Very excited by all your impressive innovations ~

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Very excited by all your impressive innovations ~
« on: 15 Sep 2007, 05:16 pm »
Hi Vinnie ~

I am thrilled that you are digging so deeply into your formidable creative resources to develop your
already extraordinary Signature Series amplifiers to even higher levels of harmonic richness
and all-over magical aural thrills.

I use my Signature 70 monoblocks regularly and love them. But I admit that I am very excited and
thoroughly intrigued by the idea that your new Signature 70.2 monoblocks build on the great sound that
is already creating a firestorm of attention in the audio world.

I am definitely going to upgrade!!!!!

I am looking at my budget to see if I can afford the full upgrade... if not... I will definitely upgrade
to at least get the "sound" that the new Signature 70.2 offers.

I can say in perfect candor that although I also enjoy my tube amplifier from time to time I am rather
dismayed at the cost of tubes and the problems associated with having to care for them. Tube costs
keep escalating as well and one must stock them against the certainty that prices keep going up all
the time.

That is one reason I love your Signature 70 amp... it sounds like a beautifully designed SET tube amp
but without the hassle of having to deal with tubes.

That you are able to bring your new Signature 70.2 amplifier to a higher level of harmonic richness and
natural musical warmth is further proof that you are creating nothing less than a revolution
in the audio world.

It is the level of refinement you bring to your products that is so important to me. You have learned
how to listen and discern the magic in the best tube designs and by careful and sensitive experimentation
and good scientific principles you have found innovative ways of translating what you know
is possible into your own amplifier designs.

I say Bravo, Vinnie!!!! Thanks for allowing an upgrade path for loyal clients, like myself, who must
account for tight budgets but who also love music with a rare passion and intensity that demands
the best musical reproduction system our budgets will allow.

Like many of your friends on this forum I am also very excited to learn more about the new
Isabella preamplifier soon to be released. You know what sound you are after and you know how to
create it... and we are the lucky recipients of your hard work and continued explorations.

Warmest Regards ~ Richard


Re: Very excited by all your impressive innovations ~
« Reply #1 on: 15 Sep 2007, 05:26 pm »
I can't wait to get those 30.2's for review....


I'm a HUGE fan of battery power.


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Re: Very excited by all your impressive innovations ~
« Reply #2 on: 15 Sep 2007, 11:18 pm »
i don't see the upgrade in sound as an innovation, but the SMART technology definetly is (i have no issue turning the unit on and off so it wouldn't make sense spending the extra money, but I know people who do forget a kill the battery).  while I feel the SET analogy to the Signature amps is overexagerated, I still like my Sig 30 very much and its great that there is an upgrade path.  I have a good SET amp and I find myself listening to both these amps fairly often because of the fact that they sound different.  I will be waiting to hear the 30.2 (I got a buddy that is planing to purchase it and i'll get to test it out eventually) and hopefully it will be a no brainer to spend the money to upgrade. 

i'm much much more excited about the isabella.  I've been debating to buy the Dodd Battery Pre for a while now, but the price on the used market is still higher than I want to spend and would need to wait another year or so for it drop under 2K.  I'm a little concerned since I think this is the first tube RWA product, but hopefully the reviews will be good and convince me to buy it.


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Re: Very excited by all your impressive innovations ~
« Reply #3 on: 16 Sep 2007, 12:41 am »
Hi Bucky ~

My first involvement with high fidelity came when I was 12 years old... I was introduced to high end
audio by several people at that time... a kind of confluence that ocurred from very different friends
from different backgrounds but supported no doubt as a direct result of my growing passion
for music at that age. Fortunately for me I was very comfortable around older friends and they felt
comfortable with me in spite of my age.

So by the time I was 13 years old I had my own tube receiver and co-axial single
drivers in a non-padded box. The sound was extraordinary and that is not just nostalgia acting as a lens
into the past... I know because I kept that system for many many years and grew up with it.

The resurgence of my interest in tube amplification came recently. And is the direct result of my interest
in "digital" amplification. I purchased several inexpensive digital amplifiers and found them very
interesting... but lacking in that dimensional presentation that tubes seemed to excel in.

It was Vinnie's Signature 30 that convinced me that it was possible to achieve the same level of
harmonic sophistication of a highly evolved tube amp using tri-path ingredients.
When I upgraded to the Signature 70 I was amazed at the similarity the sound had to the best and often
the most expensive tube amplifiers I have ever heard.

Admittedly, the Signature 70 cannot sound like every tube amplifier out there... there are far too many
tube design typologies for that. But I am quite familiar with many tube designs... I have gone out of my
way to listen to a great many tube amps of various persuasions over the last few years... and Vinnie's
Signature 70 sounds remarkably like a very expensive very classy tube amp... the same family of tube
amps that are being held up as the state-of-the-art sound.

That is why I suggested that if Vinnie's new Signature 70.2 has solved some very important sonic
challenges that get it even closer to the sound of the best tube amps in the world, that that constitutes
a kind of revolution in my way of thinking... not the "ultimate" revolution of course... but a significant
improvement in the sound of Vinnie's Signature Series of amps is a very important leap in the right
direction. I applaud it... and I am excited by it... just as many of Vinnie's friends on this forum are.

I agree with you that the upcoming new Isabella tube preamplifier, run on batteries, is also a significant
move into new territory for Vinnie... but I think that the new Signature 70.2 and the Isabella have
come out of the same penetrating exploration for Vinnie... a direct implimentation of what Vinnie has
learned over the past few years into a product that has the sophistication to challenge the
state-of-the-art in amplification, that uses dependable rock-solid technology and for a very reasonable
cost... especially given his generous and well thought out upgrade path.

We are all growing more sophisticated together... both us and Vinnie... we are learning how to listen
with far more discrimination than we did only a few years ago. Vinnie is not resting on his
achievements... he is accepting the challenge to continue to innovate... and I find that incredibly

Thanks for sharing your insights with us, Bucky... you and I seem to have a similar taste for the best
that audio has to offer.

Warmest Regards ~ Richard

Vinnie R.

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Re: Very excited by all your impressive innovations ~
« Reply #4 on: 16 Sep 2007, 07:25 pm »
Like many of your friends on this forum I am also very excited to learn more about the new
Isabella preamplifier soon to be released. You know what sound you are after and you know how to
create it... and we are the lucky recipients of your hard work and continued explorations.

Hi Richard,

Good to see you here on AC again and thanks so much for your post!  The 30.2 and 70.2 are highly refined sounding and will bring you closer to a really well-executed tube-amp sound, but without the hassles of tubes.  The Isabella is the product that actually will feature tubes... an off-the-grid SLA battery powered tubed preamp, with built-in NOS dac.  As good as the 30.2 and 70.2s will sound without the Isabella, the Isabella will take the sounding to a completely different level!  Even if you are using a different power-amp, the Isabella preamp is going to amaze!

Quote from: Bucky
while I feel the SET analogy to the Signature amps is overexagerated, I still like my Sig 30 very much and its great that there is an upgrade path.  I have a good SET amp and I find myself listening to both these amps fairly often because of the fact that they sound different.  I will be waiting to hear the 30.2 (I got a buddy that is planing to purchase it and i'll get to test it out eventually) and hopefully it will be a no brainer to spend the money to upgrade. 

Hi Bucky,

In terms of bass performance, the Signature 30 and 30.2 sound nothing like SET.  The bass has much more control and articulation (bass is one area of SET that tends to be disappointing for me).  The mids and highs of the 30.2 and 70.2 are even more SET-like.  Adding the upcoming Isabella in front of these is going to be a total ear-gasm!  aa

I'll finally be posting more Isabella details by tomorrow...

Best regards,
