Main drivers when using a sub: okay to just stuff 'em in a large sealed box?

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Christopher Witmer

I have a pair of nice small diameter (about 12cm) fullrange drivers of unknown specs (although they are definitely very highly damped -- somewhat similar to the Feastrex drivers with a big honking alnico magnet). The only spare enclosures I have on hand are about 66 liters (2.3 cubit feet) internal volume. This would definitely be an infinite baffle enclosure for these drivers since there is no way the Vas could be greater than 66 liters, or even close, regardless of how highly damped they are.

Here is my question: if I use these with an active subwoofer that has a crossover continuously adjustable in the range of 40-160Hz, am I likely to be able to find a setting that will give good results with such a slap-dash enclosure? I could also reduce the internal volume of the enclosures by putting bags filled with sand inside.

My understanding is that the lazy man's approach to using fullrange drivers of unknown specs -- at least if you have a subwoofer -- is to put them in OB or a an infinite baffle enclosure. I can't go the OB route so that leaves IB . . .

Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

-- Chris Witmer


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 780
  • Ut Prosim
Maybe get some PVC pipe and play around with porting them?


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 10672
  • The elephant normally IS the room
If you're on a tight budget try filling the cabinets with sand until the bass sounds "right".

I'd also recommend adding an angled baffle behind the driver so that the backwave doesn't reflect back out through the semi-acoustically transparent driver cone material.  (Fostex evens sells something for this, but a piece of MDF, mounted on an angle should work just fine.)