Isabellina first impressions (and some background)

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Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« on: 18 Aug 2008, 04:14 am »
I've owned or had for extended audition quite a number of DACs over the past two years.

Channel Islands VDA2, PS Audio DL 3, Benchmark DAC1, Zhaolu 2.5, Bel Canto S300iu (integrated amplifier with DAC input), Electrocompaniet ECD-1, Citypulse DA 7.2, Scott Nixon JFET NOS USB DAC, iRock NOS USB DAC, AudioSector/AudioZone NOS USB DAC.

I haven't heard everything, but I've heard a number of DACs over a relatively short time period.  Nothing exotic like Mark Levinson, and no top shelf CD players like, say, Ayon.

I've also heard the Wavelength Brick v2, and the Wavelength Cosecant, but the audition was at a dealer and I've always found that it's very hard for me to really understand how good a component is or how well it will work with the rest of my system without actually having it in my home for a couple of weeks.  When I auditioned the Wavelength products, I came away with the impression that although the Brick was possibly better than my AudioSector/AudioZone DAC, it was a close call and I wasn't willing to pay 4x more money for it.  As for the Cosecant, it really was quite simply out of budget so I didn't seriously consider it.  A little bit of a listen, and then back on the shelf please.

My favourite oversampling DAC was the Electrocompaniet ECD-1.  It is slightly warm, texturally dense, throws a wonderful sound stage, very dynamic, has an extremely low noise floor, and bass is very, very musical with an impressive amount of slam.  When I sold my Antique Sound Labs integrated valve amplifier and bought the Signature 30.2 integrated, I found that despite the obvious warmth of the 30.2, it is also very transparent, and this transparency together with the oversampling nature of the ECD-1 contributed an edginess to the music that gave me significant fatigue after only an hour of listening.  I don't think everyone will necessarily feel this way, perhaps it's just me as I have found that I'm very, very sensitive to digital.  I wasn't willing to give up the dead quiet background of the RWA 30.2, and I had by now heard great things about NOS DACs, so the ECD-1 had to go.

Around the same time I also decided to go the iTunes route as I had an old Apple Powerbook G4 12" I hadn't used for more than 2 years, and I figured using the iPhone as a remote control would be a real kick.  Hence, a USB NOS DAC would be in my future.

I started with the Scott Nixon because it's really quite affordable, and then tried an iRoc.  I liked the iRoc better than the Scott Nixon, but on the recommendation of other AudioCircle members Bucky and Pardales, I took the AudioSector for a spin.  The AudioSector (with USB) is more romantic than the iRoc and also more dynamic.  So I settled on the AudioSector, which is identical to the AudioZone DAC that Paul Candy on 6moons likes so much, except this one has USB input rather than SPDIF.  I like it too, it's really quite musical, and frankly I would have been quite happy with the AudioSector long term if the Isabellina hadn't come around and I hadn't thought longingly of its 100 ohm output impedance and predicted positive effect on dynamics.

NOS DACs are characteristically: non-fatiguing, natural sounding, tonally accurate.
Oversampling DACs, on the other hand are: detailed, accurate, dynamic, throw a great sound stage.

As for the Isabellina, the first 2 hours were miserable, after 5 hours things got quite a bit better, and after 20 hours the DAC started to hit its stride.  After 48 hours now, I'm pleased to report that the Isabellina DAC (using the Powerbook G4 via USB as source, and RWA 30.2 integrated amplifier) is the best NOS DAC I have ever heard.  It is utterly and completely non-fatiguing, effortless and natural.  It is tonally rich and texturally dense.  At the same time it is very dynamic, throws a deep and wide sound stage, and detailed without being overly detailed or analytical.  And (I'm sure this is because it's battery powered) it is dead, dead quiet.  No AC grunge here.  If you're already familiar with the benefits of battery power as applied to amplification, I think you'll find that there's a similar benefit to digital-to-analog conversion.

After having previously paired a Modwright SWL 9.0SE (tube recitified) with the 30.2, and now after hearing the Isabellina source direct to the RWA 30.2 integrated, I am perfectly content and in fact prefer the Isabellina and 30.2 without preamp.  Funds allowing, a world class preamp like the Isabella, Dodd, or Modwright LS might change my mind, but the Isabellina, no doubt because of its outstanding 100 ohm output impedance makes me miss an active gain stage not at all.

In summary, what the Isabellina does very well is balance.  If you're looking for euphonic then get a tube DAC and do some rolling, if you're looking for detail get a Benchmark.  If you're looking for tone, density, neutrality with a touch of warmth, detailed but not too detailed, dynamic but not hi-fi sounding, a dead quiet, black as midnight noise floor, and a sound stage which is wide and tall and deep ... and none of these things in excess, and all of these things in the correct proportion and balance, then I think this is what the Isabellina does exceedingly well.

Vinnie says there's dramatic improvement all the way to 100 hours, and then a little increment improvement after that.  I'll wait another 100 hours, but if first impressions count, I believe I'll be keeping the Isabellina; it's terrific, and I can finally stop searching.
« Last Edit: 25 Oct 2008, 05:42 am by wilsynet »


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Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #1 on: 18 Aug 2008, 04:25 am »
Nice review. Can I ask.....what speakers are in your system ? Thanks... :thumb:


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Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #2 on: 18 Aug 2008, 04:31 am »
Source: Apple Powerbook G4 12" via USB
Integrated Amplifier: Red Wine Audio Signature 30.2
Speakers: Zu Druid Mk IV
Sub-woofer: Zu Mini-Method


Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #3 on: 18 Aug 2008, 04:46 am »
Nicely done Wilsynet.
It is indeed a very forgiving dac that let you enjoy the music , not the component(s).
I am about ready generating my founds for Isabella/Isabellina purchase and should be able to get it next weekend. :drool:

Enjoy your Isabellina DAC and follow up with your impressions when that "magic" 100h mark is reached.

Mariusz :thumb:


Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #4 on: 18 Aug 2008, 10:09 am »
Hi there,

I have been playing my MacBook (suggested by Vinnie, thanks a lot  :notworthy:)and Isabella w/ Isabellina and 30.2 amp for a few weeks now and all I can say - bloody stupendous! Absolutely magical. The sound is warm, full and excited and urges to play music - more and more. I couldn't been happier with the results. Best digital I have come across - ever. Need no more.

Thanks again, Vinnie.



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Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #5 on: 18 Aug 2008, 01:36 pm »

Thanks for the great write-up.  Especially helpful in that you included many of the other DACs that have been on my list of potentials for a while now.  Looks like all those things that matter to me most are well represented in the Isabellina DAC... but I want the preamp too :D.

Like Mariusz, I'm working toward this but may be a bit longer getting there.  Sounds like the wait will be well worth it.

Thanks again,



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Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #6 on: 18 Aug 2008, 03:45 pm »
Nice post Wilsynet;

Interesting to note that I have almost the same system as you (Sig 30.2 Integrated, Druid and Mini Method - front end is iMac running itunes), however i am running a Wavelength Audio Cosecant DAC.

Firstly regarding the Sig 30.2, I am finding that the more hours I get on it, the better and better it sounds. The gap between my reference Wyetech Labs Onyx SET monoblocks with Bent Audio TVC and the 30.2 is closing. The SETs still produce more "air" and holography but the 30.2 is just so warm, smooth and detailed. Really enjoy it with the Druids.

With all the recent positive comments regarding Vinnie's new DAC and preamp I think I am headed for a dilema with the following options.

1. Upgrade the Cosecant to V3 status ($500 upgrade charge on top of the $3500 original purchase price). The upgrade is supposed to be a significant improvement. I really like this DAC and from the decriptions I am hearing it has the same type of sonic signature as the Isabellina.

2. Purchase the Isabella linestage only and run it with the upgraded Cosecant and 30.2.

3. Sell the Cosecant and pick up the Isabella with DAC to run with the 30.2. I would like to see some comments on direct comparisons between the Cosecant (I see 6moons has an upcoming review on the Cosecant V3) and the Isabellina. One thing to consider is with the tube output stage of the Cosecant into the 30.2 integrated am I already essentially getting a good bit of the tube attributes that the Isabella (tube linestage) with built-in DAC (solid state output stage) would provide.
On the other hand, the Isabella with built-in DAC would take the DAC off the grid as well - how much difference this would make I don't know.

I really like the battery concept of Vinnie's gear which essentially takes all of the obsessing over AC purity and line cord nonsence out of the equation (while saving big bucks on after market cords). I have Nuforce amps and it seems that they require a signifcant amount of line cord matching and tweeking to sound their best.

I suppose like a lot of others I'll wait for the 6moons review since it was Srajans "Blue Moon" awards that led me to the Zu Druids and Signature 30.2.

Regardless of any upcoming decisions, I feel like I may be on the way to a system running on battery power without power output tubes.

Any and all comment greatly appreciated.



Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #7 on: 18 Aug 2008, 04:55 pm »
Nice write-up, Wilsynet. Very informative.


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Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #8 on: 18 Aug 2008, 08:36 pm »
Very nice right up Wilsynet.

It is nice to hear that the Isabellina holds its own even with out the tube out put that the Isabella w/ DAC overs. It is also nice to hear that others agree with me on how great this DAC is, especially someone with considerably more experience with other DAC then I do. 

Vinnie R.

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Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #9 on: 19 Aug 2008, 12:43 am »
Hi wilsynet,

What a great write-up, and thank you very much for taking the time to post your initial impressions. 

It is of no surprise that the Isabellina was designed and tested with the Signature 30.2 - so synergy is
a given!

is the best NOS DAC I have ever heard.  It is utterly and completely non-fatiguing, effortless and natural.  It is tonally rich and texturally dense.  At the same time it is very dynamic, throws a deep and wide sound stage, and detailed without being overly detailed or analytical.  And (I'm sure this is because it's battery powered) it is dead, dead quiet.  No AC grunge here.

Even with only 50 hours of use, you are hearing/describing the key sonic characteristics that are EXACTLY what I believe digital should sound like:

- Non-fatiguing
- Effortless
- Natural
- Rich tone and textures to the sound
- Dynamic
- Spacious
- Off-the-grid and free of noise, grain, and hash from noisy AC power

In other words, the opposite of what most analog-lovers would stereotype Digital to sound like.  :wink:

Your post is also much appreciated because of the fact that you are using the Isabellina dac directly into the Signature 30.2 integrated,
and I have received many emails and PM's asking about how this sounds.  Of course I am going to say it sounds amazing... this is my baby!  :green:  It has taken long enough to finally come out with the Isabella and Isabellina, and all these months I kept saying "it will be worth the wait... please be patient - I am still listening and tweaking, still getting it to sound just right - no fine wine before its time. etc., etc." 

So feedback from the customer is always very helpful and appreciated!

Quote from: Eadron
Hi there,

I have been playing my MacBook (suggested by Vinnie, thanks a lot  )and Isabella w/ Isabellina and 30.2 amp for a few weeks now and all I can say - bloody stupendous! Absolutely magical. The sound is warm, full and excited and urges to play music - more and more. I couldn't been happier with the results. Best digital I have come across - ever. Need no more.

Thanks again, Vinnie.


Hi Eadron,

Thank you for your post and am very pleased to know you are enjoying the Isabella/Isabellina/30.2 power amp combo!

I see you are using the Macbook with your Isabella w/ Isabellina and 30.2... nice!  :beer:

Speaking of this... thanks back again to wilsynet who posted this in a different thread:

I am now the proud 3G iPhone user and using the remote application - and it makes for one sweet remote!  :D
Now I am a total Apple "Fanboy," but I can't help it - the user interface is so slick and easy the use, and using lossless files
and USB to the Isabellina dac just sounds so good!   Between that and my analog rig, I always have something to suite my mood and listening cravings!  :drool:

Hi dspringham,

Thank you for calling me today.  I think we covered all the options in detail, but please feel free to contact me again if I can be of service.




Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #10 on: 19 Aug 2008, 09:56 am »
I have to add to my previous post that I have a background with audio hobby for over twenty years. I have owned and used various so called hiend brands (also pretty expensive ones too) during these years. I have also owned pretty decent analog rigs as well and all I can say - I'm gobsmacked by the quality of the sound produced by the Mac+Isabellina+Isabella+30.2 combo.

NOS DACs are my cup of tea and implemented well (as seems to be the case with Vinnie's DAC)the result is nothing but shockingly good.

I say this after approx. 30 hours of use. And is getting better... :drool:



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Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #11 on: 20 Aug 2008, 02:56 pm »
All this is very good, great even, to hear, but is there anybody out there who has heard both Isabellina directly into 30.2 and Isabella/Isabellina into 30.2?

I'd really be interested to hear some of the finer points of the differences between these two setups -- if anybody has heard them both, that is.

Aside from Vinnie, that is -- but his thoughts would also be appreciated ;-).

Wilsynet, I know this is going way out on a limb, but what do you think the addition of a tube pre in the mix might add to the obviously impressive things you're already hearing?  Also, are your Druids the latest models with the upgraded drivers/crossovers?  That will give me some sort of reference against which I can speculate about my own speakers.

Thanks, and sorry for all the questions, but it's a major purchasing decision for me and I want to get it right regardless of whether that means Isabella/Isabellina or stand-alone Isabellina.

-- Jim


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Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #12 on: 20 Aug 2008, 06:19 pm »
The Druids have not been upgraded with the latest driver from Zu.

Based on my previous experience, a good valve line stage will add air, dimensionality, and some extra heft and drive.  These things together will give you more of a sense of thereness and realism that might otherwise by missing. 

When paired with a very, very good preamp, I found that while I gained some air and dimensionality, it also raised the noise floor, and I longed for the sonic purity and midnight black background of Vinnie's battery powered designs.  Like many things, you really only notice this when you hear its absence.

I believe that this sonic purity is preserved intact and whole in the stand alone Isabellina.

My guess is that a world class preamp will add these without sacrificing the sonic purity of Vinnie's design.  Here again I speculate based on reputation only that the Isabella, the Dodd, the Supratek, and the Modwright LS are four such world class preamplifiers.

Of course, you won't go wrong with the Isabellina + 30.2.  However, Vinnie promises that the Isabella with DAC, compared to only the DAC, will take your system to the next level.  Vinnie has a reputation of under promising and over delivering, so I have no doubt that the next level will indeed be notable, dramatic, entirely satisfying.  So if funds allow you to choose the Isabella, by all means, go for the Isabella with DAC.

In this hobby of ours where audio systems can cost more than new cars, the Isabellina is fantastic, or rather fantastic enough for me, for now, and given my budget.  Knowing me, I may purchase the Isabella a year later, but I'll be happy to give Vinnie repeat business ...
« Last Edit: 21 Aug 2008, 03:16 pm by wilsynet »


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Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #13 on: 20 Aug 2008, 08:22 pm »

Thanks -- you made it just that much easier :D.  Seriously, I do appreciate the input and I can see the benefits of going both ways.

I really just need to wait until my new speakers arrive to see how they sound with the 30.2 -- that more than anything should be what I base my final decision on.  The new speakers are supposed to be quite remarkable, but if there is one aspect of them that will demand more attention, it is that they have been described as "less euphonically forgiving" than other SD type speakers.  This is neither a good or bad thing, and probably just means that they are extremely transparent and revealing of everything upstream, and once I can evaulate that with the 30.2 in my room with my current sources and familiar music, then I really don't have enough information to make an informed decision with.  The good news is that none of this can happen until the new speakers arrive anyway -- financially speaking -- so the patience factor is more or less built-in.  I expect to see the speakers sometime in the first week or two of September.

There would be another good reason why the stand-alone isabellina would be a good choice -- I could potentially get one for each system -- one with the 30.2 in the living room, and one for the Carina in the office. :D

Thanks again,



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Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #14 on: 21 Aug 2008, 12:15 am »

I can understand where you're coming from. As far as I can tell nobody (other than Vinnie of course) has compared the three Isabellina systems that could be put together from his offerings:

Isabellina and 30.2 integrated
Isabella (with Isabellina) and 30.2
Isabella (with Isabellina) and 70.2

I suppose you could order both and return one. While Vinnie obviously wouldn't want everyone doing this, I reckon you might be able to work something out with him if you're clear about it from the outset. It would end up costing you in the form of postage for the unit you didn't keep, but it might be a worthwhile price to pay in knowing you ended up making the right choice.


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Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #15 on: 21 Aug 2008, 03:01 pm »
Just picked up my Isabellina today.
Its indeed a sweet DAC. Very well built (like we expect from RWA), and the first impressions from the sound is really positive.

My system: MacBook Pro -> Isabellina -> Signature 30.2 (integrated) -> AKG K1000
Have a handful Stax earspeakers (SR-007BL, 4070, SR-404) I am going to try as well, hooked up to the Signature 30.2 though a Stax SRD-7 Pro.

Another 100 hours, and I will see how this thing "matures".
Thanks Vinnie!  :D

Vinnie R.

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Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #16 on: 22 Aug 2008, 02:37 pm »
I have to add to my previous post that I have a background with audio hobby for over twenty years. I have owned and used various so called hiend brands (also pretty expensive ones too) during these years. I have also owned pretty decent analog rigs as well and all I can say - I'm gobsmacked by the quality of the sound produced by the Mac+Isabellina+Isabella+30.2 combo.

NOS DACs are my cup of tea and implemented well (as seems to be the case with Vinnie's DAC)the result is nothing but shockingly good.

I say this after approx. 30 hours of use. And is getting better... :drool:


Hi Jouni,

Thank you... sounds like you have owned a lot of gear in the last 20+ years and it means a lot to me to read you are drunk on the RWA sound!  :wine:

Quote from: jrebman
All this is very good, great even, to hear, but is there anybody out there who has heard both Isabellina directly into 30.2 and Isabella/Isabellina into 30.2?

I'd really be interested to hear some of the finer points of the differences between these two setups -- if anybody has heard them both, that is.

Aside from Vinnie, that is -- but his thoughts would also be appreciated .

Hi Jim,

Of course I have heard them both.  The Signature 30.2 integrated + Isabellina dac is a match made in heaven, and wilysnet has done a very nice job mentioning  the key attributes of the sound with this pairing.  This is very hard to beat in its price range and if you are on a budget, you will NOT be disappointed with this pairing.

Adding the Isabella into the mix gives the listener an "eargasm"  - simply put.  :wink:
Isabella adds even more of the following:

1) Richness of tone
2) A greater sense of space and dimensionality, more layering of the soundstage
3) More "air" (I used to dislike this term, but with the Isabella in the mix I understand what people mean by this... the sound "breathes" more - much closer to the 'you are there' experience). 
4) Vocals are even more seductive
5) Dynamics in the music are more life-like
6) The top end is even more extended - this has a lot to do with numbers 2 and 3 above.

As Wilsynet mentioned above:

Based on my previous experience, a good valve line stage will add air, dimensionality, and some extra heft and drive.  These things together will give you more of a sense of thereness and realism that might otherwise by missing. 


Also please note:

To those who purchase the Isabellina dac - this can always be later installed in the Isabella preamp.  The Isabella with built-in dac is $5500.  If you were to buy them separately, the Isabella line-stage ($4000) + Isabellina stand-alone unit ($2500) is $6500.  You save $1000 when you buy them in the all-in-one Isabella w/ dac.

However, I will gladly take back an Isabellina, remove its dac board, install it in a Isabella, and sell the Isabella for $3000 (so you don't lose the $1000 because you bought them separately).

Red Wine Audio wants to have long-term relationships with all our customers, and this requires that we make the effort in offering am upgrade path (e.g. the Sig 30 and Sig 70 partial and full upgrades to the 30.2 and 70.2) that works for our customers, so always feel free to contact us about upgrading.  No need to sell your Isabellina on audiogon and take a hit on your purhcase because you want to upgrade to our Isabella with built-in Isabellina. Always feel free to contact me.

Hi Krmathis,

Glad your Isabellina arrived safely and you are enjoying it... please keep us posted!

Best regards,



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Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #17 on: 22 Aug 2008, 03:29 pm »
Hi Krmathis,
Glad your Isabellina arrived safely and you are enjoying it... please keep us posted!

Best regards,
It arrived safely, and I am really enjoying its performance.

I will attend a local meeting next weekend, where a handful persons will be exposed to the Isabellina and 30.2. I will certainly keep you guys posted.  :thumb:


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Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #18 on: 23 Aug 2008, 07:40 pm »

I have the CI VDA-2 paired with a Sig 30.  Can you share some insight on what to expect with the upgrade to the Isabellina.  I need to decide whether to go the Isabellina route with the  Sig 30 or upgrade to the Sig 30.2 and stay with the VDA-2.  Any insight would be appreciated.


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Re: Isabellina first impressions (and some background)
« Reply #19 on: 24 Aug 2008, 01:05 am »
Do both? =)

The VDA-2, while its output stage is designed to reduce glare and edge, is nevertheless (to me) solid state sounding.  The ECD-1 is less solid state sounding, and has the virtue of being more "full" when compared to the VDA-2.  This review on Head-Fi puts the two head to head:

The VDA-2 was more resolving, but the ECD-1 was still the preferred DAC.  But at 1/4 the price, the VDA-2 is certainly a giant killer and I wouldn't dispute that.  Even so, my ears tell me that the VDA-2 is rather solid state sounding, and the ECD-1 less so.    With respect to a DAC to be listened to every day, I preferred the ECD-1, as does the reviewer linked above.

The Isabellina, in contrast, does not sound solid state at all.  If you care about musicality, and for lack of a better definition, I'll say a natural presentation of music, the Isabellina is for you.  It's hard to describe the NOS sound in in words but when you hear it you'll know.  And the Isabellina is, in my opinion, a world class execution of the NOS DAC.  I do not believe you will miss the solid state sound once you've heard the Isabellina, and it's presentation of music is one you can live with every day, day in and day out.

Because the Isabellina does not do oversampling and does not claim any special jitter reducing features, I expect that quality of transport will be a significant variable to the quality of music reproduction.  USB is a good choice, and with the Isabellina, probably the best choice if you want to exploit the Isabellina fully.  Thankfully, it turns out that a Macintosh or a PC (with the appropriate third party USB audio drivers) acting as USB audio source is one of the best values in audio transports today.

(I strongly, strongly discourage use of TOSLink.  It always sounds hard and overly digital to me no matter what I do.)

If it turns out that NOS is your cup of tea, then I don't believe you'll go wrong with the Isabellina, especially if you're using a computer based transport and USB.
« Last Edit: 24 Aug 2008, 07:44 am by wilsynet »