What music suits Aska?

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What music suits Aska?
« on: 18 Sep 2003, 09:36 am »
Before I take the plunge and order the amp/preamp kits I would like to know what sort of sound you get from these products.

I listen to orchestral music through to thrash metal so I dont want something that is slow or gets muddy when music becomes dense and layered.

Also I dont want that sterile sound of some high end I have heard, that makes poor recordings (read - everything but test discs) sound harsh.

Am I asking to much?

Also , what is the difference between the aska 55 and 100 apart from power handling, any sonic differences?

It looks like using seperate power supplies for each channel is the way to go. I dont mind spening extra $ on caps and that to get a superior sound, any suggestions in laymans terms?

Many thanks if you can help

Malcolm Fear

What music suits Aska?
« Reply #1 on: 18 Sep 2003, 10:35 am »
>>what sort of sound you get from these products.
I've been mucking around in hi-fi, since I heard Sgt Peppers on a "stereo" (about 1967). I've been through POWER - Phase Linear 200 WPC, ETI kit amps, Audio Research valves, PS  Audio and now AKSA. You get "involving" sound from these animals.

>>I listen to orchestral music through to thrash metal so I dont want something that is slow or gets muddy when music becomes dense and layered.
All music sounds great on AKSA. I recollect going to a demo of NAIM gear, a couple of years ago (I have had an AKSA 55 for 2.5 years). The NAIM was the best "HI FI" I ever heard. I immediately had to have 2 Panadol (analgesic) after listening to it.

>>Also I dont want that sterile sound of some high end I have heard, that makes poor recordings (read - everything but test discs) sound harsh.
See above - re NAIM.

>>Am I asking to much?

>>Also , what is the difference between the aska 55 and 100 apart from power handling, any sonic differences?
I am so happy with AKSA 55, I haven't bothered to audition AKSA 100. I have 93 db efficient speakers, so why would I need anything more?
A friend has Ambience ribbons (86 db) and the 55 works extremely well.

>>It looks like using seperate power supplies for each channel is the way to go. I dont mind spening extra $ on caps and that to get a superior sound, any suggestions in laymans terms?
The AKSA is designed to use seperate supplies. Some guys are splitting the seperate supplies to get a "true" dual mono.

>>Many thanks if you can help
Hope I've helped.


What music suits Aska?
« Reply #2 on: 18 Sep 2003, 10:52 am »

There are several AKSA owners in Adelaide, all of them experienced, smart people in hifi.

I would suggest you privately email Ginger or Ross.  Ginger is an EE and Ross (not on this forum unfortunately but in regular touch with Ginger) is a highly experienced audiophile. Ginger is on this very forum group, ask him if you could meet and discuss your questions.  He has built one 100W AKSA, and is now building the GK-1 preamplifier.

I believe the AKSA amps would satisfy your requirements.  If you listen to large orchestral works on 88dB/watt/metre speakers (or lower) in a largish room, then I'd suggest the 100W AKSA.  Otherwise, the 55W.  There is little to choose between them sonically;  the 55W is very slightly sweeter, but lacks the sheer drive and visceral dynamics of the 100W.  Horses for courses.

Ginger, would you be happy to discuss Agisthos' quest with him?




What music suits Aska?
« Reply #3 on: 18 Sep 2003, 12:13 pm »
Sounds good

Gawd I have not dusted off the soldering iron since high school, this DIY business should be fun.


What music suits Aska?
« Reply #4 on: 18 Sep 2003, 01:30 pm »
My only warning is that it takes patience.  If you haven't done any electronics work in a long time, take your time.  Maybe even do a much smaller project just to brush up on your soldering skills.

Or, pay Hugh to help with the tough soldering jobs.  (which was my choice)

I cannot believe how good my amp sounds.  It has a high-current, ready sort of sound that's just eager to produce everything.  It's a fast, articulate amp that passes every detail fed to it without coloration.  What more could you ask?  It's not like any SS amp I've heard.  No grain, no harshness, just unadulterated sound.

I have noticed it needs a good power source.  If you have crappy electrics in your house, consider a dedicated outlet.... or at least one that doesn't have a lot of other devices/receptacles/etc. drawing current and increasing resistance.  It will still sound good but, not stay as clear as you go super loud.

I have 86db 6 ohm speakers. (Revel F30)  I could have gotten the 55 but, chose the 100 because I wanted to be able to crank big drum solo's without fear of losing anything and I can.  If I turn it up to ear-splitting levels, it starts to get distorted.  However, I think this is due to being plugged into 1 of 12 49¢ receptacles on 1 15A breaker.

I think you'll be more than pleased.  Several people have heard my amp and gave it high praise (even behind my back).  If this amp doesn't make you happy, not many will.

I don't know much about the GK-1 because I have a good pre that I'm satisfied with.  However, I may get one before too long if my luck holds out.

Be sure to post your impressions when you're done with this... whenever that is... remember, no rush.


What music suits Aska?
« Reply #5 on: 19 Sep 2003, 12:43 am »
Agisthos - G'day from down the road,

I built a 100W AKSA about 2 years ago - used it for 12 months and then sold it to Ross in order to help pay for a 845 Single Ended Triode Valve Amp - in some ways this was a backward step. The 845 has lovely detail and wide imaging but rapidly goes to crap when listening to "dense and layered" music - it is also weak in the bass compared to the AKSA and is subjectively quite a bit slower.

I am therefore currently building a GK-1 and a 55W Nirvana which are about 3 to 4 weeks from firing up.  Also assisting Ross with the build of a GK-1 to use with the 100W.

Feel free to give me a buzz to discuss the above and you're welcome to come round to audition the GK-1/55W Nirvana-kitted AKSA in about a month or so.

I would say that the AKSA is the best Solid State Amp I've ever heard (under about 10 times its cost) and it is best precisely in the areas where valve amps (which I generally prefer) are weakest - that is in speed, bass impact and slam and in reproducing music where the sound stage is "dense and layered".

Why is it so good? When a Professional Electronic Design Engineer designs something we do a design review to see if it meets the Requirements Specification - if so, we sign off on the design and build it. Once it's in use you always can look back at the design and say "it would have been better if...".  If performance isn't quite good enough you iterate the design and Issue 2 is always better than Issue 1.   Once you optimise the actual circuitry you can then start selecting special grade components to optimise performance further.  When you buy an AKSA you are getting not just Issue 2 of the circuit design BUT more like Issue 52  - nearly every conceivable circuitry variation has been tried and either adopted (if it was better) or abandoned (if it isn't). In addition 90% of the special grade component selection to optimise the results has also been done for you.  As this site shows there is still room for a bit of experimentation but critical component selection (such as the semiconductors, value for money capacitors etc.)  has been done.
In short you are getting a "mature" product.

Of course if you want the ultimate and don't mind paying 30 times as much, then duck down the road to MineLab and buy a couple of Halcro Mono Blocks.



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What music suits Aska?
« Reply #6 on: 19 Sep 2003, 02:25 am »
I second everything Ginger has written.
I've listened to most of the big name big buck amplifiers, solid state and tube, and the Aksa is as good as it gets.   I have mono 55N's and they are fabulous.   My speakers aren't overly efficient, but I have a small room.   If you have a large room, maybe then the 100 is needed.  But for most regular house listening rooms, a 55 should suffice.
If you know which end of a soldering iron to grab, then don't be shy.   The kit comes with excellent instructions, and there's plenty of help here on the forum and from Hugh.
You are about to enter Musical Nirvana!!!!


What music suits Aska?
« Reply #7 on: 19 Sep 2003, 05:26 am »
Ok thanks guys I will give this a go. Prehaps I will start with the TLP preamp to get a feel for building first.

And yeah Ginger thanks for the offer to help. I definately would like to hear the amps when they are built and see how you went about housing/constructing them.


What music suits Aska?
« Reply #8 on: 19 Sep 2003, 06:41 am »
I listen pretty much exclusively to electronic music, and my 100W AKSA sounds pretty impressive...once I have the time (ie after my thesis is submitted and exams over), I plan to take mine and do some comparisons.


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What music suits Aska?
« Reply #9 on: 21 Sep 2003, 02:40 am »
Hi Agisthos,

Like you, I was myself for years searching for that magical listening experience, supposedly residing only in the so-called "name" brands of high end SS audio, each time feeling disappointed.....until I stumbled upon the AKSA website....and Hugh Dean.

If you haven't done so already, read Hugh's design philosophy, then read it again....then go listen to an AKSA. I promise, you will never again be FOOLED by the hype that ultra-low distortion levels equate to faithful MUSIC reproduction.

This is what diy /audiophiles want ....and Hugh IS delivering an amazingly affordable, yet wonderfully sounding product line that places you "front row centre" at your favourite concert/opera/club.

Most SS amps I've auditioned have left me with the"razor blades in the ears" syndrome (deaf by a thousand cuts). So to relieve the pain, Hugh kindly put me in touch with another South Australian electronics genius, Ian Miller, (Ginger), whose AKSA 100W I now own -need I say more?  

Yes......... Hugh's amps produce a W I D E  soundstage. They superbly image individual instruments and extract unbefore heard of detail from well recorded material; quiet passages are jet-black and transients are lightening-quick...never harsh, very valve-like. Your speakers will never have sounded so good and the experience is palpable..almost holographic. (all this without a GK-1!) Still not convinced??? Just ask the guys down at VAF Research here in Adelaide.... they were blown away by the 100Watt N !!

Ian's comments re AKSA design maturity I endorse totally (design is a cyclical process). Having heard Ian and Hugh recently discussing the finer points of audio design, you realise that very little has been compromised in this topology. He will help you in your diy quest. Malcolm Fear's observations I echo - his set up at the recent Sydney Aksafest wowed us.

Every testimonial you've read about these incredible amps (and the GK-1) on this forum and at Aksaonline is spot-on. Hugh has gathered around him a dedicated and passionate coterie of audiophiles and electronics whizzes to help propel his vision - there are more offerings from Hugh around the corner.

We are indeed fortunate to have found Hugh at this stage of his audio career... Agisthos, do your ears and wallet a big favour and get an Aksa!

Good luck,


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What music suits Aska?
« Reply #10 on: 21 Sep 2003, 02:59 am »
I understand your wanting to do a "practise" job like a TLP before and amplifier.   However, just jump right in and to the amp.   It's not all that difficult, and you'll have lots of support.   After the amp, you'll immediately want to build a GK-1.    That's what happened to me.
Just be patient and take your time on the amp.   You'll be well rewarded!


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Re: What music suits Aska?
« Reply #11 on: 21 Sep 2003, 05:23 pm »
Quote from: Agisthos
Before I take the plunge and order the amp/preamp kits I would like to know what sort of sound you get from these products.

I listen to orchestral music through to thrash metal so I dont want something that is slow or gets muddy when music becomes dense and layered.

Also I dont want that sterile sound of some high end I have heard, that makes poor recordings (read - everything but test discs) sound harsh.

Am I asking to much?

Also , what is the difference between the aska 55 and 100 apart from p ...

Wrong question. If an amp, any amp by anybody at any price, PREFERS one type of music to any other, it's a bad amp, don't buy it. A pox on an amp which PREFERS this to that.

A true amp will be indifferent to any type of music and will do its best for any and all alike.

I do not own an AKSA amp, but I have had the opportunity to audition one recently. In my view, it's a true amp, it does what it does for anything from Enigma, via Joan Baez, via Dire Straits to the Red Army 64 voice choir. To make amtters worse for the general manufacturing communit, it does so better than most others costing several to many times its price.

I knew you had it in you, Hugh. :lol: Well done, major! :mrgreen:



What music suits Aska?
« Reply #12 on: 21 Sep 2003, 10:34 pm »
Thank you Dejan,

Folks, meet the indefatigable, inimitable, inestimable and incorruptible Dejan, from Belgrade!

Dejan is a most welcome contributor.   :hyper:   He is, in fact, a freelance hifi reviewer of strong reputation in Europe, particularly in the UK, where his articles frequently appear in the audio press.

I am humbled to be so complimented by Dejan, who has heard just about every amp on the planet.

Dejan, whose AKSA was it?  Someone I know?

Thank you Dejan, and you'd better get that ticket to Oz!   :wink:




What music suits Aska?
« Reply #13 on: 21 Sep 2003, 10:47 pm »

I must offer my thanks to all who have commented so favourably on my products;  Ginger, Ross, Malcolm, Dejan, Steven, Carlman, PJ - in no particular order.  It's all very positive and flattering and I'm more than touched by the response.   :thankyou:

Agisthos (you like horses, huh?), please email me privately if you'd like any more information.




What music suits Aska?
« Reply #14 on: 22 Sep 2003, 02:21 am »
Hey there
I wouldn't mind betting that I have some of the broader musical tastes of the AKSA community and in my limited audio experience the AKSA 100N has done a better job at coping with my musical tastes than anything I've heard.

Unlike many people I haven't got a well set up audio area - just a done up sideboard flanked by a pair of Krix Lyrix in the narrow end of an L shaped room. But it still sounds very fine to me.

Whacked on Toto's 'IV' album at more than hearable volume the other night whilst doing the washing up.  80's corporate rock never sounded so fine! And neither did the Def Leppard follow up. That said though it does John William's solo classical guitar at in the room like detail. And the doin' drugs dance music sounds so good you forget about the drugs. Fine enough for me......

Put it this way, you don't have to own some nut case esoteric highway robbery in broad daylight so called audiophile box and then replace it with an AKSA to feel and enjoy the difference. You'll appreciate it even if you don't care enough about your music and have listened to/owned (and been happy with) Yamaha, Marantz, Phillips or whatever. Even wooden ears aren't stupid - so as long as you aren't deaf you'll hear good things with an AKSA no matter what you listen to.

In the end, a thousand bucks is a thousand bucks.  And I'll bet a thousand bucks that my AKSA will musically crap over a thousand bucks worth of 2 channel from Yamaha, Marantz, Denon, Creek, Whatever............and that's all that counts.

The fact that it apparently is better than stuff for or five times the cost is just a bonus.


What music suits Aska?
« Reply #15 on: 22 Sep 2003, 02:55 am »
Quote from: Seano
...In the end, a thousand bucks is a thousand bucks. And I'll bet a thousand bucks that my AKSA will musically crap over a thousand bucks worth of 2 channel from Yamaha, Marantz, Denon, Creek, Whatever............and that's all that counts.

The fact that it apparently is better than stuff for or five times the cost is just a bonus.

I couldn't agree more, well said!


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What music suits Aska?
« Reply #16 on: 22 Sep 2003, 05:12 pm »
Quote from: AKSA
Thank you Dejan,

Not at all, Hugh, you know I speak my mind only.


Folks, meet the indefatigable, inimitable, inestimable and incorruptible Dejan, from Belgrade!

Who you gonna call? DVV, El Ghostbustero! :mrgreen:


Dejan is a most welcome contributor.   :hyper:   He is, in fact, a freelance hifi reviewer of strong reputation in Europe, particularly in the UK, where his articles frequently appear in the audio press.

Let's not get carried away here. I'm just a straight guy who happens to love audio, having fallen in love with audio before any girl (at an early age of just 11, way back in 1964). Some malicious tongues say I am one of the last living witnesses of the Big Audio Boom of the late 60-ies. :lol: True, I am in touch with several well known designers, some actually legends, and some on the way there - e.g. Hugh, The Man Form Oz. :mrgreen:


I am humbled to be so complimented by Dejan, who has heard just about every amp on the planet.

Hardly Hugh, although I have heard quite a few of them. But I do have some serious holes in my experience; for example, I am hopelessly behind the times with products from say Kensonic Accuphase of Japan. Too hard to get for me, living where I do.


Dejan, whose AKSA was it?  Someone I know?

I don't think so, Hugh. It belongs to a rather distasteful character I usually try hard to avoid, but since he bought it second hand from I don't where or who, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity. Heck, it's the ONLY opportunity I ever had to hear your work, Hugh, no way I'd pass that up.


Thank you Dejan, and you'd better get that ticket to Oz!   :wink:

There are two places on this globe I am dying to get to - Oz and San Francisco. I WILL get to both in due time. Preferably before I kick the bucket. :lol:

But there's a load of people I'd love to meet in person, and a fair number of them are right here, on this site.
