AKSA 55 as integrated?

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AKSA 55 as integrated?
« on: 3 Jun 2007, 07:05 pm »
Thought I'd ask for comments from those using an AKSA 55 as an integrated. I will probably get an amp in the next couple of months and this one looks very interesting to me. I have a Peter Daniels (Audio Sector) premium LM3875 gc kit, unbuilt, need to get transformers for it to begin building. Anyone compared the two?
I would get a tube pre after completing an amp (that's why the integrated configuration) and the TLP looks good. I have used MiniMax pre and Decware zsla-1 with a gainclone and liked the combo's, tho the gc was not a great one.
I listen to techno and other music with lowest octave information should I be concerned with the 55's -1 @ 25hz rating? I use a Rythmik sub that reportedly goes to ~10hz and would want to do it justice.
Currently I use a Scott 222c that has been rebuilt. It has a 12db/oct. @ 20hz subsonic filter as it is from the days of vinyl. The Rythmik sub (hooked up line level to the Scott via a center channel out) does pretty well with the Scott, but I may be missing some of the lowest bass solidity. I'm sure room gain helps.
Speakers are 95db, and 2nd set is ~92db, so the 55's power would be abundant. In reading I remember a post from Hugh about building the amp with lower watts (25 or 40) for cleaner output, maybe (if simple and easy) that would apply to me. Also with that in mind the unity gain of the TLP would be better than having gain. Also also my current best source is a Red Wine iMod that is a 1 volt unit, which would effect system output. However Scott is 20 watts/rms and I get plenty of volume with it.
Thanks, Don

Greg Erskine

Re: AKSA 55 as integrated?
« Reply #1 on: 4 Jun 2007, 10:40 am »
Hi Don,

Personally, I would keep the pre and power amps separate. It just allows more flexiblilty and getting the tube preamp quiet can sometimes be tricky. I have a standard AKSA 55 and TLP N and have been using it daily for many years.

I have built a Brian Bell premium LM3875 gc kit, or two, and while they sound a lot better than they should, but IMHO, to my ears, the AKSA 55 is  superior. When you take into account that my old AKSA is about 5 models below a Lifeforce 100, I can only imagine how good they must sound.

Having said that, I do respect Peter's vast experience and construction abilities. I would have to conclude that Peter's system must really extract the full potential from these gainclones, because I just couldn't imagine Peter would accept the results that I have been able to achieve from gainclones.



Re: AKSA 55 as integrated?
« Reply #2 on: 4 Jun 2007, 01:25 pm »
I would agree with Greg and keep the pre and power amp separate. IMO you would have a lot of problems with hum and etc with the TLP if placed with the power amp.

The LM3875 is a really nice Chipamp and is the only power amp that can get away without a pre. I think because they are sloppy (not in a bad way), makes them so musical. They are very dependant on speaker matching.

The AKSA 55N+ is at another level with great sonics but does need a pre to perform at it's best. It's the only amp I have that sounds great with every speaker I throw at it. I think the bass does roll off compared to say the AKSA 100 but I'm sure it's a compromise to gain superb sonics elsewhere. The Lifeforce I believe does not have the same roll off. I've only noticed the bass roll off on speakers that hit the low 30Hz mark.

You do have that sub so I can't see it being a problem as you wouldn't want to double up on the low frequencies below 40Hz.

You would not regret getting a AKSA 55N+ or Lifeforce.


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Re: AKSA 55 as integrated?
« Reply #3 on: 4 Jun 2007, 02:59 pm »
Thanks for the replies.
Sorry I didn't make it clear, I didn't mean I wanted put the TLP inside the 55.
I would build the 55 first, but wondered about putting an attenuator on it so I could use it by itself, like an integrated. Later (weeks or months) I would add a TLP to my system as a seperate unit. (At that time I could remove the attenuator from the 55 I suppose). It's all because I have to pace the finances, can't get both at once.
rabbitz, good points, I won't worry about the bass depth of the 55. My concern was that I would hook my sub up speaker level to the 55 and so it would be subject to the 55's bass roll off. But with a pre being added later the issue is moot, was just one of those things to worry about, forgotten.
I've been getting a little weary of the amp chase and want to settle in on something. From descriptions the AKSA's it sounds like Hugh had my sonic's in mind to a great degree. I actually was pointed to the AKSA's when searching out posts on diy tube amps and came across Ginger (tubes) posts on diyaudio. His Baby Huey looks like an amp I'd be interested in, and may try in the future. But his mention of the AKSA as a reference amp peeked my interest.
The Scott that I use now has 11 tubes, I think maybe too much of a good thing. I can make it sound vastly different with a variety of tubes, for better or worse. I like the idea of just using tubes in the preamp, if for no other reason than simplicity.
Greg, your system sounds like what I might be after, good to hear it's pleased over the years.
The gainclone comments are well taken. I do want to hear this AudioSector kit vs. the one I have now.
« Last Edit: 4 Jun 2007, 05:26 pm by nodiak »


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Re: AKSA 55 as integrated?
« Reply #4 on: 4 Jun 2007, 03:07 pm »

I'm running mt CDP (via a DAC) directly into my LF55 using a pair of Scott Endler attenuators: http://mysite.verizon.net/vze4c5pt/
Alternatively if your source is a CD and it has its own volume control you wouldn't need anything (although I found that my previous CDP's volume was pretty rough and the increments were pretty big).

The set-up works very well- do a search here and you'll find lots of info on these- the only problem is the slow turnaround time...  Since they are external to the amp (they fit on the input RCAs) there is little mucking around- the drawback is that you have to reach around the back to adjust volume.  I think it is an ideal solution for the short term.



Re: AKSA 55 as integrated?
« Reply #5 on: 4 Jun 2007, 11:16 pm »
Hi Don,

Thanks for letting us in on your thoughts as you plan your system.

Your approach, in fact, is pretty much mine also and that of many here.

To simplify, tubes add color to the sound which tends to 'humanise' the music.  This is largely second and third harmonic, which are musical.  A tube turns good sound into engaging music if the operating point is correctly chosen. 

But you can go too far, chiefly by having too many tubes.  As you've found, you can change the sound of a tube amp by simply changing the tubes, 'tube rolling' as they say.  People can spend decades finding their preferences, and this is probably one reason audio forums are so prolific.

This is why in my two preamps, the TLP and the GK1, I use a single tube.  Just a little color, not too much.  I even choose a tube configuration, the cathode follower, which is known for extremely low distortion;  I really only want almost immeasurable levels, which I know instruments struggle to detect but which the trained ear can pick up, particularly over a few days listening - the way we all listen to our systems.

So, your idea of stepping out the purchase with a volume control on the AKSA/Lifeforce and then eventually moving to a tube preamp is fine and will work well for you.

