HT3 woofers - facing in or out?

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HT3 woofers - facing in or out?
« on: 4 Jul 2007, 01:12 am »
I know that this is highly room dependent but, in general, are the HT3's likely to work better with the woofers facing inward (towards each other) or outwards?  Because of the grain pattern on my baffles (book-matched solid movingui), the right and left speakers can't be swapped after assembly without unbalancing the appearance (obviously as important as balancing the sound :wink:).



Re: HT3 woofers - facing in or out?
« Reply #1 on: 4 Jul 2007, 01:39 am »
I've tried the HT3 both ways and I prefer mine pointing outwards.  My room is large and there is more than 8 feet between the woofers and the outer walls, and the speakers are about 10 feet apart


Re: HT3 woofers - facing in or out?
« Reply #2 on: 4 Jul 2007, 02:02 am »
Most people seem to like the side firing woofers outward.

If Art the reviewer from stereomojo drops by maybe Art can comment on which way he listened to them in his room.


Re: HT3 woofers - facing in or out?
« Reply #3 on: 4 Jul 2007, 02:36 am »
Hi guys, I tried both and in my room outward was much better, so the review and all my listening was based on outward firing.  Cheers!  (and happy belated Canada Day Al!)


Re: HT3 woofers - facing in or out?
« Reply #4 on: 4 Jul 2007, 02:53 am »
Thanks Art .
Spent the day at the part with a few others.


Re: HT3 woofers - facing in or out?
« Reply #5 on: 6 Jul 2007, 08:20 pm »
I have a set of HT3's on order so I can't really comment on them, however I have had the HT8's for a little over 3 months now and they have spent 95% of there time with the woofers facing each other. This past weekend I was feeling a little energetic and decided to move the HT8's so that the woofers are now facing outwards and it's a completely different experience. The bass with music is far better but I have lost a lot of the slam I was getting with HT. It's still very good.....just some of the BOOM! is gone. I expected this so there was no surprise but it was still interesting to hear. The bass is still there and still very good, it's just not getting down as deep as it was.

I now have to decide if I want faster and tighter bass with music, or if I prefer the HT slam that the HT8's offer when facing each other. I tend to take my time on these things so the HT8's will sit as is for a month or so before I make the final call.


Re: HT3 woofers - facing in or out?
« Reply #6 on: 14 Jul 2007, 10:21 pm »
Well I hate to admit it but I'm starting to like the woofers facing out. It's cool how much different the end result is from having them out versus in and vice versa.

In has it's advantages in HT but out seems to work better for HT and music. So for the time being.....out it is!  :)

When my HT3's show up they will be sitting behind me, so I will be doing this all over again!


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HT8's - currently facing in
« Reply #7 on: 14 Jul 2007, 11:30 pm »
After experimenting, my HT8's are facing 'in'.  It's maybe a bit tighter and more focused, but the main factor is 'less'

Living in an apartment, with wood floors, i have to stay considerate.  With the speakers out theres just so much bass and room coupling.  It's bloody great, but fantastically massive - even at low volumes.

I like my apartment and wish to stay there! :)

It's cool to have the option, one of my favorite aspects of this speaker.

While experimenting with which way they're facing, also experiment with how far away they are from the back wall.  That distance plays a huge factor, as does distance to side walls.  You can easily spend an afternoon tweaking this - one of the reasons my castor wheels are still on the bottom :)

this is clearly a 'before' photo.  They've also been moved away from the back wall a bit more.
