Open and revealing - I/C's that transfer what the source produces !

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Can you guys believe this???
An i/c from Virtual Dynamics...
Cost?  $22K new and now asking for $6.5K... :duh:
Can't believe "we" audiophile could spend that kind of money connecting two pieces of equipment...
Hopefully this person was connecting it to some ultra expensive gear!!!


How'd you like to drop $22k on one pair of interconnects, only to lose $15k of it because of a system reconfiguration requiring shorter length?   :roll:

Or, maybe the question is "has anybody ever paid retail for something like this?"


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 135
    • Look & Listen Mobile, Alabama
Overblown prices are not unusual in world of highend audio cabling.  Ever try to squeeze oil out of a snake?  Think how hard it must be to find that elusive pixie dust?  And it takes really skilled people to brew up magic potions.  And those things cost big dollars, people.  Hence, big dollar prices on cables that use such things.

As an aside...we did a comparison of a .5m balanced Audioquest Sky vs this magnet wire cable using two different cdp's one a Cambridge Audio and the other an Ayre.  The AQ was coming from the balanced out and the 1m magnet wire interconnect from the unbalanced output into a preamp.  Four people did the comparison and only myself knew which was which, when switching inputs.  The first listener said the magnet wire "smoked" the Sky, the other two both said it was definitely the better.  Then today we compared the latest version of the Sky in unbalanced form to the balanced version, which is the previous version of the Sky cable, and there was a very slight improvement with the new version.  Nowhere near the difference between Sky and magnet wire.  And even with the Eichmann's, I have less than $110 in the magnet wire cables and a 1m Sky goes for $2150 retail.

The magnet wire is louder.  Noticably so.  I thought maybe it was some output difference between the balanced and unbalanced outs of the cdp's but it was consistent with both players and when the two Sky's were compared today, there was no volume difference.  The magnet wire is more open and way more dynamic.  I have to assume that the geometry/construction methods of the Sky cable is limiting current flow from source to preamp, and thereby limiting dynamics too.


The magnet wire is louder.  Noticably so.  I thought maybe it was some output difference between the balanced and unbalanced outs of the cdp's but it was consistent with both players and when the two Sky's were compared today, there was no volume difference.  The magnet wire is more open and way more dynamic.  I have to assume that the geometry/construction methods of the Sky cable is limiting current flow from source to preamp, and thereby limiting dynamics too.

Reflex, your observation that the Magnet wire is a tad louder is consistent with my experience, however.  This also renders to my "recipe" because of the minimalist approach, there are no fancy skin effect or any thing of the like, besides that techflex to make it easier on the eyes and to manuever....

That's the whole concept and the reasons why the "recipe" cable is so much more open, extended and airy...there's nothing or very little R,C and I, that is interfering with the signal...just enough shielding to keep the unwanted interference out and to keep the signal in!

got a few here wanting, gonna busy this weekend.



Guys, co-facilitator of the circle checking in here.  I'm on vacation at the moment and checking the internet very irregularly, so my responses may be a bit more abrupt than usual - my apologies in advance for that.

I've already come close to moving this thread to the Industry Talk circle as is, based on how it has progressed, but held off so far.  If a cable bashing / subjective value / snake oil accusation theme develops any further, then the thread will surely get pruned.  I know of no faster way to completely destroy an otherwise useful thread.  Please try and focus on the original topic and minimize any unproductive offshoots.

Sonny, to be clear, are you selling your cable recipe, or giving it away to interested parties?

Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Sonny, to be clear, are you selling your cable recipe, or giving it away to interested parties?

Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Sorry if we crossed lines...if so, please do what you feel is appropriate according to the rules.

In regards to the "recipe", I give it away to interested parties...  I've given it to about five individuals and Reflex is one of them.



As a continued follow up to this thread I thought I would let those interested know that I have completed my changes over in the analog section of my setup to Sonny's I/C cabling......TT - phono-pre - preamp.

Clear, open, and neutral combined with the convayance that a wide bandwidth conductor should exhibit are the characteristics that come to mind !


Thanks Dave!

Seems like the feedback I've been getting is that these cables really do a great job with owners of less forward / "in your face" systems....  They seem to match well with soft dome tweeters and electrostatic / ribbons...


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 154
These IC's sound like something I would like to try. There are several mentions of the recipe. Is there somewhere that I can get it? I'd like to try to build some.


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 462
I too would love to try out this recipe.  Will someone share here on the thread, or do we need to PM someone?



do you sell the recipe and he source of the wire?
or do you sell recipe and provide the kit
or do you sell as well complete cables?


do you sell the recipe and he source of the wire?
or do you sell recipe and provide the kit
or do you sell as well complete cables?


I was giving out the recipe but find that people deviated from it because they couldn't get the right materials or wanted to try something different...and it was too much work talking and explaining to them...So, I still do send out cables to try, therefore, if you're interested, let me know, send me a PM.


I now have 3 sets of T’s cables in my system, and I couldn’t be happier.  I am coming from a mixture of cables so I don’t have a good cable vs. cable comparison.    The music just seems more real, dynamic with T’s cables in place.
I have noticed the greatest gain when I replaced the cable run between my TT and the phono, and SAS pre.  All the detail from the LP’s is there without harshness. Oh and the Mids…. :drool:

Tuan is a great guy to deal with and I will definitely recommend him to the other addicts I know.  aa

My system:
Odyssey Khartago Monos
SAS 10A Pre
SB3 (Boulder Analog Mod) with Ult PS
Moon LP3
Strata Minis (Ninja Modded)



another customer of T's here. I must say the cables have added more dimension to my system. Bass seems tighter with more low mid slam, with a certain airiness now lending to the top end. Things just seem to be much better integrated than my previous DIY cables. Will be buying more!


PM sent.




  • Full Member
  • Posts: 1161
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At Sonny's urging, I am putting down my 2 cents.  I must begin with a caveat.  What I'm writing here is my "own" impression, not meaning to be an expert opinion since I'm far from being knowledgeable.

I got Sonny's I/C from one of our local group of enthusiasts when I heard wind of it.  That was about a week ago.  So I threw them into the system I'm using at the moment, between the Shek DAC (sourced from Hong Kong, non-oversampling) and Modwright SWL 9 preamp. 

My immediate reaction to the sound pouring off the system was - tight bass, sharp definition and placement of instruments.  At the first hearing, I would say I wanted to utter "Wow!"  The soundstage also appeared deeper. 

In recent years I have become a tube-amplification convert.  I favor at least a tubed preamp, and that's what I have, the tubed Modweight and the solid state Rowland 112.  Upon listening more, I began to realize that somehow the sound wasn't as rich in the mid section.  So I began A-B switching between the Tuan I/C and my Harmonic Technology Pro Silway III, everything else the same.  My analysis is that the reason that the Tuan I/Cs are sharper in defining the instruments and the soundstage is perhaps due to its leaner presentation.  Somehow, don't know if it's what I'm used to or not, I believe the Harm Tech wires give me a richer sound, harmonically speaking.  And, perhaps for this reason along, the Harm Tech sounded lusher.  It suites my taste more.

The Tuan I/Cs have tighter, better-defined bass, think I've said that.  The next I noticed is that the upper frequencies with the Tuan I/Cs are also sharper.  The attacks are just slightly too sharp for my ears.  I just feel it can use some roundness at the top, especially when I play violin music.  I happen to have a JVC XRCD of sample tracks, and the very first track is very fine violin playing.  Through the Tuans the upper frequencies came out just sharper to my ears.  Then, in another system, the sound may be just fine.

I also compared the Tuan I/Cs against a Nordost Blue Heaven I/Cs, same setup.  The Nordost wires seemed to be less solid.  I mean the timber of music coming off the system with the Blue Heavens didn't come across as intense or tight as the sound with the Tuan I/Cs.  The Blue Heaven sound, like the Harm Tech, also seemed rounder at the top.  Here, I would perfer the Tuan to the Blue Heaven.

Tuan is asking I think around $120 for his I/C.  My Blue Heavens cost me I think about $200, while the Pro Silway III like $300.  The bargain perhaps is with the Tuan I/Cs.

Good job, Tuan.  I liked the wire! :drool: :thumb:


Shek, thanks for your review...
I know I was urging for a quick comment and I am appreciative of it...
I want experiences of my I/C to be shared, GOOD or BAD...
Since I am a DIY guy just trying to get some of us a more affordable option...that's all.
I am glad to hear that it wasn't your number one, that's ok...I would stress to everyone that based on my experience and the people that tried, bought and returned my I/C, it seems that if you're system is in the more laid back side and you want a more transparent, open, revealing, fast and for lack of a better work, more forward sound, then I think my I/C is for you, however, if you have a horn loaded system which is already transparent and revealing, my I/C may not be for you...

Anyways, I'd be happy to talk to anyone about this...
If you want to try, let me know....

Happy Listening!!!


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 1161
  • Let Music Flow!
Thanks again, Sonny.  In the end, I would say it's just a matter of personal taste.  The I/Cs definitely are very revealing.  That's its strength, nailing the instruments on the spot.  Because I'm used to the tube sound, typically sweet and warm mids (not that I don't like highs, in fact I started out with solid state, and love those bone-chilling high-Hz passages), I just decided not to keep the I/Cs.  The Harmonic Technology Pro Silway III's I am using are slightly warmer in the mid section, thus less resolving (perceptionally speaking) than your I/Cs.  But, in the end I just decided it's not time to throw out the HTs yet.  I know that once I bought a new toy, something's gotta give, thus ending up in the closet.  I may change my mind and come back to you, however, but only for a 1-meter length, regardless that the price differential is small.  I also don't like extra lengths of wires hanging out from my rack too much.



hi Shek

how many hrs "bun in" have tuan's ic's?
are the pro silways shielded?
do yo know what metal the silway's core is and Tuan's?



Thanks again, Sonny.  In the end, I would say it's just a matter of personal taste.  The I/Cs definitely are very revealing.  That's its strength, nailing the instruments on the spot.  -------
 I may change my mind and come back to you, however, but only for a 1-meter length, regardless that the price differential is small.  I also don't like extra lengths of wires hanging out from my rack too much.


Again, thanks...
Well, the length is not a matter here, as the cable you got was a trial cable I made, about 5ft if I remember for one of the guys that needed that length... That's why it was that long, but I could have made you any length necessary...

Kryill, the cables I use are Magnet wires, solid core, not stranded....
Your's will be sent out Monday! Thanks!