Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?

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Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« on: 21 Aug 2007, 04:37 pm »
I am curious what others do for private office sound / hi-fi at at, imho, a reasonable cost range of less than $500+/-.

I currently have a 5 year old basic Costco Aiwa micro all-in-one system hooked up with Linaeum book shelf speakers.  I typically listen to ota radio and my collection of cd's.  Over the past year I joined the ipod bandwagon and have about 400GB of music (WAV files and Itunes) on HD and am in love with the convenience as well as form factors.

I am interested in using an outboard USB hard drive as a music library server source but am realizing, given my audiophile bias, I should probably incorporate a USB DAC and run the signals in to the auxiliary inputs of a micro system (receiver, integrated, or sim.).  Something along the lines of the Trends Audio UD-10 USB D/A looks appealing.  I would also like to get tied into some on-line radio programing (ie Pandora radio).  I am anticipating I would use my office laptop to manage those two sources.

Would anyone care to share their office set up or recommendations?

I guess I am primarily interested in ideas for a reasonable USB/DAC and good sounding micro system (all-in-one receiver with CDP like capabilities).



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Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #1 on: 21 Aug 2007, 06:19 pm »
I have a polk i-sonic - - don't laugh it is by far one of the best systems i have ever heard - i have been in this hobby for over 15 years. This is one of the most coherent sounding piece of gear that i have heard - it looks like a tabletop piece of crap - but the sound is very beguiling for a piece of crap - actually it is very well built.

you can even run an external dac or (not usb) phono into this. you might want to go more esoteric - but believe me this is so satisfying. they sell them at tweeter company and if you don't like it you can always bring it back in 7 days for a full refund.

i am not affiliated with polk in anyway - this is such a sleeper product - but perfect for the office.



Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #2 on: 21 Aug 2007, 07:50 pm »
Thanks smargo.  I have always thought highly of the Polk gear and found it very reasonable bang for the buck.  My preference is to keep using my Linaeum speakers and work on upgrading the digital audio capabilities and amp/control center components at this time. 

In general surfing for ideas, I came across the NAD L53.  It's an all-in-one receiver/cdp device that looks like it might meet one of my goals (at a preowned price anyway).

Thanks again,


Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #3 on: 21 Aug 2007, 09:29 pm »
The NAD L53 looks nice on paper, though I've never actually heard one. Another choice that is a fantastic deal (if you can find it) is a Sharp SD-EX111 . Occasionally they come up for sale on here. Integrated amp/CDP, nice remote control, and wouldn't look out of place in even a nice office. I don't have the full specs in front of me, but I believe it's only about 25W per channel, so keep that in mind for your speakers' needs. A little searching on here will reveal some lively old discussions -- it's a budget favorite on here. I've had one for about 2 years now and just love it -- I'm half heartedly looking to upgrade to something like the Arcam Solo (~$1200 used) or the April Aura (~1500 used). I think those would be a nice step up.
Be careful using an all in one unit that sounds good though...once you get bit by that bug, where you just have one remote, one box, even your better half can operate's hard to think about going back to CD player, amp, preamp, tuner, 3 or 4 remotes, etc. It's nearly a curse!


Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #4 on: 22 Aug 2007, 12:02 pm »
I have a pair of KRK V4 active nearfield monitors- mod'ed with blackgate caps, copper and cotton wiring, silver fuses and ERS on caps.

The lite audio NoS DAC and DVD transport sits under the table on a rack

I recommend active nearfields for office set-ups as they work well in small spaces- hook it up to a iPod, HD, computer.....simple and sounds great!!!


Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #5 on: 22 Aug 2007, 02:11 pm »
I really liked the Audio Engine when it was here...


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Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #6 on: 22 Aug 2007, 03:16 pm »
Trends TA 10.1 is a fun piece of gear.  It sounds great stock and a few simple mods really take it to the next level.  I'm having great success using it with Aperion Audio speakers.  Its low powered but my speakers are right on my desk so volume isn't an issue.  Since you listen to the radio, I do also recommend the Sharp SD-EX111 which is also nice sounding, has a built in CD player, tuner and Aux input with the added bonus of a remote.  I have both and I prefer the sound of the Trends although the Sharp is more functional and has much more power.

For the digital upgrade you could look at the MHDT Paradesa+ which is a NOS dac with a hybrid tube / op-amp output buffer that is loved on Head-Fi as well as being well reviewed on  I haven't heard it but seriously considered it.  At the top of USB NOS Dac heap is probably the DDDac which is a DIY piece but has true USB to I2S conversion which feeds I2S to stacks of NOS Phillips 1543 chips paralleled.
« Last Edit: 22 Aug 2007, 04:19 pm by dave_c »


Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #7 on: 23 Aug 2007, 08:06 pm »
Thanks guys, all very good ideas.  I will definitely look into the Sharp unit and upgraded dac solutions.

I considered using upgraded self powered (computer) speakers but playing cds in the laptop is noisy and the need for local radio works best with an traditional free standing system.  I work for a large organization that provides the lap top and internet (for work only...) and I need to keep it all as stock oem as possible.

Thanks again,


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Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #8 on: 4 Jun 2008, 10:42 pm »
I'm rather late to the party, but...

Please note that this is a very old picture.  I'll be replacing the K-501 (mono) with a K-502 (stereo) once I put it in a chassis and once I build out the other 40-1197 single-driver speaker.  The iPod has been replaced by a Zune and the CD playback is now an old Sony DVD player through an Audio Alchemy DDE v1.0.  Given that most of this was old hardware I had sitting around, this was well under $500.  The only new item I had to purchase was the Target (the department store, not the audiophile furniture company) bookshelf for hosting all the pieces.  I'll post a picture if I remember to bring my camera to work.

I also have my office PC hooked up to the amp as well so I can stream directly from Vista / WMP 11.



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Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #9 on: 4 Jun 2008, 11:00 pm »
You might want to look at the Nuforce Icon and soon to be released companion speakers.  I have the Icon amp and it is very good.


Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #10 on: 5 Jun 2008, 03:41 am »
Im using a pair of Stirling Broadcast LS3/5a's but that's over budget.

However before that I had a great pair of used ProAc Tablettes that
I bought for $400 along with a HK 330C and that worked great too!

My wife stole the Meridian F80 we had in the bedroom to use as her
desk system, so I think I've created a monster!!


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Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #11 on: 5 Jun 2008, 11:29 am »
I use a Teac Reference 100 series all in one. It's an older version of this.

FYI, Audio Advisor currently has a couple of NAD all in ones marked down to $500.


Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #12 on: 5 Jun 2008, 01:06 pm »
I’ve built a lot of office/desk systems over the years. I found that small professional monitors are best at near field, no doubt. M-Audio was just ok, KRK’s and Alesis are great! Some of the Roland’s are very good. I have a pair of Roland’s on my office desk now, MD-12’s with an M-Audio sub and Audiophile 24/96 PCI-DAC. Across the room I have another workstation with a pair of KRK V-8’s driven by an iPod and Audiophile USB-DAC. The KRK’s are awesome but large. The Roland’s are very detailed and throw a great soundstage but they need a sub.

Home office, my favorite was with a Decware SET and a pair of efficient speakers. I also used a vintage Kyocera amp and some Bryston and Klipsch gear. Currently (due to size limitations) I use a pair of JBL Media-4 active monitors, no need for a sub with these and they have auto-off.

KRK’s can be found on eBay and such at a bargain. I’ve not heard their smaller speaker but I have an old pair of KRK RoKits that sound nice. I also have the small M-Audio’s and they are just so, so. 

I’ve listened to lots and lots of better quality “computer speakers" and none have sounded all that great. Not bad but not audiophile at all. You can do much better by looking at pro audio gear.


Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #13 on: 5 Jun 2008, 01:10 pm »
Can someone please be more specific on the term "office" in office system. Are you referring to your home's home office or your work office meaning in a place of business, corporation.

The term "office system" has always had an ambiguous meaning too it.


Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #14 on: 5 Jun 2008, 09:21 pm »

doug s.

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Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #15 on: 6 Jun 2008, 03:40 pm »
my wintage tubed stereo table radio cost me ~$60, which included the ebay price + shipping + cost of new caps that got wery noisy after about a year.  ~3-4wpc of set amplification from a pair of 6aq5 tubes, & ~3x5 full range drivers. 

doug s.


Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #16 on: 6 Jun 2008, 05:24 pm »
My parents had one of those when I was a kid,

doug s.

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Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #17 on: 6 Jun 2008, 06:52 pm »
My parents had one of those when I was a kid,

my dad had one, too - it took me almost a year to find this one on ebay...

doug s.


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Re: Office Hi-Fi Systems < +/- $500?
« Reply #18 on: 10 Jun 2008, 07:07 am »
Can someone please be more specific on the term "office" in office system. Are you referring to your home's home office or your work office meaning in a place of business, corporation.

The term "office system" has always had an ambiguous meaning too it.

That'd be my work office.  My office at home has an ST35, a Lazarus Cascade Basic Preamp and a Rega Planar 3 in the same room.  :D

« Last Edit: 10 Jun 2008, 06:37 pm by Donkeyshins »