Any recommended reading for SLR newbie?

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Any recommended reading for SLR newbie?
« on: 26 Dec 2007, 04:14 am »
Looking for a good "getting started" but not too basic guide or articles.  I'd like to create a cheat sheet for myself of at least baseline speed, aperture, and ISO settings in different environments to start making adjustments from.  I am experimenting as I go, but thought a cheat sheet (indoor good lighting, indoor dim light, outdoor dawn light, outdoor night, still versus moving, etc.)might help me until I get my tiny brain wrapped around it all, and the user guide is helpful, but not really written for a layman, or at least not overly so.......any help is appreciated....humbly....


Re: Any recommended reading for SLR newbie?
« Reply #1 on: 27 Dec 2007, 12:46 pm »
The only thing I can think of along these lines is the rule that shutter speed should be no lower than 1/focal length for hand-held...

Another thing that would be useful to understand is depth of field. It varies with focal length though... for closer subjects I personally am finding f4 to f5.6 to be the widest aperture I use with my 45 and 85 mm lenses, except for special effects.

For landscape shooting, it's useful to understand the concept of hyperfocal distance, here's a page that google turned up:

For deliberate motion blur, somewhere between 1/30 and 1/2 sec will do that although it depends on what you're shooting. This shot is at one second (as I recall)


What camera and lens do you have? (Just curious ;) )


Re: Any recommended reading for SLR newbie?
« Reply #2 on: 27 Dec 2007, 02:16 pm »
The Digital Photography Book by Scott Kelby is a nice starter book. It's a quick, enjoyable read and you will understand the basics of photography by the time you finish. I highly recommend it.


Re: Any recommended reading for SLR newbie?
« Reply #3 on: 27 Dec 2007, 02:20 pm »
The book is written sort of in the format you describe. The author basically describes a type of photo he is taking (portrait, landscape, close up) and then gives his SLR settings for the photo with an explanation of why he chose those settings.


Re: Any recommended reading for SLR newbie?
« Reply #4 on: 27 Dec 2007, 02:23 pm »
Thanks guys.  John - I got the Canon Rebel XTi 10.1MP.  Just using the lens that came with it for now 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6  Figure I'll move up to a better all purpose lens once I have my legs under me using it.


Re: Any recommended reading for SLR newbie?
« Reply #5 on: 28 Dec 2007, 02:21 am »
arthurs. the zoom that comes w/ the Rebel is suprisingly good for for the money. When I played around w/ the one my friend owns, I was pretty amazed at the sharpness and lack of significant optical distortion/defects.

I would suggest that in addition to 'how to books' you look at photobooks by really good photographers. A lot of shooters w/ good equipment simply end up w/ nice snapshots, not real photographs. Look at a variety of styles and you may come across ideas you never considered.

The first time I saw Matt Mahurin's work, it had a profound impact on me. Now a lot of people would hate his stuff... dark, grainy, sometimes blurry but I thought the emotion really came through....something that's very difficult to achieve in still images.

my 2 cents anyway


Re: Any recommended reading for SLR newbie?
« Reply #6 on: 28 Dec 2007, 04:18 am »
If you would like some great basic photography stuff without digital, John Hedgecoe is one of the best authors I've read..

Also, if you would like more info on just basic photo techniques, check your used bookstore for the original time/life photo series. You can usually pick em up for about 3-5 bucks apiece and they are fantastic.