I am interested in the iMod, can I get help to point me in the right direction?

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  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 5
Ok, let me give you just a little backstory.

I am a total noob when it comes to audio. Just today, I have spent hours and hours getting up to speed with what you should be using audio wise. Before yesterday, I thought headphones like these were good


Proves how little I knew. I noticed I have been listening to audio on headphones almost exclusively now. Headphones when I use my laptop, when I use my iPod, and with the Sony PSP I will be getting, and another Mp3 player for jogging, I knew that I had to ditch the 20 buck headphones.

I figured 50 bucks would be a good price. How little I knew. After hours I finally found a good site, head-fi.org. Then I bumped my limit up to 70 bucks. Then I doubled my limit. This is all new to me, so I was surprised on how much money I wound up spending on just headphones (IEM, Atrio M5).

So then I found out about FLAC, and how rockbox will allow me to play them on my iPod. Made up my mind to get Rockbox. Then I kept seeing in people's sigs they had iMod. I was told that this was an expensive (at least for me) mod for a 4th generation iPod to make it sound infinitely better. Lucky for me I have an iPod Photo I thought. I kept thinking, this is all a lot of money to spend, but I kept reading up on this iMod. I figured if I was going to have high quality headphones, and FLAC files, no reason to not get iMod and be hearing the best possible source.

But I was not happy when I heard that you would need an amp to use the mod. I mean I use my iPod for portability, so having to lug around an amp is not ideal for me. But after a few hours (which is where I am now) I figure that getting an amp is worth it. And that is pretty much where I am now.

I have a basic idea of what amps do, but not a real good idea. I'm looking for something that will do the trick. With my PSP, headphones, tips for them, and iMod, I am easily spending 600-800 bucks, and that is a lot of money for someone who originally was just looking to buy a pair of 50 buck headphones, so I am definitely pushing it now. I say that to say I want something that is quality, but does the trick and is inexpensive. I'm not willing to spend more on the amp than I am on my car. Also it would be great if it was portable, and if anyone could explain to me how amps work, if they need batteries, rechargeable, I have no idea. 100-200 is a good range.

But I am just looking for a good deal, and I am looking to cut my costs, cuz really I don't even have a job, I was originally only going to be spending 200 on what I wanted, and now I am looking at 800 dollars which is a decidedly big jump. So anything you could say on the matter (anything at all) would help greatly.


Ok, and a extra question also. Now I might potentially spend more money. GRRR.
You now add support for 5th generation iPods. I wouldn't care, but 2 things you said about it popped out at me.

1. Might sound better than 4th generation from iPod.
2. Stock Headphone output is UNTOUCHED!

Ok that angers me. That was one of my grips too. If I am at home, I can use the amp on my 4th generation to listen to music, but what if I want to go portable without the amp, I am screwed. So now I'm interested in 5th generation iPod. This is fantastic /sarcasm.

So I guess this raises a couple of questions.

1. Is there anyway you can leave headphone output functional on 4th generation, and just price the service on that higher?
2. For someone who has 4th generation iPod Photo, would you say it's worth it to get this iPod (for the headphone output, for the extra bass, and for all the other upsides of getting a generation better iPod?)?
« Last Edit: 20 Jun 2007, 10:37 pm by blazin_it_alwyz »


Dude, it sounds like you may not be cut out for the wacky world of audio.

There are always more choices no matter if you spend a hundred or a million dollars.
Perhaps just get a bit better set of phones for your existing iPod for now....

The iMod makes the iPod into a serious digital playback device and yes, you
do have to give up some functionality to get it.  But maybe that's further
than you want to go for now, that's ok! 


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 5
Dude, it sounds like you may not be cut out for the wacky world of audio.

There are always more choices no matter if you spend a hundred or a million dollars.
Perhaps just get a bit better set of phones for your existing iPod for now....

The iMod makes the iPod into a serious digital playback device and yes, you
do have to give up some functionality to get it.  But maybe that's further
than you want to go for now, that's ok! 

Ya I just read my post and it does seem I come off as a little frantic(which I'm not, really).It's just kinda of a bummer. Since this post I have taken a couple of hours to read up on the finer points.

Ya basically to get all the stuff necessary for the iMod to work portably (the headphones, the amp, the G5 iPod 80Gb modded, with wires) easily puts the price of this at like 1300 bucks, not factoring in the PSP that was my first priority before this.

The problem with me is I like to get the best stuff, right off the bat. It makes no sense to me to get 50 dollar headphones, and a 30GB iPod, because I will end up eventually having to get that new iPod, eventually want to get it modded, which means I need a quality amp, and I need headphones to listen to it like it should be listened to.

I was going to splurge and spend 800 bucks for all of this stuff, it's just extra stuff that really got my hopes down. Having to get an amp, which costs an insane amount of money, having to get an G5 iPod(so when I choose I can lose the amp and use the headphone output, can't do that with G4 iPod), and then having to buy extra wires for the end, which are also insanely costly.

But the main reason I said all that was to get help finding an amp. I just wanted whoever was going to help me to know what kind of situation I was in for them to find me an amp. Like I said I have studied hours after I posted this, I think the best route for me to go is raysamuelsaudio, and get the hornet or the tomahawk. I mean if I can justify the purchase I will get this definitely though.


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I would suggest you go to www.audiolineout.com  and you will have a lot of your questions answered regarding the 5th Gen Imod, headphones and headphone amps.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 5
ya that site is how I found these forums.

and ya the site you gave was an ad site. it took me a while to figure out you were referencing aloaudio.com

Ya but I have read those pages over and over again. I have been up since 3 am, and I have been on the computer for about 22+ hours researching this stuff (because when I research I get serious). I have went from a beginner to intermediate on this stuff pretty much overnight. But yeah most of my questions still stand. I'm also simultaneously asking people over @ head-fi.org, so hopefully I get responses.

my most recent one.


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  • Posts: 834
The 5th Gen Imod can be used as a standard Ipod, as a digital source for a home stereo and as a high end source for headphones with a headphone amp that can also be portable if you so desire.  I am listening to my 5th Gen Imod right now through my speakers using the Super Kind Imod cable.  All I can tell you is that it sounds awefully good. 
    There are various and sundry portable headphone amps covering all price ranges.  Ray Samuels Audio has an excellent reputation as to quality and price. 
    You can go as crazy as you want spending money on headphones as you have discovered.  What is important is the synergy between the amp and the headphones, check with both the headphone manufacturer and the amp manufacturer to make sure each endorses the use of the others product. 
   ALO is coming out with a V-Dock for use with the 5th Gen Imod.  It will consist of a wooden case and utilize V-Caps.  If I was to go "all in" I would wait for that. 
    You can e-mail Vinnie Rossi at Red Wine Audio; it has been my experience that he has been both very helpful and very honest. 

                                               Good Luck


So Blazn'....do you have an Ipod?     I gather you own a 4th Gen  40 or 60 gb Photo Ipod.

If all you do is listen to headphones at home, why not start off by getting a good portable amp and some nice can headphones??   The line out of a stock Ipod isn't horrible by any means.    Then, if the mood strikes you can have the 4th Gen modd'd for $214 assuming its in good condition.    Then, for jogging just buy a Shuffle on ebay for under $100, upgrade the cabling to let the Imod sing...and you're done for quite a while.

in other words use what you have to make you happy but not break the bank.  then decide if upgrading from that level is worth it.

Modd'ing a 4th Gen is a lot more affordable than the 5th Gen and fits in-line with your situation IF you have a 4th Gen already.

Vinnie R.

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Hi blazin_it_alwyz,

Welcome to Audiocircle and the RWA forum!

Quote from: TONEPUB
The iMod makes the iPod into a serious digital playback device and yes, you do have to give up some functionality to get it.  But maybe that's further than you want to go for now, that's ok! 

Tonepub has a good point... you don't have to start out with an iMod.  The appreciate the iMod for portable use (just like any high quality source), you are going to need a decent pair of headphones and a headphone amp.  Once you find a headphone amp and headphone combo that really makes you happy, you can later decide to upgrade your source.

But the main reason I said all that was to get help finding an amp. I just wanted whoever was going to help me to know what kind of situation I was in for them to find me an amp. Like I said I have studied hours after I posted this, I think the best route for me to go is raysamuelsaudio, and get the hornet or the tomahawk.

Ray Samuels makes great amps and he offers great customer service.  You can't go wrong with Ray!

ZLS and gooberdude also offer some good points as well!

I believe you should decide on your budget and goals, and then take it from there. You can always upgrade later on, and for some, this is part of the fun in this hobby!  :wink:

Good luck,



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 5
ya thx Vinnie

I think I'm just being greedy. Even though I have a perfectly good iPod, I want to splurge and get a newer generation one just so I can keep the functionality of the headphone out jack. But that's my fault. I'll still end up getting one of these though regardless of what I say. So many people can't be wrong. Now I just have to figure out what kind of dock wire I should get.


In the short term you can buy a $10 volume knob from Kloss that plugs right into the headphone jack of your Ipod, and then your headphones would plug into the knob assembly.  this is a quick and cheap way to get Imod portable so you don't need a bulky amp and cabling.

The Imod is a funny tool.   It essentially wiped out my desire to even want headphones...  It plays through my main system and in my car only.    If i ever go on a bikeride or to the gym i sport the Shuffle, which was new at ebay for $50.  Using the Shuffle ever so often REALLY makes me appreciate Vinnie's efforts all the more.

Get your 4th Gen modd'd and take it from there would be my suggestion.  With all the fury over the 5th Gen, just imagine what's gonna be available in a few months...

taking baby steps is a good way to pursue this hobby.  otherwise you run out of cash/credit in a hurry and have no base to judge whether or not it was $ well spent. 


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 138
how are you using it in your car?


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 5
Line-out from the iMod to Line in for the audio deck, probably using AUX. I know I usually do it just through my headphone out, but I'm sure it can be done through line-out.


Its easy to run Imod in your car...much easier though since i have an Alpine cd player.  Through Crutchfield i got a $15 cable that plugs into the CD changer AUX input, and has dual RCA's on the other end.

i run a custom rca to mini cable through the center console and up through the cup holders, which cradle the Imod while driving.   

Imod in the car is a lot of fun.


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Considering the way you started this thread, I don't think it would be a good idea to even start with the iMod. If you're budget is $600-$800, or even $400, you can buy some of the finest personal headphones on the market. Check out the guys at Headroom at www.headphone.com . When I started out reading in audio just like you, I learned a lot there. For your budget, you could get a pair of AKG701's. Sennheiser HD650', Denon AH-D5000's (My personal favorite that I happen to be saving for at the moment), or any of the other headphones they have there. If you get the iMod without owning headphones of this caliber (not to mention an amp and cable), you may not even tell a major difference and you DEFinitely won't be getting the full benefits of the mod.

I'm not trying to advertise Headroom, but since you were asking about amps (although the Hornet is great), Headroom has the TotalBitHead. For $150, you get a dedicated headphone amp with hi-lo gain switch, built-in crossfade switch AND built-in DAC for you computer. That's a pretty sweet deal, especially if you've never hear a mobile player through a headphone amp.

What I'm really trying to say is take smaller steps. Once you get used to one level of quality and then add an upgrade, the difference in what you hear is often night and day. Then you get to enjoy that frenzied excitement of going back to listen to your favorite recordings and notice all the new details you can hear. Why give that up just to have the top heap all at once? You have a lot of time to gradually increase the quality of your rig, and by that time you'll have more experience and know what to listen for.


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I've read the thread, but can't quite piece together where you're trying to go.  Might be my fault and not so much your fault. =)

There are lots of options out there, and quite a few in the portable world.

I've got some questions for you:

1. Are you looking to improve the audio output of your iPod?
2. Do you listen on the go, or at your desk?
3. If you listen at your desk, would you be willing to use your computer as a source rather than the iPod?