What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?

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Larkston Zinaspic

Unfortunately, the only amp that went head-to-head with the Odyssey in my system was a B&K EX442 amp--which is a nice amp--but Klaus' Dual Mono came out ahead right across the board, especially in terms of dynamic power, bottom-end extension and transparency.

There are a lot of names dropped on AR.com's reviews, but I'm curious to know what comparisons have been made by the Odyssey owners here. Like a lot of us, my purchase was based on the reviews I read, but it would be interesting to know what amps out there are being replaced by an Odyssey product.

Oddly enough, Ed Frias tuned my speakers with an ATI amp, and I still haven't heard one of those. There are other SS amps I heard, but it would be difficult to make a comparison since they were in different systems.
« Last Edit: 24 Sep 2007, 01:01 pm by Larkston Zinaspic »


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Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #1 on: 24 Sep 2007, 06:44 pm »
Unfortunately, the only amp that went head-to-head with the Odyssey in my system was a B&K EX442 amp--which is a nice amp--but Klaus' Dual Mono came out ahead right across the board, especially in terms of dynamic power, bottom-end extension and transparency.

There are a lot of names dropped on AR.com's reviews, but I'm curious to know what comparisons have been made by the Odyssey owners here. Like a lot of us, my purchase was based on the reviews I read, but it would be interesting to know what amps out there are being replaced by an Odyssey product.

Oddly enough, Ed Frias tuned my speakers with an ATI amp, and I still haven't heard one of those. There are other SS amps I heard, but it would be difficult to make a comparison since they were in different systems.

I use Odyssey SE's in my downstairs system. These replaced a SF tube amp, and that replaced a Nelson Pass setup (over priced Adcom stuff). The Mono SE's have a sound somewhat like an Accuphase. I've listened to Krells, Classe, Conrad Johnson (both solid and tubed). The Accuphase and the Mono SE's were a light year better.


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Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #2 on: 26 Sep 2007, 06:10 am »
classe, muse, arc (tubes), nad, pse, vtl, and krell.  a couple of others I cannot recall at present.  The mono extreme se's stand out above the rest. 


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Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #3 on: 26 Sep 2007, 08:47 am »


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Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #4 on: 7 Oct 2007, 03:44 pm »
Anthem (forgot the model but claimed to have 200w/channel), Aragon 8008, SF tube amp.


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Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #5 on: 7 Oct 2007, 05:50 pm »
after comparing the 14bsst to the mono extremes S.E. ,i sold 5 odyssey amps,the bryston was what i was looking for!!!


Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #6 on: 7 Oct 2007, 06:57 pm »
PS Audio , Parasound , NAD


Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #7 on: 7 Oct 2007, 07:09 pm »
after comparing the 14bsst to the mono extremes S.E. ,i sold 5 odyssey amps,the bryston was what i was looking for!!!
Bryston is OK if the Dry clinical sonics float your boat.I thought you sold your Odyssey amps because of a Medical emergency ?  :nono:


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Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #8 on: 7 Oct 2007, 09:01 pm »
Nov 19,STRATFORD GENERAL,why dont you send me a card,in the meantime,the truth about audio,that is my opinion,had 5 amps,now i have one,it hasnt brokedown once,blew a fuse,sounded fuzzy,..its just satisfied my audio earg,a comparason was asked for and i gave my opinion,if all u want is a one sided one then i apologize,Odyssey are the best in the world !


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Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #9 on: 7 Oct 2007, 11:20 pm »
Nov 19,STRATFORD GENERAL,why dont you send me a card,in the meantime,the truth about audio,that is my opinion,had 5 amps,now i have one,it hasnt brokedown once,blew a fuse,sounded fuzzy,..its just satisfied my audio earg,a comparason was asked for and i gave my opinion,if all u want is a one sided one then i apologize,Odyssey are the best in the world !

No-one ever implied that you shouldn't offer your opinion, just questioned the details that accompanied the drama infused sale of your Odyssey gear. You made such a big deal about your "medical emergency" forcing you to sell your gear but that just doesn't seem to be the case. If you didn't like the way they sounded then just say so, sell them with that explanation, and move on. People in this hobby are constantly swapping gear and looking for the "perfect fix". Klaus will be the first one to tell you that system synergy and personal preference drive the experience. Are the Odyssey amps the best in the world? Probably not...but they are amazing pieces and until I personally hear something better FOR ME in MY SYSTEM they will stay right where they are...

You would probably have a better experience in this hobby and especially in the forums if you dropped the chip you seem to carry around on your shoulder and stopped being so melodramatic. You'll find that almost everyone here is courteous and willing to share their experiences -good and bad- and all that they ask is the same in return...

Just my $.02


Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #10 on: 8 Oct 2007, 10:08 am »
Not worth the discussion.
There is sooooo  much here,  ^&%^&%&^

Anyway,  all I can say right now is that some people are using their amps in a high end environment,  others more in a DJ  configuration.  It's all legit,  and whatever floats one's boat is the right thing for them.  No problem here.  At least not with that preference.




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Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #11 on: 9 Oct 2007, 12:33 am »
Man,I just don't believe this. I'm on my third attempt to restrain my temper.

Mclsound,I took you at your WORD! You've got some nerve posting here!!!!!

You lie just to sell equipment,and then have the nerve to backstab KLAUS?!?!?!

That ain't the way we do it here in the States! :evil: :evil:
Why don't you stay away from anything connected to Klaus,you have neither the character,or the I.Q. to deserve or appreciate anything Odyssey.

Now go back under that rock you apparently crawled out from and stay there,please.


Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #12 on: 9 Oct 2007, 01:14 am »
Are you guy's kidding???
All in life is not audio. Sure, it's what we're into, but c'mon. There's more important stuff goin' on!
I've owned and moved on from Odyssey-it's good equip, IMO, but as with everything and anything-there is better. Finances,horses for courses,the whole spiel....


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Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #13 on: 9 Oct 2007, 11:58 pm »
Hey MarkC- If by "guys",you mean my last post,I'm more than happy to respond. I jumped in another post defending mclsound not knowing there was an important back story. You don't know the details either,so until you do,with all due respect,butt out.

This is not about equipment,this is about personal ethics(or lack there of),and character. Many of us have had to stand by very sick people close to us which is painfull. To have someone use this ploy to apparently sell used gear,and then go back and publicly backstab someone who went way out of their way to appease them,is just flat disgusting!

What,there's better gear than Odyssey? Really? I guess you're the only one who knows this. :?
It's about value and respect for the man. I wouldn't post thoughts here of higher priced,better performing gear out of respect. I would continue with emails,or P.M.s.
Now,you want to discuss this furthur,let's take it to P.M.s or email.


Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #14 on: 10 Oct 2007, 12:14 am »
I own some of Odyssey's Best gear,but i also own other Hi End gear too,for someone to Lie to the forum members about why they are selling thier gear in order to facilitate the sale of thier audio equipment is really screwed up!  :nono: What goes around comes around!  :wink:....WCW III


Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #15 on: 10 Oct 2007, 12:28 am »
I didn't respond before just from shock and awe.  Yuz got some balls their in your tightie whities.  From Odyssey to Bryston, the Hospital to easy living.  Cash problems to cash flow.  Seems you need some edumacation in finances and ethics oh and couth (otherwise you would have known you are now persona non-gratis to my eyes)


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Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #16 on: 10 Oct 2007, 12:50 am »
Jeez,boy am I slow! :duh: :duh:
I finally figured it out!

mclsound is really Flo!   :thumb:  :green:  :green:


Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #17 on: 10 Oct 2007, 01:41 am »
Hey MarkC- If by "guys",you mean my last post,I'm more than happy to respond. I jumped in another post defending mclsound not knowing there was an important back story. You don't know the details either,so until you do,with all due respect,butt out.

This is not about equipment,this is about personal ethics(or lack there of),and character. Many of us have had to stand by very sick people close to us which is painfull. To have someone use this ploy to apparently sell used gear,and then go back and publicly backstab someone who went way out of their way to appease them,is just flat disgusting!

What,there's better gear than Odyssey? Really? I guess you're the only one who knows this. :?
It's about value and respect for the man. I wouldn't post thoughts here of higher priced,better performing gear out of respect. I would continue with emails,or P.M.s.
Now,you want to discuss this furthur,let's take it to P.M.s or email.

You will not antagonize me into a "personal ethics" debate with you or anyone else. Either on public forum or through personal correspondence.
I feel that my words were far from disrespectfull to "the Man" or the company. Quite the opposite-I've delt with "the Man" on several occasions in the past and came away with a good feeling each time. I believe he loves what he does and truly wants to look after his customers.
I didn't just come on to your wife, so....

Let It Go.


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Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #18 on: 10 Oct 2007, 02:06 am »
This really shouldn't be necessary,but since you called me out....

in case you still don't get it,
this is about mclsound.
Get it now?

BUZZ OFF,SHEESH. :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh:


Re: What other Amps have you compared with your Odyssey?
« Reply #19 on: 10 Oct 2007, 02:18 am »
So, if it has to do with him, why don't you contact him Personally instead of on a public forum ???????????

Buzz off?