Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?

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Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #20 on: 18 Aug 2008, 03:33 pm »
It is pretty ridiculous once you add things up. We had DirectV for a long time until I wanted to upgrade to HDTV, after researching, FIOS was a better deal. However, it is still not inexpensive by any means. We pay approximately $140.00 a month for 15Mbps of Internet, Phone (Unlimited LD), and TV Programming which does include HBO as I am a big fan of their programming (Entourage, Big Love, Curb, etc). This also includes 3 HD-DVR boxes for each of our Televisions.

Still that is $1680.00 a Year.. OUCH.



Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #21 on: 18 Aug 2008, 04:04 pm »
just get plain internet and download tv via bit torrent instead.

or ... read books from the library :P


Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #23 on: 20 Aug 2008, 02:40 pm »
Cripes, you guys, I don't feel I have time to watch TV. I do make a point to try and read the paper in my local cafe.


Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #24 on: 20 Aug 2008, 05:15 pm »
By sheer luck I was able to avert this insidious cable scam.  I don't know if others will have the same results, but you can only hope. 

Years ago I was victimized by the local cable mafia, and forced to watch hours of cable TV programs as well as toil for hours online.  I was paying $45 a month for internet and about the same for cable TV.  But every man has his breaking point and the time comes when he must rise up against his oppressors.  I was going to show these evil scammers who's boss!  So I called up Time Warner and said to the operator,  "Hi, I'd like to cancel my cable TV service."  In summary they said "Okay."  Next thing I knew the cable was out and my monthly bill was cut in half!  They did however insist that I continue to toil for hours online or they would cut my thumbs off. 

I know not everyone has the knowledge, resources and steely courage required to stand up to the tricksy cable scammers, but it can be done if you believe in yourself.  Of course, evil scams are always around the bend and now I've been victimized by the hateful scumlords of Netflix who charge me $13.99 per month to mail me DVDs.  I'm also victimized by the YouTube scammers, who don't actually charge a monthly rate for watching their addictive, poor quality video content, but I think there is a vast conspiracy with the cable mafia to deliver this deceitful media to my home.


Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #25 on: 20 Aug 2008, 06:46 pm »
From the Washington Times:

FCC chief slams cable rates
Martin sees ineffective competition

The nation's top media regulator says he doesn't have the power to solve the "single biggest problem" facing media consumers and isn't counting on Congress to act any time soon.

But Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin J. Martin said the inability of cable subscribers to choose among channels is keeping prices high and is a sign that the market isn't working.
« Last Edit: 20 Aug 2008, 08:42 pm by bprice2 »


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Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #26 on: 20 Aug 2008, 07:53 pm »
I decided to rebel.  I just want internet access, but to get that you need cable or telephone.  Or you need to pay out the nose. 

So, I have nothing -- no cable, phone, or internet.  If I need to check email or surf the web at home, I use my iPhone, or walk back to the office, or go to a coffee shop.  I buy television shows on iTunes, or I wait for the series DVDs. 

$45-100/month to waste time is just not a great deal.  :duh:


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Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #27 on: 20 Aug 2008, 08:37 pm »
Why is cable such a scam?  Where I live, there's no competition.  I can't get high speed internet access from the phone company, and I have too many trees to get satellite.  There's no FIOS.  I'm stuck with cable.

That's your way of looking at it - and yes you could say that about so many things - but isn't all relevent to how much money you have - for the most part . We have so many issues around money - and what people charge for things. If we had in our minds a comfortable amount - on hand - invested or in the bank - it wouldn't be so much of an issue.



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Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #28 on: 22 Aug 2008, 02:59 am »
The best way to lower your bill is to call up CUSTOMER RETENTION. Don't try talking to " Hi my name is John" in India. As soon as you get someone on the line just say " customer retention" When you get customer retention explain to them that you have been getting a lot of flyers in the mail for Directv and dishnet with some great offers. Tell them that your wife is pressurizing you to swap to save money but you want to stay with them as you've been a long term loyal customer. They will find a way to significantly lower your bill. I advise all my clients to do this with their chosen program provider and 99 % of the time it works.

I had my wife call Comcast Customer Retention, she got our bill lowered by $40 for one year (under a new ciustomer special) and also we get their top package with ALL the channels.  I previously only had premium channels HBO and Starz.  The Rep. says she will work on some other options and f/u tomorrow.  Seemed fairly easy for her to give us one of those specials, wonder if we should push a little harder or take the money and run? A $40 saving with all the channels isn't too bad.

Thanks Electricbear  :thumb:


Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #29 on: 23 Aug 2008, 10:26 pm »
I know you're talking about cable TV, but I think my cable internet is a bargain. Rockin' fast (T1 speed), pretty much problem free and all for $50/month. Hey, somebody's got to stick up for the corporate giants....right?   :D


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Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #30 on: 25 Aug 2008, 02:14 pm »
Throw away the TV and the internet and concentrate on hifi.  Then you'll really find out how much cable(s) can cost!
I decided to rebel.  I just want internet access, but to get that you need cable or telephone.  Or you need to pay out the nose. 

So, I have nothing -- no cable, phone, or internet.  If I need to check email or surf the web at home, I use my iPhone, or walk back to the office, or go to a coffee shop.  I buy television shows on iTunes, or I wait for the series DVDs. 

$45-100/month to waste time is just not a great deal.  :duh:
Cripes, you guys, I don't feel I have time to watch TV. I do make a point to try and read the paper in my local cafe.
I salute you. I'm in the UK and I use Freeview (free terrestrial digital) and refuse to pay a penny for cable or Sky (subscription TV). Life's too short to spend it watching TV anyway.


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Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #31 on: 25 Aug 2008, 03:20 pm »
I'm glad you guys can live without T.V., I can't or haven't tried (obviously I'm sure I could.)  but I'm a big sports fan and I like to laugh so T.V. helps alot in these areas (sports, comedies & science stuff is pretty much what I watch.)  Would be very expensive for me to attend a lot of live sporting events and even harder to find people to tell me jokes all day.  So the cable bandits get my money, which I don't have a big problem with as long as the content is rich and the quality of service is good.


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Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #32 on: 25 Aug 2008, 03:29 pm »
Anybody read books anymore? :scratch: Are books becoming obsolete and the human central nervous system becoming one with the internet and the mass electronic media?

« Last Edit: 25 Aug 2008, 04:52 pm by rajacat »


Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #33 on: 25 Aug 2008, 03:54 pm »
never watch tv, nothing on at all and I had cable for 3 months and found it just took longer to realise there is nothing on worth watching :P


Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #34 on: 25 Aug 2008, 04:12 pm »
Amen Brother!!!!!

The BEST (NOT!) part about the whole cable/direct TV, etc. is that it was originally pitched and started out commerical free!!! When's the last time you saw any channels that didn't have commercials, hell half of them are full time infommercial or shopping network crap now. Talk about a scam.

Here are my suggestions for partially escaping the Cable quandry.

1) Listen to more music....
2) Join a service like Netflix, I never watch commercials, it's ridicuously cheap compared to cable and I get to totally control programming.
3) Read more while you're listening to that music. Your local library (funded by your tax dollars) is an endless source of entertainment for virtually no cost.
4) Simplify your life and get rid of all possible cash flow drain. You might be totally surprised at how rewarding it is to just unplug yourself from all the streams of meaningless data (mostly marketing) that is continually pumped at us.
5) Spend some of all that money you're saving to buy DVD's of your favorite movies and shows so you can view them anytime you want for nothing.

I have basic cable because it came bundled with the condo building I live in or I wouldn't have it at all. Aside from some of the Olympics coverage I can't tell you the last time I sat down and watched any of the regular programming. If I do watch any of the programming it's always from a TV recorder called a 'Telly' where I can zip through all the crap and only watch the content.

Cable only works because people are 'willing' to continue to sponser it with their hard earned dollars. Dont invest in what you don't believe in.

If some of us wonder why we are in a financial crisis, look at all the things we are buying (and get nothing) like cable TV, internet, land phone, cell phone, pagers and on and on. Yet, the irony of it all is that we perhaps communicate the poorest ever in the history of man. We use many words and express so little. I see some people that might as well have their cell phone permanently attached to their ear. My friend, Howard, comes over for a half an hour, talks 25 minutes on the phone, and then has to leave. Hey, Howard, thanks for coming by.

Here is what really pisses me off about cable: The Big Ten negotiated with FSN and created a new network called "the Big Ten Network". Of course last year I couldn't watch one Gophers football or basketball game cause they were all on this POS network that almost no one can get. The Big Ten network is busy holding all of the cable franchises hostage as they try and negotiate their millions of dollars cable play, that will jack everyones price up, big time. These people SUCK. By the way, I thought my Peoples Republic of Minnesota taxes, supported the U of M junk and then I can't even watch a frickin Gophers game unless I pay up the ass. Who put the product on the field? Who financed the new stadium? Dumb suckers like me. Long live the hammer and sickle.

Now back to my book: The Revolution, a Manifesto, by Ron Paul.

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #35 on: 25 Aug 2008, 04:37 pm »
2) Join a service like Netflix,
YUP!  aa

I pay $76/month for DirecTv and don't even watch the darn thing. There's one show a year that I'm even remotely interested in (and I could stop watching that without having withdrawls). The only reason I have it is for the wife and kids.  :roll:
I'll shill for Netflix anyday of the week. We watch about 12-15 movies a month for....what...$14.
That's nothing financially, but provides about 24-30 hours a month in entertainment.  :thumb:



Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #36 on: 25 Aug 2008, 07:17 pm »
I happy pay DISH every month for the most HDTV available anywhere.  I started with them years ago because they had first HD service in my area and have been the category leader since.  Charter is our cable provider and they SUCK.  Trail TimeWarner by 12-18 months in technology, compress the hell out of their signal and charge through the nose.  I HAVE to have them for broadband though, because, like others we don't yet have FIOS in our area and the wireless broadband provider in our area doesn't work for us because of line of sight issues.  So we paid whatever the current subscriber rate was for Charter's crap internet and customer service.  About a year or maybe two ago they were running a deal for new subscribers that would give them 3mb down / 512k up for $19/month.  I called to gripe that I was paying more than double that for less and they lowered me to that rate.  Now I just call them every 6 months and get the new subscriber rate as well.

Works great - even though I still look forward to the day when I can call them with a big FU and tell them to stick their service.

It's all about competition and under the guise of needing to recoup the costs of their infrastructure they were allowed monopoly market areas, of course with close govt. regulation.  Ya, thanks, bend me over with NO lube.

On a side note - but still related - how is it that Sirius and XM are being allowed to "merge" but the powers decided that Dish and Direct was unallowed because it would negatively impact competition?!?  Uh, hello, the CHOICE is between Cable and Sat. NOT between Dish and Direct.  If they had been allowed to merge they could have used the redundant sats to provided more and better programming and undercut cable prices at the same time.  Which, of course, is why it failed - the cable TV lobby wouldn't allow it.  But it's OK for XM and Sirius to merge because that doesn't retard competition.  WTF?!?   :duh:

And, yet, Dish and Direct still offer more and better programming, better hardware and more HD than cable without the ability to add in VOIP and ISP services.  So, ya, I do believe cable is a huge scam.


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Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #37 on: 25 Aug 2008, 08:59 pm »
You really think this is not a scam of the first order?  Pleeeeze...


Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #38 on: 25 Aug 2008, 09:47 pm »
Ya, thanks, bend me over with NO lube.
Dude.....I've been BEGGING to be bent over with OR without lube for MONTHS now.
{Not what you're thinking....  :nono: .....}
I've been arguing with AT&T since...well, I don't know how long now, but a dammed long time to get me some highspeed out here in the sticks. The houses that flank me across the street on both sides have it and the bastards tell me I can't have it, and there's no way I can have it either. E*V*E*R
I've talked to other folks in my area that have satellite internet/TV/Phone etc... and the internet is about a half step better than dial-up and 5X the price.
Unbelievable how frustrating it is to BEG a company to take $100+ per month from you and they won't do it.
I even flagged down an AT&T lineman as he was driving by and he told me to go F--- myself.
I'm beginning to take this personal.  :evil:
Between DirecTv and AT&T dial-up I'm stuck in the 80's technologically speaking.  :duh:

Bob - Rant over

Ed Schilling

Re: Is cable one of the biggest scams ever?
« Reply #39 on: 25 Aug 2008, 11:04 pm »
Have you tried offering to buy a wireless router for your neighbor and split the bill with him? Maybe if you explained your situation he might be inclined. You could easily build an antenna to pick the signal up. Try this calculator to get the diameter and location of the slot...

Use a usb wireless adapter instead of the wire and coax. Cut a slot at the correct spot and slide the thing most of the way in. Hook a usb cable to it, plug it in the computer and you're good to go. Easy and effective.

I'd let my neighbor hop on mine....especially if he split the bill and bought me a router!