Ok, I'll admit this up front, it's really a matter of form factor and aesthetics than anything else, but I'd like to trade my SB2 for your SB3.
Here's the deal:
I have a Bolder modified SB2 -- enthusiast mods with Platinum Sonicap (Wayne, correct me if I'm wrong here), with gold WBT analog connectors, a Silver WBT digital connector, and has an additional Scientific Conversion pulse transformer on the digital out. This is both wired and wireless, and everything is in fine condition mechanically and cosmetically. The only downside is that it has no more than 50 hours on it, and hasn't been played in several months. The mods were done about this time last year, so I don't know if there have been any changes (other than Statement mods) since then, but my best guess is that this is the same as the current level enthusiast mods.
What I want is basically the same thing -- though I don't care about the pulse transformer, the silver WBT or wireless operation.
So, why would you want to do this? Well, for the better output caps that the larger case affords, or because you might want to build an all-in-one box with SB, power supply, buffer, etc., and supposedly the SB2 is easier to work with for this.
Just PM or email, and if there is more than one response, preference will go to the one that most closely matches mine and has the black/silver case.
This whole thing is no big deal, just thought I'd throw it out for consideration. I'm leaving on holiday travel, so nothing will happen until I return, and I can definitely ship to you first so you don't have any downtime.