not only rivals cone speakers, but betters many.

I doffs me cap - I give credit where it's due, it was a lot of work and expense for you.

ESSs are another matter again.  There is something ethereal, almost supernatural about an electrostatic.  I liken it to a harp played in heaven, and there is no doubt that on acoustic instruments and voice, the ESS is king.  However, they have a pinprick imaging spot, and generally they lack slam and impact, and even with hardwood frames like your Maggies now I doubt you could remedy that problem, as the stator voltage is very limited by design, particularly in a humid climate.  And driving them is a real pig - how is it such a transcendental concept looks, to the amp, like shovelling molasses?  (Don't answer that, I know the answer!!)

In Oz a company called Whise has just produced an ESS/Cone hybrid speaker, actively powered.  I'm hearing it this Wednesday, it will be interesting.....




Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #11 on: 15 Sep 2008, 01:30 am »
Did you go to the Audio show in Montreal?

There was an audio show in Montreal?  :scratch:
No, the trip is mostly going to the most expensive restaurants SheWhoMustBeObeyed can find in Montreal and Quebec City. Tomorrow's bank siphon is Laurie Raphael. I'd be just as happy (happier even) with a plate of chichorones and mangu.
A fine meal is a pleasure, but it doesn't give the ongoing joy as the improvement in audio hardware or new software. But after 33 years (it just seems longer), I've learned to just do as I'm told......


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Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #12 on: 15 Sep 2008, 01:35 am »
That's a nice trip Paul ....
 I like both cities....but Montreal a little bit more.... :D

Have fun..... :thumb:

The Audio Show is in the Montreal.


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Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #13 on: 15 Sep 2008, 02:49 am »

The truth is that my best is never good enough, I am driven to do better

I know Hugh.  Having had the delight of hearing your Glass Harmony amps myself, it is extremely difficult to conceive anyone not liking them.

I went the Soraya because I am a bit of a detail freak and yours is the only SS amp I have heard where I can have all that unbelievable detail without the typical SS harshness.  With the GK1 valves added in for a touch of warmth, this combo is perfect for me.  If not, I would be very, very partial to the Glass Harmony option if you offered them as a special build product.

Problem is that I've seen the amount of work and quality components that go into the GH's and I'm sure you would have to charge a worthwhile (to you) price to build them so probably not cheap.  It would probably have to be more than the current crop of budget Chinese valve amps that are around and so expecting a GH for nearer a 'kit' or 'budget' price would be unreasonable I would think.


Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #14 on: 15 Sep 2008, 05:18 am »

Glass Harmony ... Chinese built boards? ... DIY kit? Yes I know, no chance  :lol:

Much as I love my Aspen amps, the DIY bug has drawn me away to have a go at building something else. I feel almost guilty about such disloyalty but I'd guess there are a few of us out here who like the challenge and excitement of putting something together and finding that, not only does it not go up in smoke but it sounds good!


Greg Erskine

Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #15 on: 15 Sep 2008, 08:06 am »
Dr Who, brilliant nice to know its still doing the rounds, hope David Tennant stays.

I think there should be a re-make of Blakes 7 too.

Dr Who and Blakes 7, two of my all time favourite shows. If I remember correctly, in the last episode of Blakes 7 everyone died.......expect that computer thing.

Yeah, my AKSA 55N+ still gets many hours exercise everyday.



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Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #16 on: 15 Sep 2008, 09:07 am »
Dr Who and Blakes 7, two of my all time favourite shows.

And mine Greg.  My modern day favourite (as well as the current Dr. Who series) is Foyle's War. :thumb:


Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #17 on: 15 Sep 2008, 02:56 pm »
Hey AndyR, which maggies are you running and what active xover are you using? i've been thinking about maggies for a minute now,and i heard that the active setup can be mind blowing!

Couldn't agree more, Peter,

My LF upgrade (100/55/25) at the beginning of the year made me very happy with the extra resolution I was getting - little stuff I'd never heard with the AKSA N+s - but now, with the latest mod to my system, I am in ecstasy!  :drool:  (This upgrade was to replace the MDF frames of my active Maggies with hardwood frames ... Hugh (who is not a big fan of planars!  :P ) said they now sound almost as good as cone speakers!  :lol:  Again, what I'm getting is more resolution and a greater sense of "being there" - so the hardwood frames are allowing me to hear more of what the LFs can deliver.)

Night after night I listen to my system and never get tired of it.  :D  Roll on the GK-1 upgrade caps!  :D




Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #18 on: 15 Sep 2008, 04:01 pm »
Did you go to the Audio show in Montreal?

There was an audio show in Montreal?  :scratch:

Hello Paul

Here is the link to the next Montreal audio show in spring 2009;

Hello Hugh

I look at Doctor Who since it's old version with Peter Cushing, I love the new version and never mis an episode, here in Canada Doctor Who next season start september 19th at CBC TV.

Here is a link to a very nice web site about Doctor Who, with historic and lot of photos, including lots from the old versions;




Re: The trouble with True Audio Happiness
« Reply #19 on: 16 Sep 2008, 12:24 am »

Hey AndyR, which maggies are you running and what active xover are you using? i've been thinking about maggies for a minute now,and i heard that the active setup can be mind blowing!

Hi Audfile,

Mind blowing it is, IMO!!   :thumb:

I have IIIas - manufactured in 1987 ... I bought them in the early 90s.  I use 2 of Rod Elliott's 3-way P09 XOs ... except I've modified them to use the stock slopes (not 24dB L-R), with slightly changed -3dB frequencies.

However, active is good but you need to do a whole lot of other things to get them to give what they're capable of!  :D

PM me if you want to know more.

