LS-9's: Very Impressive indeed!

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Re: LS-9's: Very Impressive indeed!
« Reply #20 on: 15 Oct 2007, 07:10 pm »
People have differing opinions on what they hear in specific setups and pieces of gear....what a shocking result.... :wink:


Re: LS-9's: Very Impressive indeed!
« Reply #21 on: 15 Oct 2007, 07:17 pm »
Amen brother!  Can I have an amen!!?


Re: LS-9's: Very Impressive indeed!
« Reply #22 on: 15 Oct 2007, 07:19 pm »
I did not say that "hardly anything else could compare" to the LS-9...

We can argue all day about whether the LS-6 room sounded better or
worse, it really doesn't matter in the big picture.  I was probably listening
to different things than you were..

Also, I did not mean to imply that a forty thousand dollar amplifier guarantees
good sound.  What I DID say was that I was very familiar with the sound
of the Red Rocks because I had them here for six months to review.

Not having that familiarity with the Dodd amplifiers in a ten minute listen
made it much harder to make a snap judgement.

What I was trying to get across, as all reviewers (pretty much all listeners)
have built in is some kind of bias.  That's why we choose the components
we do as reference components.  I happen to be somewhat biased against
line source speakers, having spent a lot of time with Epiphany and a few
others at some good freinds homes over the past five years.

I was excited enough by the LS-6 and 9 that rather than poke my head
in the room and say "I don't like line source speakers", I was impressed
enough to hang out.

I'll obviously have a much more detailed analysis once I've lived with
the LS-9's for a few months, going back and forth between my three
reference systems.

The post could have easily said that I was very impressed with the LS-6
and LS-9...  

So I still stick by my enthusiasm for the speaker and think it is an incredible
value... If you want to call it hype, so be it.

All of this stuff is such a personal choice, I can't tell you what to buy, I can
only relate what Im enthusiastic about...  It's up to you to make the final choice.

Big Red Machine

Re: LS-9's: Very Impressive indeed!
« Reply #23 on: 15 Oct 2007, 07:19 pm »


Re: LS-9's: Very Impressive indeed!
« Reply #24 on: 15 Oct 2007, 07:34 pm »
Sorry for the confusion. Although I fail to understand why you failed to understand me  :lol: :lol:

Now, do I think that the LS-9 is a bad speaker? Hell no...I think it is one heck of a speaker!!!! :drool: :drool: :drool:

But being that "one heck of a speaker" does not mean that you put it in any room, pair it with any $40k electronics, will give you "good sound". Just look at the $250k Marten Design speaker on the show this year and last year, to me they were the biggest disappointment of the show.

I came out of the LS-6 room very impressed with what I heard, to make that big LS-6 sounded good in that little room is not easy. I came out of the LS-9 room disappointed because I was expecting the LS-9 to beat the LS-6 but it was the other way round.

Now, you have a reviewer (or reviewers) that came out and said something like:"Wow....the LS-9 room sounded really good, and hardly anything else could compare." There're two explanations when I see comments like this:
(1) The reviewers genuinely like the sound he heard in that room, then I will take it as he and I share completely different taste, the reason why he like that sound is exactly the reason why I dislike that sound. So, I wouldn't want to buy anything that he recommend.

(2) The reviewers is not being honest, i.e. he is "hyping". While it is okay to "hype" as this is a free forum, it is also okay for people to challenge the "hype". What kind of world will we be in if we disallow any criticizm or disagreement with what we say?


Your statements confuse me; first off the reviewer didn't say anything close to "Wow....the LS-9 room sounded really good, and hardly anything else could compare." What he said was and I quote;
Truth be told, these huge speakers need more than 50Wpc to shine. Nevertheless, what I could hear was so inviting that my appetite was whet to hear them in my own listening room once they become available in a month or so.
  This indicates to me that even though he sensed something was amiss in that room he still had a good enough ear, or maybe enough experience, to realize these speakers are capable of producing great sound under different circumstances and he would like to explore that further.

I could go on but I feel I may be wasting your time as well as mine. I just don't feel the reviewer was "hyping" these or any other products, but that's just me and I am a little nutty!  :wink:

« Last Edit: 15 Oct 2007, 09:29 pm by KCI-JohnP »


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Re: LS-9's: Very Impressive indeed!
« Reply #25 on: 15 Oct 2007, 09:53 pm »
Zybar and Martyo are spot on here.  A very brief session late in the evening with Gary Dodd's battery pre and 120 amps on the LS-9's hinted at what's REALLY possible from them.  The show gear, while surely very fine stuff in it's own right, just didn't seem to be a great match for them.

The LS-6's sounded very good, though, in a much tighter room.  The monster Dodd amps really strutted their stuff in there - WOW!

I think Tom's quote hear also suggests that it just wasn't a room treatment problem. Would have loved to have heard that. If the amps would have swapped rooms, I'm thinking the results would have been significantly different. Maybe not so much in the small room, but in the big room w/ the 9's.


Re: LS-9's: Very Impressive indeed!
« Reply #26 on: 15 Oct 2007, 09:59 pm »
I agree, the Stereophile dude hints at that in his remark about 50 wpc amps. Though I know many would disagree I'm old school and believe in more power!! Grrrrrrrr(in my best Tim "The Toolman" Taylor voice)!!


Re: LS-9's: Very Impressive indeed!
« Reply #27 on: 15 Oct 2007, 10:31 pm »
Zybar and Martyo are spot on here.  A very brief session late in the evening with Gary Dodd's battery pre and 120 amps on the LS-9's hinted at what's REALLY possible from them.  The show gear, while surely very fine stuff in it's own right, just didn't seem to be a great match for them.

The LS-6's sounded very good, though, in a much tighter room.  The monster Dodd amps really strutted their stuff in there - WOW!

I think Tom's quote hear also suggests that it just wasn't a room treatment problem. Would have loved to have heard that. If the amps would have swapped rooms, I'm thinking the results would have been significantly different. Maybe not so much in the small room, but in the big room w/ the 9's.

Not being personally familiar with any of the equipment or speakers (yet), this was only speculation on my part.  It may not have been a simple "more watts is better" issue either, as some seem to think, or clipping (soft or hard).  Even at the modest levels they were played during several visits to the room, the bass didn't have the flow/drive and the top end didn't have the air and pristine transparency I thought I was hearing with the Dodds.  Especially when it's at the "first watt" kind of levels, I'm thinking equipment synergy.  I know I definitely preferred the Dodd electronics on the LS-9's, irrespective of room treatments.

Some people seem to have twisted these observations to the extremes.  This is splitting hairs about very good vs. great as perhaps determined by factors other than the speakers themselves, in show conditions.  As many have said, "show conditions" means you get what you get on a best effort basis and unfortunately hope for the best.

These are speakers you need to invite into your home and show them a good time.  They will likely do the same for you.  Just ask Art, who HAS lived with the LS-6's on a daily basis (lucky dog)  :-)


Re: LS-9's: Very Impressive indeed!
« Reply #28 on: 15 Oct 2007, 10:45 pm »
I stand by my quote above....rooms, room treatments, amps, pre's, sources, cables, recordings, equipment synergy, lack thereof, mood, time of day, level of alcohol intake, ambient interference....I just can't understand how these variables can affect listening experiences and some of us arrive at different impressions of a particular piece.... :wink:

Oh yeah, I left off hearing levels, age, personal sonic taste and biases....


Re: LS-9's: Very Impressive indeed!
« Reply #29 on: 16 Oct 2007, 12:13 am »
I stand by my quote above....rooms, room treatments, amps, pre's, sources, cables, recordings, equipment synergy, lack thereof, mood, time of day, level of alcohol intake, ambient interference....I just can't understand how these variables can affect listening experiences and some of us arrive at different impressions of a particular piece.... :wink:

Oh yeah, I left off hearing levels, age, personal sonic taste and biases....

well actually, that's the whole point...


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Re: LS-9's: Very Impressive indeed!
« Reply #30 on: 16 Oct 2007, 12:47 am »
I too did not feel that the pairing of the Red Rock amplifiers with the LS-9's was a good one.  :roll:

I don't know if it was simply due to the demands of the multiple driver arrangement on the amps, back EMF from the drivers, or what.

We did run the smaller Dodd 200 watt mono blocs that Gary had sitting on display in the GR Research room after hours on Saturday, (and although there was a biasing issue with one of the Dodds and a possible bum output tube)  it became immediate apparent that performance issue was simply a case of improper matching of components driving the 9's.

Only a few people got to hear this impromptu session, but it was enough to better highlight the true nature of what the LS-9's are capable of.

There were a lot of rooms at RMAF where you had to factor in elements of mismatched components, room acoustics and so on, but I'm with Jeff on this one wholeheartedly, you can despite these deficiencies, often extract what the true potential is, particularly with experience.

In my case, I have owned and extensively listened to the flagship offerings from GR Research prior to the LS series line arrays, and am very well exposed to the capabilities of custom and proprietery designed GR Research drivers. I'm also familiar with the capabilities of line arrays, and as such, was able to not judge them at "face" value under these particular circumstances.

Knowing all this, I know that the LS-6's in the GR Research room were not even showing all that they were capable of. They still had plenty to go.

Bottom line, knowing what I know about the GR product line, and how the LS-6's were at RMAF. I heard enough to know what the LS-9's are capable of, and it unfortunately fell quite a bit short in the Red Rock room.

Despite this, after attending RMAF with the intent of seeing how the 9's stack up against what everyone else had to offer, I have no reservations about the LS-9's being my top choice for cost no object speaker.

RMAF solidified it for me.

This is the speaker for me!  :P

I can hardly wait to get my pair!  :wink:



Re: LS-9's: Very Impressive indeed!
« Reply #31 on: 16 Oct 2007, 02:41 am »
The Red Rock amps sounded very good but I think they were not the best match to show off the true potential of the LS-9 speakers.  I think the LS-9 speakers needed more power to show off their ability to produce the dynamics I believe they are capable of. 

The LS-6 speakers had ample power from the Dodd amps so I think they were able to better demonstrate their potential. 

Either of the speakers is an excellent choice, and represent a tremendous value.  Too bad my low ceiling in my basement will not allow me to own either of these fine speakers; however, my listening room will not preclude me from trying the Emerald Physics.  :D



Re: LS-9's: Very Impressive indeed!
« Reply #32 on: 16 Oct 2007, 11:50 am »
well actually, that's the whole point...

Exactly! :thumb: