deccapo amp help

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deccapo amp help
« on: 30 Oct 2007, 02:05 am »
Hi all, I have just purchasted a vtl 5.5 pre amp, my amp is a bryston 4b, I know now this is all wrong.Please help me find a amp with enough watts to run these speakers loud and sweet.I am considering a st85 or 150 vtl stereo amps any other suggestions?


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Re: deccapo amp help
« Reply #1 on: 2 Nov 2007, 01:27 pm »
That's quite the odd couple you have, but I'm curious: how does it actually sound?

Have you heard the 5.5 with a VTL amp? I can't address matching with your speakers, but I've heard a 5.5 with a pair of VTL monoblocks (not sure which of the less pricey new models) with very different speakers -- something from the B&W 800 series. While not for everybody (not what I'd call "impressive"), I thought it was very musical, true to VTL's reputation. It would seem to me that if you like the VTL house sound enough to get the 5.5 it would make sense to get a VTL amp as well unless you had a specific reason NOT to, but of course speaker matching could be such a reason.

Surely somebody has used a VTL amp with _some_ Reference 3A model???


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Re: deccapo amp help
« Reply #2 on: 2 Nov 2007, 07:11 pm »
Quartet, thanks for your input,I haven't heard the vtl amps, I bought this pre amp on reputation alone, very happy with my purchase. I think the diccapos are a easy load for amps, I don't know much about b&w 800s. Musical to me is what it's all about.Tube amps have been recomended all over this site.Have you got the deccapo's your self? I haven't Got a dealer for vtl around here but am interested In any combination that works.   


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Re: deccapo amp help
« Reply #3 on: 3 Nov 2007, 02:44 am »

No, I'm not a Reference 3A owner, not even a VTL owner -- I only chimed in because you reminded me of the very positive impression the VTL combination including the 5.5 made on me when I heard it last year.

I think one of the strengths of the bigger VTL amps is that they can drive quite tough loads (and B&W 800 series I think are no picnic). If your speakers are easy to drive, you may not have to go far up the price range, which is good, since it's quite a price range! The interesting thing I've noticed is that VTL amps don't seem to get much respect on the various forums _except_ when someone wants to drive a tough load with tubes. I'm not sure why: it may have something to do with this "impressive" vs "musical" distinction. I wouldn't be surprised if they were especially popular with musicians. It may also be a price issue. But keep in mind this is just my impression condensed from too much time spent lurking on forums, and alas not from ownership or comparative listening.


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Re: deccapo amp help
« Reply #4 on: 3 Nov 2007, 03:14 am »
Hi Quartet,thanks again for your input, I too have been spending to much time on forums, but at least Im not buying High fi. I think maybe the vtl85 will be a possible choice, may buy second hand to try first.Thanks again.     


Re: deccapo amp help
« Reply #5 on: 4 Nov 2007, 07:27 pm »
I paired my Atam-Sphere M60 Mk III's to De Capo I's. The sound is absolutely incredible! OTL's connected to a speaker with only a cap for the tweeter. Nothing in the way of the music! I had the amps first, then searched for a speaker. BTW, I actually had my Mk 2.2's updated to Mk III's. The upgrade is highly recommended.


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Re: deccapo amp help
« Reply #6 on: 4 Nov 2007, 11:23 pm »
Hi mrderrick, thanks for the post, wow, I saw an ad for a used m60 and was wondering whether that amp would work with the deccapos, can you tell me, would that amp play all sorts of music,and Is the base up to power.This is the stereo amp? thanks happym
« Last Edit: 5 Nov 2007, 01:46 am by happym »


Re: deccapo amp help
« Reply #7 on: 5 Nov 2007, 11:15 pm »
The M60 is a mono block amp. Its rated at 60 watts into 8 ohms. I listen to a lot of jazz and popular rock. I connected an old radio shack power meter to the amps. 5 watts into the De Capo I's is pretty loud in my 11' x 16' room that opens up into the rest of my home. The Atma-Sphere S30 is a 30 watt stereo amp that would also work well. When I bought the M60's they were Mk 2.2s. They sounded quite good at this revision. The amps were in at least 3 times for updating before I bought them. I paid $2200 for them with the standard Teflon coupling cap and power supply boost upgrades. The update to the Mk III Rev cost $900 and came with a new warranty. A new Mk III with the same upgrades would cost $6900. I would suggest that you visit the Atma-Sphere web site and read up on Ralph's OTL's.


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Re: deccapo amp help
« Reply #8 on: 6 Nov 2007, 10:48 pm »
Hi mrderrick, I took your advise and cheched out the web site, sounds good to me .There is a atma sphere s30 for sale for $1,750. Do you think that would be enough to power the deccapos? Can you upgrade that amp.Have you heard the s30?


Re: deccapo amp help
« Reply #9 on: 7 Nov 2007, 10:42 pm »
I have never heard the S30. 30 watts should be more than enough power for the De Capo's. As I stated earlier, 5 watts is very loud in my room. The S30 is not rated into a 4 ohm load, but that should not matter with the De Capo. What ever version of the S30 you are considering can be upgraded to the latest revision. Atma-Sphere lists the approximate cost to perform the upgrades. They can also install several options. Teflon coupling caps (REL TFT $300 or VH Caps $500), power supply boost (extra power caps $600) or caddock resistors ($900-$1000 I think). I do not know what you gain with the power supply boost. Ralph said that 90% of the equipment that they send out has the VH cap upgrade. From what I have read, the Teflon caps make the biggest improvement. When I bought my M60's they had the REL TFT Teflon caps and power supply boost. The caddock resistor package is said to extract the last 5-10% performance from the amps. If you are handy with a soldering iron, you could install the coupling caps yourself. I am considering buying the VH caps and installing them myself, I just hate to go through another 300-500 hour run in. You might want to give Ralph a call about the S30. I found that the best times to call are Tuesday through Thusday after 1pm CST.


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Re: deccapo amp help
« Reply #10 on: 14 Nov 2007, 02:26 pm »
Happym ;
   Definitely try some tubed amplification !
The De Capo's were designed for tube amp use . This is
why you have seen tubes recommended .
When I auditioned them , prior to purchase , I tried a
SS amp and did not like it . I then tried a tube amp and
purchased the speakers .

        Good luck.


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Re: deccapo amp help
« Reply #11 on: 15 Nov 2007, 12:42 am »
Hi saki70, I am definitely leaning toward tube amps, What are you useing in your system? I live in a small centre with no chance of trying tube amps, I did once try a mcintosh 275 tube,I thought It sounded good but not out standing. most tube amps are low wattage, 5 watts to 60 or so, Is that enough for me.Not sure.The vtl pre amp is a good buy and I am very pleased with it, just have to find a good match and Ill be a happy m.                           


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Re: deccapo amp help
« Reply #12 on: 27 Dec 2007, 05:12 pm »
Hi happym ;
   Sorry for the long wait .
I have used two tubed integrateds . A Cayin A-88 T  I demoed with the De Capo i's and purchased it with the speakers . A very nice combo . I then moved to a Primaluna Prologue 2 . While it is not as warm sounding as the Cayin it does have more detail , extension and resolution . I have since begun to roll some input tubes for warmth , successfuly . I may try some power tubes next .
The Primaluna is self/auto biasing and quite versatile in its ability to use a miriad of tubes . I liked the Cayin warmth but it was way to difficult to bias and not as good at low volume . I listen nearfield and so low level resolution is important .
I think that an amp with 10-60 watts would be fine . I did hear a SET at 5 watts that really did not do the job on the De Capo's . 
Maybe try the VTL integrated or small tube amp with your pre .
I chose the integrated route . You will get close to the seperates sound quality at a much cheaper price with less IC's . I like to keep as few items in the music path as possible .

Good luck


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Re: deccapo amp help
« Reply #13 on: 27 Dec 2007, 11:57 pm »
Thanks for the reply saki70,That was a nice Christmas suprise,I really like the vtl pre amp so I will wait around for the right deal on a tube amp,of 40 set or higher push pull of 60+ . happy new year to you and your family.


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Re: deccapo amp help
« Reply #14 on: 28 Dec 2007, 02:41 am »

I have chimed in before but you may want to try something a little different. Over the Holidays I have switched from my PrimaLuna Prologue 2 back to my beloved YBA Integre DT. The detail is better, and the soundstage is wider and deeper. The Integre is the solid state amp for the little gems. I have had my deCapo i's for three years and have been switching between the two amps as my mood shifts. I always keep an amp connected for 1-2 months before I switch. If I could have only one amp, all the time, I would take the YBA. Give one a listen, if you can.