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« on: 9 Jan 2003, 12:35 am »
OK - I tried to hold back on posting about halo...

I started playing in Legendary mode last night after I found a Legendary walkthrough on the web. It theoretically tells you the best strategy for going through a few different levels, and gives some alternatives as well.

The thing about halo is that it is so visually and auraly rich, and very entertaining. I have played through once on easy mode and that took awhile since I am not a 14 year old kid with unlimited time...So legendary mode may take a long time, with a thousand deaths.

The walkthrough is pretty good, but it doesn't cover some random events in the game, so it is not a spoiler. The game in Legendary mode will eat you for lunch - prepare to die many times over. The walkthrough does say HOW to handle certain skirmishes, just not in a lot of detail. For example kill the grunt and don't worry about the elites until the grunt is dead. But the elites may just shoot you before you get a bead on the grunt. Or it tells you to go down the hallway to the right after you kill the elites - well, there may be a few hallways "to the right", so it definitely does not render this level any easier. Also I was stuck in a set of hallways after I had eliminated all the grunts and elites, with about four marines who just stayed in one room and wouldn't move. I think I am in a loop! Anyone have this happen before?There are supposed to be some stairs somewhere, but it seems a blast door has closed me off to the stairs.



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« Reply #1 on: 10 Jan 2003, 11:29 pm »
Halo Legendary Mode update:

I couldn't figure out why I was stuck in this level. No one seemed to be able to help, although I did find a guy at work who thinks he is stuck on the same level.

So I restarted Legendary with a new identity. Legendary mode is tough, very tough. And there is plenty of variety every time you die and respawn. You will not die the same way twice, it seems.


« Reply #2 on: 17 Jan 2003, 02:10 am »
Been a long time since I played Halo...great game!  great game (oh wait..I already said that...didn't I ;) )

   I've actually completed the darn game on all levels...I'll be waiting for Halo2 :)


« Reply #3 on: 17 Jan 2003, 07:02 am »
Next time I see the guy I know that's programming Halo 2 I'll have to ask him how it's going. Now that I'll be getting my 'box tomorrow I'll have to pay a little more attention to what's coming out for it.


« Reply #4 on: 22 Jan 2003, 12:39 am »


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« Reply #5 on: 22 Jan 2003, 03:11 pm »
Time to get another XBox and 8  controllers and make a movie  :lol:

That was intense - I am thinking that all of the footage is real action, possible in multiplayer mode...


« Reply #6 on: 24 Jan 2003, 07:29 am »
Have been enjoying Halo for the last few days. Running it in DD Surround EX is all kinds of fun. And running it at reference level is insane. Can't wait for MechAssault...

Found out that I'd not gotten as far along in Halo as I thought when I'd played it a few months ago. Back then I figured I'd played it about halfway through from what everyone was saying about the length of it. Turns out I'd really only gotten about 1/4th of the way through it. But I'd only played it for an hour or so back then.

Now I'm about halfway through. 'course that's halfway through on normal. Can't imagine what legendary is like.


« Reply #7 on: 29 Jan 2003, 07:10 am »
Was playing Halo again yesterday & beat it on normal. The flood are really annoying. :evil:  But I had plenty of :uzi: to go around. :mrgreen:

Running it in 7.2 was actually very beneficial. Could hear if something was dead-on behind me or anywhere else.

Haven't played any multi-player yet. Will have to at a later point.

So I decided to try playing it on easy & having a little fun as I'd not tried the easy setting yet. Decided to just kill EVERYTHING. "Would you mind not killing my men?" :rotflmao: It's lots of fun that way. :wink:

Would appreciate more pistol ammo around the levels as that's one of my prefered weapons. Oh well...


« Reply #8 on: 10 Feb 2003, 03:44 am »
Put Halo down after picking up MechAssault. Will have to go back & finish it on easy, then go for Legendary. Gotta see the different ending for Legendary...