System question: bright sound from De Capo i's, 300B's...

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I have de capp i version drived by cary 300b int.with rega planet cd player, xlo signature 1.1 for intercconect and wireworld eclipse III speakers cable.This system sound very good but a little bright.I think to change my speakers cable or cd player because the cary  is very warm.Please some recomendations.   :?:


System question: bright sound from De Capo i's, 300B's...
« Reply #1 on: 21 Aug 2003, 10:49 pm »
Hi, I've heard a Rega Planet 2000 in my system (which you can look up on the thread listing systems in this forum) and I found it really, really musical- NOT AT ALL BRIGHT.  I'd look elsewhere for the problem- maybe it is your room?


« Reply #2 on: 22 Aug 2003, 12:09 am »
comeelec - Hi and welcome to the R3A circle.

I must admit I was surprised when I read that you were getting brightness from the equipment you listed. I've always found the Planet to be very warm and 'analog-like' in that Rega sort of way, with a slightly recessed upper midrange and treble. Based on what I've heard, I can't think of any other cd player that would 'fix' the issue; in fact the Planet would spring to mind as a recommendation if you had a different cdp. I suspect the problem is elsewhere.

I don't know your amp, but I've heard 300Bs that have a midrange/treble forwardness (not brightness exactly, but sort of...) even while being warm/luscious in the rest of the frequency range...

I'm not familiar with your cables, but that might be a place to experiment. Van den Hul might work well in your situation; I've also heard that MIT cables can help tame a wild top end, although I don't have any experience with them. I would avoid silver cables in your situation.

As has been mentioned elsewhere in the forum, the vague consensus is that, if anything, the De Capo i's are slightly/greatly more refined and less bright on top; however, if you're coming from another speaker, it's likley you're not used to hearing as much high-frequency information. I know that I always think other speakers sound laid-back on top compared to my (non-i) De Capos.

I agree with mc, though--your room is a likely culprit. Do you have wood floors? plaster walls? un-damped reflection points? A good way to test (very unscientific, for you number-crunchers out there) is to sit very close to your speakers, and listen to how the tonal balance changes as you move away. If things sound 'right' when you're close to the speakers, room acoustics may be fouling things up at the listening position.


System question: bright sound from De Capo i's, 300B's...
« Reply #3 on: 22 Aug 2003, 12:39 am »
I've also heard that MIT cables can help tame a wild top end, although I don't have any experience with them. I would avoid silver cables in your situation.

IMO, silver cables would sound strident with a tweeter as revealing as the MM De Capo I's.  I used to use Transparent Cables, AudioQuest, and Tara Labs and switched to MIT MH 750 + III and I can attest to Chris's claim that they are not etched or bright in any way.  They do not accentuate the highs but they don't roll of anything at all either.  Very refined sounding cables for the $.  Exceptional soundstaging with MIT's, good clean bass, and a more spacious sound.  I recall when I switched to them that everything just seemed a little lighter and airier- not so damn forceful and in your face like some cables, particularly the Tara Labs I was using.  MIT's are not as warm or romantic sounding as some Cardas cables I've heard, but they are tonally neutral (maybe slightly warm) and give a more mid hall sound than other cables I've heard- it may have to do with the networks, but they sounded more spacious than the networked Transparents I was once using.

The MM De Capo I's have an extremely revealing tweeter.  It is not bright per se, but it is very extended.  My room is reverberant and brighter than the last apartment I had, but the De Capo I's can still sound fabulous here.  I may be more cognizant of bad recordings than with my last speakers (Sound Dynamics 300ti's), but this may a combination of the room and the De Capo's more revealing tweeters.  I've tamed some room brightness with acoustic foam by RPG on the side walls to deal with the first wall reflections.  Move the speakers around like Chris said and see what happens to the sound.
