FetValve Ultra owners, lend me your ears (and Frank, please don't hit me)!

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So I was on a business trip this week. Got home late Friday (3 hours later than I expected, thanks to Philly airport) to find my upgraded FetValve Ultra had arrived back from AVA in one piece. I knew it was coming, but it was nice to see UPS had not used the box to prop up a bunch of cinder blocks.

Opened it up this morning and took the cover off to admire the handiwork. Looked like a lot of new stuff in there. Hooked it up. I'll bottom line it by saying it does a great many things better than my old FetValve EXR5. Low end is... even lower than before, or it may seem that way because it is SO much clearer and more articulate than the EXR. The EXR5 is no slouch; I read through the Ultra posts for a year before deciding to upgrade because I was afraid to mess with a great sounding amp. Having said that, I knew the FetValve for all its beauty was not as articulate in the low end as other amps I've heard in my system. The Ultra puts this to rest big time, without seeming to lose the "organic-ness" of the sound. And as Frank said, the high end is equally improved in both extension and resolution. I'm ashamed to admit that when I played Dire Straits' "Iron Hand" I actually started welling up at the emotion of the lyrics (for those of you who don't know, it's about a miners' strike in GB during the Thatcher years, which was put down in a rather brutal medieval fashion). I hadn't responded to that tune like that ever, but what the Ultra does in letting you "see" into the space of the recording was a surprise to me. I felt like an idiot when the song was over.

Many of the tunes I know so well sounded that much closer to being in my room; it's quite something.

Now here's where I need to duck from Frank...

I think from Frank's comments about break in that he feels, apart from warm up and stabilization, the issue of break in for his amps is really a non-issue. As we know his amps get burned in pretty thoroughly at AVA (his comments from other threads) before being packed and shipped. But my question to those other Ultra owners is: have you had any significant or noticeable change to the sound of the Ultra as it gets some hours on it? I ask because when I bought my EXR5 it was used, so I don't know if Frank's amps are just by their nature a less "changeable" design. I'm not a DBT type guy, and I have heard other components change in my system over time. I do this typically by playing well known tunes several times when I get a new piece of gear (tunes that I've heard so many times that I can remember every note even while I'm sleeping) and then letting the system run for quite some time before listening to it again. So does the Ultra "break in"?


I'm ashamed to admit that when I played Dire Straits' "Iron Hand" I actually started welling up at the emotion of the lyrics (for those of you who don't know, it's about a miners' strike in GB during the Thatcher years, which was put down in a rather brutal medieval fashion). I hadn't responded to that tune like that ever, but what the Ultra does in letting you "see" into the space of the recording was a surprise to me. I felt like an idiot when the song was over.

What you are ashamed of and made you feel like an idiot,  is what I want from my systems.  Emotional presentation and emotional response means everything to me,  with music.   

Don't be ashamed.  Don't feel like an idiot.  That's the "Holy Grail" of this hobby,  for me. 


You should listen to Dire Straights on a good vinyl playback system (AVA electronics, of course). I get very moved by the album "Love Over Gold".

The system: VPI HW-19jr., AQ tonearm P-8, Audio Technica AT440Mla cartridge, AVA T8 preamp, AVA 260EX amp, Paradigm Studio 40v.3's  :drool:


CE2, I don't want this to turn into a burn in debate. I don't take either end of this question to an extreme. I have never heard (for example) things like cables or power cords "burn in". But I have heard change in other things. I recently got my modded Squeezebox back from Wayne at BOLDER. I did the same thing with that that I do with any gear which is new: I played my reference tunes several times immediately after hooking it up (and in this case compared it to the original CDs on my CD transport) to get a sense of how it sounded. Then I set up the SB to play continuously into my preamp. The amp and speakers were not running, so I could not have been fooled by simply "getting used" to the new sound. After a good while I went back, did the same thing, and clearly identified differences from how it sounded when I first got it. Not night and day, mind you, but different enough so that I could tell from both my memory of these tunes I use as reference, and compared to my transport. I believe it is possible in some equipment, but not necessarily in everything. Maybe Frank's gear doesn't exhibit this phenomenon. In your case your Ultra gear seems to support this position. I can accept that. I'll leave the question of the amp to other FetValve owners, and we'll leave it at that.  :beer:

Oh, BTW, I've been an electrical engineer going on 25 years now.  :)
« Last Edit: 25 Mar 2007, 02:38 pm by tonyptony »


You should listen to Dire Straights on a good vinyl playback system

Yeah, I just got my vinyl rig back into shape (Mitchell / Scillia modded AR ES-1 with a new Denon 103R cart). Started playing some of my vinyl again with a big smile on my face. I got a few of the new Classic 45s from AS and was really impressed. Thanks for the tip on DS; I'll take a look for it.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 33

I do not believe that the FetValue "breaks in". 

It may change slightly over a long period time due to aging of the tubes,
but I do not believe that this will be apparent until the tube approaches
time for replacement.

The only changes I have heard in my system are due to room temperature,
since my rig is in the basement, and everything works better at 70 degrees
than at 60 or below (me included!).

The FetValue will help with that, as it throws a little heat......

Also, over time I think you will come to appreciate the amp more
"as you come to know it", some of my collection benefits from it more than
the rest, and I think you will have to listen to a lot of music before it stops
surprising you with what it can reveal.  It's a wonderful problem......


OldCoder, you may be right. Maybe the phrase "burn in" is not the best... too many connotations with audiophile voodoo (which I agree does exist). But as an example, when I first turned on my Ultra I immediately noticed a much higher level of tube hiss (compared to pre-mod) coming out of my speakers. I could hear it from four feet away out of both speakers, got very scared that my tubes had been affected in shipment. But I started playing music, and the music sounded fine. Noticed as the day went on that the hiss was still there but became less and less - I played the system for about 12 hours straight yesterday. When I turned that cold amp on this morning it was dead silent, and I mean dead. So call it burn in, or something else, but the Ultra clearly "settled in" somehow over the first 12 hours of operation. Is it possible that other, more subtle changes can occur over an additional amount of time?


Break in?  I really don't know.  We don't observe this definitely here but sometimes the system does sound better than at other times, using the same components.  Is our hearing breaking in?  How much of it is temp and humidity?  Higher line voltage today?

I really thing it is mostly coming to understand what the new component is doing.  You probably don't hear all of it at once.

Regards, and glad you are enjoying.

Frank Van Alstine


Thanks Frank. I'd be enjoying it more if I wasn't on another dam#ed business trip!  :banghead: I was listening to some chamber music before I left and was feeling real good.  :)  Now I have nothing until I get back.  :bawl:

Will provide a more detailed set of impressions once I get some regular listening time in.