Seeking a $500 (or thereabouts) amp recommendation for Omega Aperiodic 8's

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I'm looking for a reasonable solution for an amp to connect to my Aperiodic 8's (Visaton B200 single drivers).  I'd like to stay around/under $500 - either new or used is fine.  I am considering both tubes and SS, as this is for a second (basement) system that most of the time will perform TV/DVD duty.  My basement is a long, narrow space with about 7' ceilings, so I'm thinking that serious power would be overkill.  Right now I am using an Audio Sector Patek integrated to good effect.

The main considerations/needs are:
1. Neutral sounding/non-fatiguing....a little on the warm side would be OK.
2. Multiple inputs (2 at least, 3 would be preferred)
3. Reliable
4. 50W/channel or less -- I really don't need/use a lot of power in this basement
5. Remote would be a plus, but this is not a deal-breaker

Although it's not essential, I thought that an integrated amp would be best in this situation.  I don't need the tuner (never listen to the radio) and I would prefer to keep the size/cabling/complexity to a minimum.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have.

Regards,  -dB
« Last Edit: 27 Oct 2007, 12:46 am by dburna »


In order to goose my Super XRS's over the previous 3watt? SI T-amp,  I picked up a Panasonic SA-XR55 digital amp new for $170.  :scratch:

It's got 7ea 100 watt amps :lol: but I'm running it in stereo, "dual amp" mode so individual 100 watts amps left & right!
Its a full blown AV receiver. Let me say, it stinks using the analog inputs :nono:.     But !,
using the digital-inputs (it has 2 rca digital inputs 1@192k) the amp sounds pretty darn good!!! Quite good. It sounds very linear/smooth from top to bottom.
Not tubular of course and I'll probably move on to tubes before long, but hey, pretty cheap exploration, and I'd recommend it! Especially in your TV room.
It has a remote too. Oh, also a subwoofer out with 80hz crossover - which may or may not work well with Omega Deep Hemp - not sure.


Just so you know where I'm coming from, I've used both a 10-watt battery powered Tripath and a 50 watt chip amp (both custom creations) on my homemade aperiodic loaded Visaton B-200 speakers (part of a multi-channel home theater system). My room is a basement, about 14' wide, 24' long and a 7' ceiling. The Tripath has beautiful tone and detail, but I ultimately went with the leaner sounding chip amps in this system for the extra oomph for movies. These drivers really do benefit from the extra power. I hope to get a more powerful class D amp soon to get more of the tone back with the added power.

The Onkyo class D integrated amp closely matches your criteria and is getting really good reviews.
I'm considering the multi-channel Integra amp myself.

If you have more time (and patience!) you could wait to see the new av123 digital integrated amps (x-empower and x-empower^2). 

They may be worth the wait, but could be delayed and as yet are of unknown quality.