What games are you playing?

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What games are you playing?
« on: 30 Oct 2003, 04:16 am »
What games are you playing a lot of these days? What platform?


What games are you playing?
« Reply #1 on: 30 Oct 2003, 04:27 am »
Age Of Mythology. .  

Non-Stop until Half-Life 2 is out!  I was a Half-Life/Counterstrike multi-player for years up until discovering AOM.  There are too damned many HACKERS in CS now.  Any game that's out for 3-4 years will get that way when the updates are few and far between.

AOM's badass. . . !!!!


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What games are you playing?
« Reply #2 on: 30 Oct 2003, 04:31 am »
About to start on Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne.  I'm hoping it will be as good as the first one, which set the standard for FPS and cinematic storyline that nothing else has reached, IMO.


What games are you playing?
« Reply #3 on: 30 Oct 2003, 05:47 am »
When time permits on the weekends:

Crimson Skies -- Xbox
Freedom Fighters--Xbox

Max Payne 2 -- PC

Ordered the new Tennis game for the Xbox.  It's supposed to be phenomenally addictive with online multiplayer gameplay along with Crimson Skies.  :)

SSX 3 also looks like a winner:  http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/914647.asp


What games are you playing?
« Reply #4 on: 30 Oct 2003, 05:52 am »

For game rankings by the mags and gamers:



What games are you playing?
« Reply #5 on: 30 Oct 2003, 06:23 am »
I just finished KOTOR on Xbox- great RPG!!!!  I just picked up Crimson Skies, Top Spin, and Rainbow Six in the Toys R Us 2 for 1 deal on Xbox so I'll be playing those online soon.

For gamecube, I've been playing the amazing Viewtiful Joe and Soul Calibur 2.  There is an unbelievable glut of great games right now- too many games, too little time :cry:


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What games are you playing?
« Reply #6 on: 30 Oct 2003, 06:25 am »
What is the 2 for 1 deal?


What games are you playing?
« Reply #7 on: 30 Oct 2003, 06:44 am »
Toys R Us is running a buy 2 games get 1 free promotion until November 1st.  I took advantage of it for my Gamecube last week and took advantage of it for my Xbox this week.  http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/browse/-/171280/ref%3Drd%5Ftru%5Fhp%5FSTE/002-4302094-7124814


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What games are you playing?
« Reply #8 on: 30 Oct 2003, 06:56 am »
thanks I'll check it out at the local store too.


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What games are you playing?
« Reply #9 on: 30 Oct 2003, 07:21 pm »
Cube has a game out called Viewtiful Joe that we've been playing a bunch of 'round here.  Its in the vein of those old school 2D fighting games but its not quite 2D either.  Hard too explain without showing it.  Its only 1 player but 3 of us manage to have a good time playing just taking turns.  We were playing Soul Calibur but it was occupying a little too much time so some of us gave it up.  One game that I am thinking about getting is F-Zero GX.  One of the fastest racers I have ever played. Incredibly intense.  We have our 'Box hooked up but we havn't really touched it.  The cube has been getting almost all of the action.  

I'd play more PC games but the GF4 4400 is starting to show its age... I was going to pick up a new card when HL2 came out but since its been delayed who knows when I'll get one.


What games are you playing?
« Reply #10 on: 30 Oct 2003, 07:42 pm »
I agree wholeheartedly about Viewtiful JOE!!!!!  Unbelievably fun game.  

I used to play my GCN way more than my Xbox because there are far more deeeeeeep single player titles on it (e.g., Metroid Prime, Zelda, SMS, Skies of Arcadia), but have been playing my Xbox like crazy now that I have Xbox Live 8)  8)

It's really fun to play against others, but for single player immersion, I usually go to my cube.  That changed when KOTOR came out and will probably change when I get the GTA 2 pack, but for now, I'm doing single player stuff on GCN and multiplayer on the Xbox.