What's the point of the points?

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What's the point of the points?
« on: 17 Apr 2007, 05:13 am »
Points (guess they're sort of spikes) can be ordered with the ACI subs.
But I always thought it's best to place a downfiring sub directly on the floor?


Re: What's the point of the points?
« Reply #1 on: 17 Apr 2007, 02:23 pm »
I don't have an ACI sub but do have subwoofers and play with spikes often.  Their use, and the success of their use, depends a lot on what type of floor you have & what material the spikes are made from.

Any which way, you will lay the sub on the floor...the spikes will be inbetween the sub's enclosure and the floor though.

One simple rule of thumb is that if you have hard surface flooring then soft rubber feet would be best.  Or using a pad like the Auralex Subdude ($50).  For sub users on hardwood floors, these pads can make or break sub enjoyment.  Coupling a sub to a bouncy old hardwood floor is not optimal.

For those of us living on carpet with a solid subfloor, then spiking can be advantageous.  Personally, my stereo pair of powered subs came with rubber and metal spikes.  I use the rubber ones sitting right on my carpet...no connection to the concrete subfloor below the carpet.

If you have concrete, do not spike to it.  it imparts horrid sonics to the sound...  same goes for your rack too.

If you have hardwood floors, consider a SubDude pad from Auralex or soft rubber feet for the sub.

Typically factory spikes are not meant to drive vibrations from the sub into the floor, they are meant to hold the enclosure steady.  As time goes on hobbyists are realizing that most factory spikes are inadequate.  This shouldn't say anything about the mfgr though, they have a price point to meet.   Its the same as why amp builders don't send fancy power cords with their gear.

Luckily, the market has responded and there's a host of accessories to plow into now. 

If you're on a hard floor surface and need absorbant feet, look to some household items like neoprene, to initially get you experimenting without spending much or any $.  then, when you know what style of footing (coupling or de-coupling) will work best you can narrow the field of choices.

with subs especially, its all about finding out what works best for you.


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Re: What's the point of the points?
« Reply #2 on: 17 Apr 2007, 02:36 pm »
I have old oak hardwood floors. I tried the spikes with floor the floor protectors, but I noticed slight unevenness in the floor boards so the 4 spikes ended up not being perfectly flat on my floor and therefore the sub would move around. Not couple to the floor.
I removed the spikes and I am now using with superb results the no-slip rubberized padding that you can get at Target, Wally-mart or Home Depot that goes under silverware trays, or rugs to prevent them from slipping around. Very cheap and it works great.
My subs have become one with my floor and the room. NO movement, no noise, nothing. Solid!


Re: What's the point of the points?
« Reply #3 on: 17 Apr 2007, 04:11 pm »
I use this same material in a # of ways in my system.  I often refer to it as the 'spongy shelf paper material' in posts.

There's a layer of it under my Pro-Ject Speedbox MKII & the board it sits on.  there are small 1" square pieces laying inbetween any of my cabling which touches one another too.

at about $3 a roll its a good isolation material...

I've also cut up 1" wide strips and lay them inbetween the metal supports and the MDF shelving of my Lovan rack.  I doubt it provides a lot of isolation, but it does the trick to some degree...  Much better than the felt pads the factory installed.

i use Blue.


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Re: What's the point of the points?
« Reply #4 on: 18 Apr 2007, 06:55 am »
Thanks for the input.
How about my cork floors?


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Re: What's the point of the points?
« Reply #5 on: 18 Apr 2007, 01:15 pm »
Give this no-slip matting we are talking about a try. It is cheap, so if you do not like it, no big deal. For me it works great. I have the ACI Maestro sitting on it, Even at 100 lbs, when I went to move my setup a few weeks later, it was still in good shape, not squished flat! I cut the piece about an inch smaller the the base of my sub, so almost the whole sub sits on the matting.
Good luck!


Re: What's the point of the points?
« Reply #6 on: 18 Apr 2007, 02:16 pm »
"I'm like a rubber ball I'll be bouncing back to you!"

Try this! With a sharp razor (yes, please be careful!) cut a squashball in two (just where a faint median line is). You will need at least 3 half parts or four if your Sub is very heavy. The rubber acts as a natural grip on all kinds of floors. You can even decide whether to have a softer or firmer feel, simply by choosing the various gauges of squashballs! They even work on other types of hifi components. Cheap but good!!

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