new pre? moscode 401 - ht3's

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Re: new pre? moscode 401 - ht3's
« Reply #20 on: 23 Apr 2007, 07:44 pm »
No way, George!  *cough, cough*  I wish I was busier around this time of the year.


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Re: new pre? moscode 401 - ht3's
« Reply #21 on: 23 Apr 2007, 07:47 pm »
George -

Whatever you do don't post your impressions in the Salk circle.  :D

I won't be posting in the Salk Circle, I will post over in Audio Central.

This thread hasn't been bad...some good thoughts have been shared and things have stayed civil.



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Re: new pre? moscode 401 - ht3's
« Reply #22 on: 23 Apr 2007, 08:07 pm »
Brian M,
As I started this thread and definitely appreciate all the helpful suggestions, here's my comments

I wouldn't consider a VSA pre because I already have an Audio Research LS5 MKII (albiet 9 years old)
I've been frugal and now am putting some serious upgrades together, I've really enjoyed my thought out ventures into higher fidelity.
I like to research (mostly audiogon) and find manufacturers who don't hype up and mark up their product - Jim Salk is one shining example, there are more.

I  tolerate gear to listen to music. i play bass and guitar and live in New Orleans so I'm always seeing a wide range of live music.

I don't make an upgrade till it's a significant improvement and I keep my gear a long time.

So for me the Moscode 401HR was a Godsend - a very engaging amp and well worth the money, it really brought home an added naturalness to my already good system.
The Salk's didn't truly sing till I got this amp - they sounded congested on some dynamic passages before.  Now wow. The Salk's will show up any upstream limitation and sing when you feed them a pristine source

Since the Moscode was single ended and the Arc all balanced, I thought - that upgrade was so stellar perhaps I'll venture to a significant pre amp upgrade and really hear the full benefit. I heard from several people here and on audiogon and did a bit more research - I really like the dodd's well thought out design. I also thought the Doshi at $6k was too rich for my blood.

I just spent $1000 last month on three SRA VR isolation devices for amp, cd and pre
my Audio Aero Prima cd finally opened up and doesn't sound congested anymore
(who needs anything more on the digital end when you have a good analog setup)

I buy used or demo when I can to stretch my dollar, my music room is dedicated and I have no wife or girlfriend to say no. I appreciate your sensible savings but in my case it's not appropriate

I'll let you know how the Dodd fits the bill, thanks again for all the input

the Salk's are so good you don't want anything limiting their full potential



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Re: new pre? moscode 401 - ht3's
« Reply #23 on: 23 Apr 2007, 08:24 pm »
neither amp uses an output transformer...


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Re: new pre? moscode 401 - ht3's
« Reply #24 on: 23 Apr 2007, 08:27 pm »
Ok, if everybody wants to continue the Moscode/AVA amp discussion I can split it into another thread and move it out of the Salk Circle.

Otherwise, let's get back on topic.




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Re: new pre? moscode 401 - ht3's
« Reply #25 on: 23 Apr 2007, 09:09 pm »
Just to confirm WEEZ, the AVA Fet Valve Ultra 350 and 550 hybrid amplifiers do not use output transformers.  They both have full complimentary power mos-fet output circuits, using a dozen high voltage, high power, high current Exicon TO-3 case mos-fets each.


Frank Van Alstine

Big Red Machine

Re: new pre? moscode 401 - ht3's
« Reply #26 on: 24 Apr 2007, 12:31 am »
I recently purchased a Moscode 401 hr which sounds fabulous with my HT3's, really brought things to a new level. I am currently running cheater plugs to go from my ARC LS 5 mkii preamp to the moscode

looking to possibly go with a new preamp
the LS 5 is very revealing, tonally balanced, engaging etc
but it's a 10 year old design and balanced only and the Moscode is single ended

any recommendations to synergize with the Moscode and Salks?
I listen to a wide range of music in a 15 by 27 room (speakers on long wall)

bat? callisto?  a room adjusting pre like the tact?

the arc is a great piece so I really want to make a viable step up soundwise


I'll get us back on center.  I have the Moscode and have had the following preamps in the system with the Moscode:

Cary SLP98P - the best match so far
Promethius TVC - excellent match except for the gain level (which can be tweaked thru wiring mods)
Audio Mirror T61 - terrible, like a veil over the music
DIY Maggie - a good TVC, not as transparent as the Promethius
Sonic Euphoria PLC is up next and I am hoping it dethrones my Cary

Throughout these experiments I have found more bass than I thought was possible, some of it uncontrolled, some of it weak in the mid-bass, but deep in the down-low.  My current quest is to work my way down, versus up the food chain, to see how little I can actually spend and recreate the sound I obtained with expensive gear.  It's slow going, but it is an interesting journey.  Not that I have reached the pinnacle of sound, but with faith in the HT3's and the Moscode, I am trying to see how little I have to spend on the other gear to get a black background and the full Monty of sound. 

I replaced the Cary 303/300 and replaced my AC line conditioner, both with much less expensive gear and feeling pretty good about it.

One of these days I'm going to get with Jim and do a side-by-side with Frank's amp.  I have not spent any time with one yet.  I'm trying to find that synergy in a pre, like the Cary before I do.  Maybe the SE will be IT.

Big Red Machine

Re: new pre? moscode 401 - ht3's
« Reply #27 on: 26 Apr 2007, 12:56 pm »
The Sonic Euphoria is exceptional.  Could be the keeper to replace the Cary. :D


Re: new pre? moscode 401 - ht3's
« Reply #28 on: 26 Apr 2007, 06:55 pm »
The Sonic Euphoria is exceptional.  Could be the keeper to replace the Cary. :D

Now you see why I'm having trouble parting with it :wink:

The SE is as transparent and non-intrusive as anything I've had in my system.  I've also found it doesn't seem as sensitive to cabling as some of the TVC based designs (within reason).  Jeff was quick to add that the "optimum" setting is still unity gain, so I try to keep it out of the +10db end of things.
