ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!

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Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #480 on: 2 Dec 2008, 07:50 pm »
Mark, I would suggest trying the rca cleartop (or other similar tube) 6CG7. They are very detailed and transparent. They are the signal tubes I use in my TP.


Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #481 on: 2 Dec 2008, 08:24 pm »
Thanks David,

I was actually looking at those black sable 6CG7's from tube depot.... does anyone know anything about them...?

By the way.... sorry I put my Musician 111 up at the same time as you on AG.... not on purpose. :oops:


Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #482 on: 2 Dec 2008, 09:11 pm »
Thanks David,

I was actually looking at those black sable 6CG7's from tube depot.... does anyone know anything about them...?

I purchased a pair of RCA "Kuhl" 6CG7's from Tube World.  They replaced the stock signal tubes and I ran them with a GZ-32 (also a Kuhl Tube from Tube World).  I replaced the 6CG7's with the 6H30DRs and have honestly never felt the DRs sounded better than the 6CG7's in my system.  Prior to switching back from the DR's I switched the GZ-32 for a MB-GZ-34.  The MB was such a drastic improvement over the GZ-32 that I never returned to the 6CG7's.

My Transporter is due back from Dan tomorrow with the Turbo and Bybee upgrades.  Of course I will listen to it some but I expect it to run 24/7 into shut-off amps for a couple of weeks for break-in.  I will then seriously evaluate the GZ-32 vs. MB and the 6CG7's vs. the DRs. 

Keep us posted on your results and someday I look forward to trying one of the EML-5U4G Mesh Tubes.  Like the MBs they are scarce!



Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #483 on: 2 Dec 2008, 09:33 pm »
Thanks David,

I was actually looking at those black sable 6CG7's from tube depot.... does anyone know anything about them...?

By the way.... sorry I put my Musician 111 up at the same time as you on AG.... not on purpose. :oops:

Thanks for the apology, I appreciate it. Mine is actually sold now to another AC member. It is headed his way right now and I look forward to his impressions of it.

Call Brent Jessie at   he has a real nice selection of 6CG7's and he offers a 30-day in-home trial of the tubes  :thumb:


Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #484 on: 2 Dec 2008, 09:52 pm »
Here is something very interesting that I just found out. The Emission Labs 274B tube is a drop-in replacement voltage wise to the 5AR4. This is another Emissions Labs tube that we could try that is currently in stock.


Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #485 on: 2 Dec 2008, 10:03 pm »
Here is something very interesting that I just found out. The Emission Labs 274B tube is a drop-in replacement voltage wise to the 5AR4. This is another Emissions Labs tube that we could try that is currently in stock.

Probably like many on this site I have been searching the internet for information on the EML-5U4G Tubes.  There are two versions of the tube, one with solid plates and one with the woven mesh.  Apparently, Sylvania made a 5U4G tube with woven mesh in the 1940's (apparently a great tube if you can find one).  Reviewers claim that the tubes with the woven mesh are far superior to the ones with the solid plates and also superior to the ones made with punched mesh plates. 

Based on my research the 5U4G Mesh tube is on my must have list.  I don't know how Phil is making out but they do not seem to be available to purchase today!



Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #486 on: 2 Dec 2008, 10:06 pm »
I know Phil has been in contact with George as have I. He has the solid plate version in stock but not the mesh. The mesh is roughly a month out.


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Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #487 on: 3 Dec 2008, 05:04 am »

I still love the DR's but crave the extra detail from 6N1P's/6N6P's, the latter types are smoothed off by the mod.  If the EML adds more softening then this could be a great combination for detail freaks like me.  

What do you mean by the phrase "the latter types are smoothed off by the mod"?  Do you mean that the mod has rolled off the top end of the 6N1P's, and is that good or bad for you?  Why I'm asking is that I went back when I read this and grabbed my pedestrian Sovtek 6N1P's and let them play for 24 hrs.  Then tonight I fired them up.  Detail?  Can you say detail?  Wow, are these the detail kings!  And yes, I, too, am a detail freak.  They are just a little bit midrange shy, even with the Tung Sol 5U4GB's.  Actauilly, so far a nice combo are the 6N1P's and a Philips GZ32...smooth and nice,; not as dynamic as some, but a nice combo nonetheless, now that the mod adds the weight (I will keep saying that i believe the mod has changed my tube rolling to a large extent).  Keep in mind I have a pair of DR's in the 36.5, along with a pair of metal bases, so that's what's downstream. 

Net/net, the 6N1P's have a broad soundstage and tons of gain.  With the weightier sound of the mod the 6N1P's have enough to get them to the next round with a majority of music.  I like them better than my one pair of 6N6P's.  I still haven't opend the other pair I won.  I'd love to hear them (6N1P's) with a mesh plate Emissions Labs!  :green:


Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #488 on: 3 Dec 2008, 06:06 am »
Has anyone considered the Sophia Princess in its various versions...?  On the headfi forums the EML and Sophia seem to be the main contenders.  As much as I am over the moon with the EML, I would love to see a comparison of the two in the MWT...?


Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #489 on: 3 Dec 2008, 07:12 am »
I was just reading some of those comparisons last night, but haven't delved too far into the princess.  If she is a shorter tube I may have to take her for a roll in the hay...  :o er, I mean Transporter.

edit:  Just checked and she is a big girl, a little smaller than the EML though.  And not a cheap date!  Seems to be a close second in preference to the EML tube...


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Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #490 on: 3 Dec 2008, 02:05 pm »
Has anyone considered the Sophia Princess in its various versions...?  On the headfi forums the EML and Sophia seem to be the main contenders.  As much as I am over the moon with the EML, I would love to see a comparison of the two in the MWT...?

This post may perhaps be of interest:


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Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #491 on: 3 Dec 2008, 06:09 pm »
edit:  Just checked and she is a big girl, a little smaller than the EML though.  And not a cheap date!  Seems to be a close second in preference to the EML tube...
Forgive me if this has been answered somewhere, but will this fit into the tube-rectified PS 9.0, that I might try it with my 3910?


Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #492 on: 3 Dec 2008, 11:45 pm »
edit:  Just checked and she is a big girl, a little smaller than the EML though.  And not a cheap date!  Seems to be a close second in preference to the EML tube...
Forgive me if this has been answered somewhere, but will this fit into the tube-rectified PS 9.0, that I might try it with my 3910?

No. You'll have to have a hole cut in the top of the PS cover (not too difficult as it's just sheet metal).



Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #493 on: 4 Dec 2008, 08:44 pm »
I get my TP with the ps+bybee upgrades back today from Dan.  I'm now looking for recommendations on the 6CG7 Cleartop tubes.

I see a number of different manufactureres/vintage/et al discussed and pricing from $30 to $100/pair.  Is there a general concensus on one type to get?  ie RCA, 60's vintage, clear top, grey plate, side getter, top getter, halo, d-ring, etc.  I don't mind spending a little extra to get the premium stuff, I just want to buy the right tubes one time and enjoy.



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Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #494 on: 4 Dec 2008, 09:29 pm »
I get my TP with the ps+bybee upgrades back today from Dan.  I'm now looking for recommendations on the 6CG7 Cleartop tubes.

I see a number of different manufactureres/vintage/et al discussed and pricing from $30 to $100/pair.  Is there a general concensus on one type to get?  ie RCA, 60's vintage, clear top, grey plate, side getter, top getter, halo, d-ring, etc.  I don't mind spending a little extra to get the premium stuff, I just want to buy the right tubes one time and enjoy.


RCA, to my knowledge, is the only clear top 6FQ7.  They made them in the 60's and 70's.  I'm not aware that one decade was better or worse.  NOS is preferable, of course, to used.  They also made clear top 6CG7's with an electrostatic plate between the grey plates.  I don't own those, though.  A call to Brendan (tubeworld) or Brent Jessie would "clear " things up.   :D   There aren't many variants.


Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #495 on: 4 Dec 2008, 09:50 pm »
Ken, I responded to your PM with some details for you. will set you up with a matched pair of rca cleartops for like $48. and you get a 30 day in-home trial with the tubes  :thumb:


Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #496 on: 5 Dec 2008, 12:49 am »
Excellent - thanks guys.  Thats exactly what I needed.

Thank you!  :thumb:



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Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #497 on: 5 Dec 2008, 05:32 am »
So, here's a wild one.  if you've followed any of my silly wanderings on this thread you'd know I have a pair of DR's and a pair of 5AR4 metal bases in my dual mono 36.5, and so far like the Tung Sol 5U4GB (previously my fave pair in the 36.5) and a pair of Raytheon 6CG7's in the TP.  Well, based on Phil's comments about the great detail in the inexpensive Russian 6n1P's I thought I'd drag them out and try a few rectifiers with them. 

I had my buddy Rob over Tues night (note;  Rob has to be sooooo frickin sick of my eval playlist.  I drag him over to the house and force him to listen as we cycle through it on each tube combo!   :o.  I'm so sorry Rob.  You are indeed a great friend.    :D ).  Anyway....after a long and successful session with both the 6N1P's and the RCA clear tops, along with several rectifiers I came to an interesting idea.  So last night I completely redid the setup.   :icon_surprised:  The different rectifiers (all but the metal bases cuz they were in the pre) married well with the high gain and high detail of the 6N1P's but just left me, a warm midrange and detail guy, a little short in the lower midrange, upper bass department. thinking is this:  why not go back to the TS 5U4GB's in the 36.5, and take advantage of both the weight that the upgrade added, as well as the slight midbass hump in the metal bases (not heard in the pre, but definitely there in the TP) and marry it to the incredible deatil and gain in the 6n1P's.  So last night and tonight I have been listening with that combo (TP with metal base and 6N1P's; pair of DR's and pair of TS 5U4GB's in pre) and I'm liking it very much.  The 3-D aspect of the Tung Sols shine through at the pre, yet the weight and substance of the metal base synergizes nicely with the wide soundstage and detail of the Russian cheapy.  I may come to find some music where it doesn;t work, but so far have never heard stuff like Beck's wet acoustic songs (Mutations, Ramshackle, Farewell Ride, etc.) sound more gutsy and organic.  Daniel Lanois's self produced stuff is another example of where this combo really shines (small inside pun there).  I'll report back on whether it has staying power....but am now even more geeked for the EML 5U4G idea, givenm the great feedback over even the metal bases..


Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #498 on: 5 Dec 2008, 04:08 pm »
Ted, I cannot believe you noticed that midbass hump!! I literally just signed on to talk about it  :o I have been comparing my HW GZ37 to a metal base 5AR4 that a friend loaned me. The most immediate thing I head was a hump in the midbass with the 5AR4. I will say that my highs might be ever so slightly more recessed with the GZ37, but for me it is still my favorite tube. I also tried my Tung-Sol 5U4GB as I keep wanting to like that tube, but things just sounded a bit congested to me. Even after the upgrade I must say that the HW GZ37 is still my favorite rectifier.


Re: ModWright Transporter Tube Rolling Thread.....!
« Reply #499 on: 5 Dec 2008, 04:09 pm »
Ted, if this combo proves to be your favorite combo (at least for today  :wink: ) what about a pair of the Emissions Labs in the 36.5 over the Tung-Sols??