AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?

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Dave G

AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« on: 11 Mar 2008, 08:31 pm »
Are there any owners of Duke LeJeune's Jazz Modules speakers who care to weigh in with their reviews of the speakers?   I've read several positive audio show mini-reviews of Duke's speakers, but I've yet to see anything from a real, live owner.

I'd be interested in anything an owner might want to discuss -- sound, room placement, how they work with rest of your system, how they work with different kinds of music, fit and finish, how they work with different amplifiers, is Duke as good a guy as everybody says? -- whatever.  If you've played any full orchestra or large-scale choral works through the Jazz Modules, I'd especially love to hear how you think the speakers handled them.

For those who aren't familiar with the speakers, here's a description from the AudioKinesis website:  Jazz Modules

Thanks for your help.



Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #1 on: 12 Mar 2008, 12:29 am »
Dukes customer service is second to none.
I came from modded magnepans so direct comparison is not really scientific, IMHO. (but I must compare them to something so damn the torpedoes)
I love that I can park these speakers against the back wall.
I like that the Jazz Modules are tuneable for bass(via a collection of port tuning tubes), and tuneable for treble(via external binding posts for resistor swapping).
The Jazz Modules are set up crossfiring in front of the listener so they are towed in 45%.
They have a room fill that rivals the modded magnepans I had.
The are VERY dynamic, just as Duke advertises, uncompressed peaks up to 120db.
I use my 2ch rig for sound on my gaming set up and gunshots are loud!
The wolfy demo cd has the Copland Fanfare for a Common Man as an opener and the kettle drum really pounds your chest.
They are detailed without being shrill or sybiliant.
They make my amps sound better than I thought they were, FWIW, I am running the Jolida Music Envoys.
I am switching between a Exemplar Audio Exception II linestage and the Randall Museum class linestage.
The speakers have a low level ambiance that is very nice and then you cane them a bit and they really turn on.
They have a split personality, Duke says there are guys running these speakers with 300b SET amps, and I can believe SET amps would give listenable results.
Still too much of a metal whore, not to mention punk, so when the knob goes to 11 these guys don't wilt, get shrill, or do anything bad. They just get very loud and sound very controlled.
Duke says he designed these speakers around the Atma-Sphere 40wpc stereo amp, I can't wait to hear that combination.
Please keep the questions coming, just trying to fill all the gaps.
Regards, Bill

Double Ugly

Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #2 on: 12 Mar 2008, 03:18 am »
... is Duke as good a guy as everybody says?

I don't own his speakers, but the answer to that question is yes.

His speakers sound pretty darned good, too.


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Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #3 on: 12 Mar 2008, 04:06 am »
I heard even Lynn Olson gave his approval and praise at another Audio Forum.

I am now building a 2-way speakers based on a similar concept, ie compression driver and a mid/woofer housed in an MLTL cabinet(floor standing about 80litre tall). The bass will get down flat to about 40Hz. I believe it will sound terrific.


James Romeyn

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Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #4 on: 12 Mar 2008, 07:21 pm »
Are there any owners of Duke LeJeune's Jazz Modules speakers who care to weigh in with their reviews of the speakers?   I've read several positive audio show mini-reviews of Duke's speakers, but I've yet to see anything from a real, live owner.

Sorry not an owner.  Duke lives nearby; I was (happily) invited to hear his Jazz Modules first visit last year & heard the new Dream Maker (bipolar version of JM) more recently.

...sound, room placement

It's terrifying to accept (though will) Duke's gracious offer to bring both models to audition in my room.  It might cause an irrestible desire for another new speaker but am willing to risk it for the audio education.  Soundwise they are among the most musical, very easy on the ears yet very dynamic (a unique combination), easy to drive (almost ruler flat impedance curve above the bass peak), extremely smooth yet very detailed, play all types of music effortlessly (several hours first vist w/ a medium size group of audiofools) & at all volume settings from very quiet to insert (loud) modifier here. 

Duke heard my system.  We agree his speakers would have greater dynamic realism & punch but not quite image/stage as well as my current speakers (among the best in this quality).  Proof of Duke's modesty & honesty: I actually believe his speakers would more closely approximate the image/stage performance of my speakers than does Duke!  That truly is the kind of guy he is.  He may be the most trustworthy & reliable person I've met in this business & may be in any business.  A true audiophile rarity indeed.   

Both models seem easy to site.  Port locations: JM single front, DM dual rear.  DM port is altered to compensate for boundary effects in the case of close proximity to the front wall (behind the speakers).       

Quote they work with different kinds of music, fit and finish, how they work with different amplifiers

JM played w/ equal aplomp every type of music from the several persons in attendance at the first big meeting. I played Dohnanyi's version of Beethoven's 9th at the first meeting (I think) & certainly later on the DM: thrilling! 

is Duke as good a guy as everybody says?

Yes, see above.  He not only let me borrow his Atma-Sphere S-30 Mk III OTL amp, but engineered an outboard XO mod to make it work splendidly w/ my current speakers.  He wanted to charge me for the parts only; I was happy to double that & he almost wouldn't accept it.  He's an A-S dealer.  I can't recommend him highly enough.  I will later purchase an amp from him when finances allow & may purchase speakers too.

I've been very curious about A-S amps for some time.  W/ the xo mod it went from being not acceptable to the best amp I've ever heard, maybe the best money could buy (we're talking only $3500 or so; Duke says he can replicate the mod for speakers having only one impedance peak above the bass range as do mine; possibly might work w/ two peaks.)  I would likely NEVER have discovered how to make the A-S amp work w/ my speakers were it not for Duke. 

From my perspective Duke is among the most knowledgable speaker designers.     

If you've played any full orchestra or large-scale choral works through the Jazz Modules, I'd especially love to hear how you think the speakers handled them.

See above.  This is what really made me desire to hear them at home.

In case Lynn Olson's comments were missed re. the DM:

« Last Edit: 13 Mar 2008, 05:08 pm by ro7939 »


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Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #5 on: 12 Mar 2008, 07:35 pm »
I'm about to pull the trigger on the Jazz Modules myself and have not heard a chance to hear these speakers either, so appreciate the input from those with hands on experience. Was also thinking about the SP Tech's but with my amp (KR Audio Kronzilla SXi) am leaning toward the Audiokinesis. I've talked to Duke a few times and he really is a great guy and generous with his time and advice. I think he will allow a return if you don't like them, but says that has only happened once, due to WAF I believe.

So I'm just about ready to take the plunge.

Dave G

Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #6 on: 12 Mar 2008, 08:30 pm »
Thanks for all the great responses. 

ro7939:  Thanks for your comments on how well the JMs played different types of music, and thanks especially for your summary of the JMs' virtues: 

Soundwise they are among the most musical, very easy on the ears yet very dynamic (a unique combination), easy to drive (almost ruler flat impedance curve above the bass peak), extremely smooth yet very detailed, play all types of music effortlessly (several hours first visit w/ a medium size group of audiofools) & at all volume settings from very quiet to insert (loud) modifier here.

Isn't that what we all want from our speakers? 

Jim/Double Ugly:
I hope it was obvious that my question about whether Duke is a good guy was tongue in cheek.  He's clearly one of the real gems in the business.


Thanks for responding.  I was hoping you’d respond, since I knew from your posts on the NorCal Circle, especially the thread on the February 10 listening session, that you had a new pair of Jazz Modules.  Your comments are really helpful, but I of course have a few questions about some of your comments.

I love that I can park these speakers against the back wall.

That’s good to hear, since I can’t bring my speakers way out into the room – 24 inches or perhaps 30 inches is the most I can do.  But do you really have them backed right up against the wall?  And have you fooled around with placement to see how things change as you move them from place to place?  My sense is that these speakers are not that fussy about placement, but please tell me if you think I’m wrong.

I like that the Jazz Modules are tuneable for bass (via a collection of port tuning tubes), and tuneable for treble (via external binding posts for resistor swapping).

I think I understand how the bass tuning works (the different port tubes change the diameter of the port tube, right?), but I hadn’t realized that these came with the speakers.  Have you tried tuning the bass for your room?  Same goes for treble tuning – have you tried that?  Is this something you’d do by ear?

They are VERY dynamic, just as Duke advertises, uncompressed peaks up to 120db.

Are the dynamics there at lower sound levels?  I tend to listen at about 75-80 dB, with higher peaks.  I don’t necessarily want to be able to play symphonies at concert hall sound levels, but I very much want speakers that can handle the dynamics of that kind of music at lower sound levels. 

They are detailed without being shrill or sibilant.

What about tonal accuracy or purity?  I’ve heard some detailed speakers that did not produce a pleasing or realistic tone.     

The speakers have a low level ambiance that is very nice and then you cane them a bit and they really turn on.

The few comments and mini-reviews I’ve seen tend to talk about how well the Jazz Modules handle louder music, but a lot of what I listen to is small group acoustic music – chamber music, female vocals, acoustic guitar, jazz, bluegrass, folk, etc. – at moderate sound levels.  Your comment that they “have a low level ambiance that is very nice” seems to indicate that you’d agree that the Jazz Modules would be very good on this type of music.  Is that right?     

They make my amps sound better than I thought they were, FWIW, I am running the Jolida Music Envoys. . . .  They have a split personality, Duke says there are guys running these speakers with 300b SET amps, and I can believe SET amps would give listenable results. . . . Duke says he designed these speakers around the Atma-Sphere 40wpc stereo amp, I can't wait to hear that combination.

Your amps (the Jolida Music Envoys) are beasts!  Aren’t they something like 200 wpc?  My current amp, a Red Wine Audio Signature 30, produces only 30 wpc, so it’s nice to hear that others are happy with lower wattage SET amps.  Sounds like the Signature 30 would at least have a chance of playing well with these speakers.

What’s the finish on your speakers?  Maple?  Birch?  I read the thread on the NorCal circle about the February 10 meet at your place and it had some nice pictures of your speakers.  They look great!

Thanks again for all the feedback.



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Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #7 on: 12 Mar 2008, 08:41 pm »
Good drivers count for alot. He is using very, very good drivers, the TAD 1102 and I believe the better BMS compression driver with Nd magnet, and  a modern, DDS 90' waveguide. Add outstanding implementation, and you have a big winner.

I thought his speakers were the best at the show. I really want to hear the DreamMakers. If room were not a consideration, I would be scoping out either one of these gems. Duke is great and you get him in the bargain.

James Romeyn

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Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #8 on: 12 Mar 2008, 09:01 pm »
...Are the dynamics there at lower sound levels?  I tend to listen at about 75-80 dB, with higher peaks.  I don’t necessarily want to be able to play symphonies at concert hall sound levels, but I very much want speakers that can handle the dynamics of that kind of music at lower sound levels...

I'd rate both models well above average in above aspect, maybe as good as you'll get.  Tend toward horn dynamic qualities but no perceived honking/beaming (I'm like Lynn Olson in that I can just not tolerate horns for any significant length of time because of this drawback.)  I've heard horns such as Audio Classics & Edgar Horns that very much minimize but don't completely eliminate that drawback.  

What about tonal accuracy or purity?  I’ve heard some detailed speakers that did not produce a pleasing or realistic tone...

We're just sharing opinions; although I've had a fewexperiences where undisclosed audio opinions turned
out to be almost identical, just as frequently or more often two listeners may differ, esp in fine points, which is where this is going.  I'd rate both models very high in having very good detail w/ completely natural, lifelike tone.  Incredibly this quality seems constant throughout the range from bottom to top.  They might be less "sweet" on top vs. my reference, but now we're really getting personal & I barely know you... :lol: Just reference has among the sweetest treble I've heard & may well veer from nuetral in this respect, but I'd always prefer that vs. the opposite quality.  Even though, in an absolute sense, I might prefer the treble sweetness of my reference vs. Duke's treble, this in no way should be taken as prefering the overall treble performance of one vs. the other.  Plus my CDP, room & cables are different & part of this equation too so take above w/ a grain of salt.

"Pleasing and realistic tone": you will approve unless our ears & systems are far off (always a possibility).

I very much like the overall cosmetics.  I'd rate finish pretty high; not Wilson Audio territory but few things are.  B+.  I like the shape, the wood & the overall cosmetic philosophy.  

It would be a great service to members if Duke eventually got a forum here.  


James Romeyn

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Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #9 on: 12 Mar 2008, 09:16 pm »
Good drivers count for alot. He is using very, very good drivers, the TAD 1102 and I believe the better BMS compression driver with Nd magnet, and  a modern, DDS 90' waveguide. Add outstanding implementation, and you have a big winner.

I thought his speakers were the best at the show. I really want to hear the DreamMakers. If room were not a consideration, I would be scoping out either one of these gems. Duke is great and you get him in the bargain.

Duke & Bill can quote the ratio of parts prices to retail.  I can't remember exactly but it's very impressive & in the buyer's favor.  The price, absolute performance & ease to drive are already great.  Add parts cost to the equation & it looks even sexier.  A great sounding full-range speaker that can play jet plane takeoff levels w/ only 30W is capable of saving a heck of a lot of money as an overall amp/speaker package...a good thing, as Martha says. 

You guys are getting me hot to request Duke bring both models down now, but I'll wait till I get the new amp to save him from lugging that w/ the four speakers.  As good as my current amp is Duke's A-S was loads better.  If I wasn't working on my dirt bike & still organizing my garage I'd call him right now.   


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Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #10 on: 12 Mar 2008, 09:19 pm »
Jimbo, just curious, what are your reference speakers?

James Romeyn

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Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #11 on: 12 Mar 2008, 09:39 pm »
French ASA (Atelier de Synergie Acoustique) Pro Monitors, best guess a half-dozen pairs max in the USA & a few more pairs in Europe.  Last MSRP estimate $7k USD (dont'cha love that exchange rate?), not to be confused w/ the more affordable "Baby" &/or "Standard" Monitors.     


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Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #12 on: 12 Mar 2008, 10:46 pm »
Aw, shucks...

Thanks guys.  Seriously. 

Let me just comment on a couple of things.  First, the port tuning.  It's done by removing the port and changing the length, not by using inserts to change the diameter (although that would work too).  I use a single 4" Precision Port on the Jazz Modules, and two 3" Precision Ports on the Dream Makers.  Here's a link to Precision Port's website: .  They are available through Madisound and Parts Express if anybody wants to DIY with 'em.

I'm fairly open about the parts I use because I'm a one-man show and if I buy the farm next week and you need a replacement part, I want you to know what to look for.  The only thing I don't go public with is my crossover design - gotta maintain the mystique -  but you can get the parts values by removing the crossover boards; I try to remember to mount the components label-up so you can read the values.  Oh yes - I do a minor modification to the compression driver, but it's probably not noticeable except at very high sound pressure levels.

On parts cost, one thing that gives me a fairly attractive (from the buyer's perspective) parts-to-retail ratio is that I don't sell through a dealer network.  Obviously I'm not the only small manufacturer taking this approach.  If anybody wants to know specifics about my costs, please contact me privately. 

Jimbo said something to the effect that from his perspective yours truly ranks "among the most knowledgable speaker designers."  Well, I can't let that stand.  Within my little niche what you've seen has been pretty good, but you haven't seen my failures.  For example, I've spent way too long trying to make a really good small (1/2 cubic foot or so) reasonably priced speaker - I'd love to have something that could be easily shipped out for an audition.  Unfortunately, I can't even get the darn things to not scream "BOX!!" at you, much less begin to approach the realm of "sounds really good".  Yet many other designers accomplish this and more.  For example, Jimbo's little ASA speakers are truly humbling to listen to. 

Jimbo mentioned a circuit I made to smooth the impedance of his speakers so they'd work well with the little Atma-Sphere amp.   If someone else is in that situation, feel free to contact me about possibly doing something like that.  And yes, he overpaid; I considered that to be a prototype trial run, which was educational for me.  But the rest of you, I'll probably stick it to you and charge some mark-up.  My launch customer - slash- guinea pig normally gets a bit better price, though in this case Jimbo declined and was insistent.  Man, I love it when customers talk me UP in price! 

I've thought abount launching a campaign aimed at having a circle of my own, but don't think I'm a big enough blip on the radar screen yet.

« Last Edit: 12 Mar 2008, 11:07 pm by Duke »


Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #13 on: 13 Mar 2008, 11:59 pm »
I would be happy to demo these speakers for anyone that is in the Bay area or passing through.
Regards, Bill

James Romeyn

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Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #14 on: 14 Mar 2008, 01:55 am »
I would be happy to demo these speakers for anyone that is in the Bay area or passing through.
Regards, Bill

I'm probably coming through within a few months.  Could you include a 14oz barbecued NY steak?  I'll bring plenty of Pacifico.  :lol:


Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #15 on: 14 Mar 2008, 01:59 am »
I would be happy to demo these speakers for anyone that is in the Bay area or passing through.
Regards, Bill

I'm probably coming through within a few months.  Could you include a 14oz barbecued NY steak?  I'll bring plenty of Pacifico.  :lol:

That is the LEAST I could do old retired buddy!


Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #16 on: 14 Mar 2008, 06:07 am »
Theoretically, anyway, cause I haven't heard them, these speakers are speakin MY language.  I do wish they were $2500 a pair, however.

Russell Dawkins

Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #17 on: 14 Mar 2008, 06:54 am »
Theoretically, anyway, cause I haven't heard them, these speakers are speakin MY language.  I do wish they were $2500 a pair, however.

Given that Duke's cost is apparently 60% of the selling price, I don't think that will happen anytime soon.   :wink:


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Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #18 on: 18 Mar 2008, 06:30 pm »
Hi jimdgoulding,

I do have a couple of less expensive options on the drawing board that are conceptually similar to the Jazz Modules, but of course some tradeoffs will be involved. 

Consider also SP Technology - the Timepiece Mini is pretty close to your price range and while I haven't heard it let's just say that I believe very, very strongly in what Bob Smith is doing.   If I wasn't making my own speakers, I'd be a dealer for him.


James Romeyn

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Re: AudioKinesis "Jazz Modules" user reviews?
« Reply #19 on: 18 Mar 2008, 08:19 pm »
I'm 53 & have been into audio & the music business as a hobby & sometimes professionally since about age 18 (soley a hobbyist for several years).  I can think of no other instance when a manufacturer had the guts, honesty & integrity to point potential profits toward a competitor's pocketbook.
Duke is a great person in the audio world.  He really is.  :thumb:   

« Last Edit: 18 Mar 2008, 08:30 pm by ro7939 »