Apogee DUET + iTunes, advise about setting sample rate

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Hi all.

Hope someone can throw some light on this for me. Firstly, I am TOTALLY new to computer audio and digitally illiterate!

I am using the DUET with iTunes and a MacBook. It is ONLY for audio playback within a hi-end audiophile audio system. All my cd's have been ripped into iTunes in AIFF.

Now this is what I am confused...... there is talk of AudioMidi, Core Audo, Quicktime, iTunes, Maestro ....... and what sample rate should be set where. I only have this set up since yesterday, but my impressions are that using 44/16 the top end is somewhat sterile.... if I change things to 96k in AudioMidi then the top end is a little lifeless. I was under the impression, be it right or wrong that setting to 96k would mean that the original 44/16 would be upsampled to 96/24 and that playback would be enhanced. But listening does not agree with this.

I mailed Apogee and the tech dept did not help and they suggested I contact Apple pose this question to Apple since in essence we're talking about software algorithms as well.

I have read differing opinions about setting the sample rate in AUdioMidi at 96k and forget about it then, but likewise I have also read the opposite in that I should set it to what the source is.... thats why I am a little confused. I was using the KingRex DAC prior to this but honestly I do not like it at ALL - very hi-fi sounding if you know what I mean. It is bass heavy and a searing bright top end, indeed I thought that there was something amiss with my system and the Airport Express actually sounded better, much more natural, believe it  or not!

The Apogee DUET is truly in another league altogether and while I was expecting an improvement, I was not prepared for the amazing sound from the DUET. Astonishing bass definition, punch and tonal qualities. A soundstage that has opened up considerably. In the past I can now say that by comparrison, it was like listening outside a venue and now with the APogee DUET I have walked through the doors and I am there!

Then again, it has literally only been in use since yesterday and we will see what develops after some burn-in hours.

I am using this in conjunction with my 300B amplifiers and Full range single drivers.

Is there anyone out there using the DUET in a similar situation as I am and I am sure that thre are many... if so how have you got everything set?

Hope that someone can shed some light on this for me.

Thanks in advance to anyone whomay care to help.



Re: Apogee DUET + iTunes, advise about setting sample rate
« Reply #1 on: 12 Jun 2008, 10:26 am »
Some basics: AudioMidi is the utility used to set word length and sample rate i/o for CoreAudio as well as iTunes. Both CoreAudio and iTunes offer their own sample rate conversion algorithms, with iTunes' SRC being of a significantly higher quality. Whenever any changes are made in AudioMidi, iTunes must be restarted for the settings to take effect. That said, whether upsampling is better or not is really a subjective issue. I personally prefer setting AudioMidi to match the source material (which is 16/44.1 99% of the time). Others prefer setting it to 24/96 and upsampling most of their material. I don't have any experience with the Duet, but I'd let things settle in for a bit while switching upsampling on and off to see what you prefer.


Re: Apogee DUET + iTunes, advise about setting sample rate
« Reply #2 on: 17 Jan 2009, 06:55 am »
Crimson (or others):

I just got a new MacBook (older version, not the newest glossy one).  I'm looking around for AudioMidi to at least look at the audio settings, but I can't seem to locate it on my machine.  I am running Leopard -- does the application/library go by a different name at this point?  Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,  -dB

Some basics: AudioMidi is the utility used to set word length and sample rate i/o for CoreAudio as well as iTunes. Both CoreAudio and iTunes offer their own sample rate conversion algorithms, with iTunes' SRC being of a significantly higher quality. Whenever any changes are made in AudioMidi, iTunes must be restarted for the settings to take effect. That said, whether upsampling is better or not is really a subjective issue. I personally prefer setting AudioMidi to match the source material (which is 16/44.1 99% of the time). Others prefer setting it to 24/96 and upsampling most of their material. I don't have any experience with the Duet, but I'd let things settle in for a bit while switching upsampling on and off to see what you prefer.

bob stern

  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 44
Audio MIDI Setup
« Reply #3 on: 17 Jan 2009, 08:51 am »
"Audio MIDI Setup" is in the Utilities folder within the Applications folder.

After you launch it, you can drag its icon in the Dock to a different position within the Dock, and thereafter it will remain in the Dock permanently to facilitate launching it.  Alternatively, after you launch it once you can find it in Apple menu > Recent items.

Nels Ferre

Re: Apogee DUET + iTunes, advise about setting sample rate
« Reply #4 on: 18 Jan 2009, 05:47 pm »

Assuming your new MacBook is running Leopard, you can use spotlight to quickly find anything. It is the magnifying glass icon on the top right of your screen. Click it and type "Midi" and you will see it. Click on the icon for Midi. You are there.



Re: Apogee DUET + iTunes, advise about setting sample rate
« Reply #5 on: 18 Jan 2009, 10:49 pm »
Coolness!  Yes, I have Leopard.  Thanks guys, both solutions were just what I needed.
