Storing Speakers

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Evan Scussel

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Storing Speakers
« on: 30 Aug 2007, 03:50 am »
I'm moving from Hartford, CT. to Chicago in two weeks.  I'm not going to be able to take my 7.1 ACI system with me and plan to store most of it (I'm probably only going to take my Sapphire XL's for a 2.0 system in a small one bedroom apartment for 12-18 months).  Is there any harm to boxing up my Essence, two sets of Emeralds and Maestro and just leave them sitting in a box in storage for 1-2 years?  Will the drivers dry out or will there be any issues with performance when I unbox them down the road when I buy a house again?

I know, I know, you are going to say "How can I live without my system for that long?"  Trust me, it's going to be tough, but I'm going to see what city life is like once before I grow old and the job offer I got I simply couldn't pass up.  Once my fiancee finds a teaching job out there, we will buy a house together but for now I'm downsizing.

Mike, any thoughts?

Mike Dzurko

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Re: Storing Speakers
« Reply #1 on: 30 Aug 2007, 09:37 pm »

This should be no problem at all. Just make sure they aren't subjected to moisture. Otherwise enjoy your new adventure! Don't feel too bad, since moving, I've been making do with "only" a two-channel system and enjoying it tremendously :)