Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation

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Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« on: 23 Jul 2003, 11:03 pm »
OK, started off complaining about actors and actresses who bug me.  Now to give a quick list of ones I think are exceptional, underrated.

Kevin Spacey.  I have enjoyed virtually every performance Kevin Spacey has put in.  If his name is on the playbill, I'm almost assured of enjoying his performance.  I think he's perhaps the most underrated actor around.  He deserves more.  K-Pax was wonderful, he was good in The Negotiator, The Usual Suspects, Pay It Forward, etc...

Jim Carrey.  OK, so I might get some flack for this.  I think Jim is a very talented actor.  He was absolutely incredible in Man in the Moon.  Was enjoyable in The Truman Show.  He has taken a lot of comedy roles (Dumb and Dumber is one of my favorites), but I think he has a much wider range than most give him credit for.

Tom Hanks.  Well, OK.... Tom is not underrated.  But I had to mention Tom as perhaps the greatest actor of our generation.  One incredibly powerful performance after another.

I have more, but this should get the ball rolling.  Maybe more later as you all remind me of the greatest actors of our generation.

John G

Rob Babcock

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Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #1 on: 23 Jul 2003, 11:57 pm »
Kevin Spacey-  The guy is brilliant.  What a range.  I agree you always know that, good movie or no, he'll be great.

Guy Pearce-  I think he's a genius, too.  He's done some stinkers (eg The Time Machine), but he's been superb every role I've seen from "Hollywood Confidential" to "The Count of Monte Cristo" to "Ravenous".

Samuel L Jackson-  He's been in some big movies but rarely gets the main bill, although he's one of the best actors out there.  He can certainly carry a movie.  I though his presence in "The Long Kiss Goodnight" was the only difference from the movie being entertaining and being a complete waste.

James Spader-  Every time you think you've got a handle on this guy he throws a curve ball.  At one time he was in danger of being typecaste in the spoiled rich brat role, but between the bumbling Egyptologist of "Stargate" and the twisted, diseased character he plays in "Crash" there's a lot of ground, and he's covered it well.  I liked him in "Two Days in the Valley" and also in "White Palace", two very different roles.  Even so, I was surprised by how well he pulled off the 'tough guy' part in "Supernova".


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Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #2 on: 24 Jul 2003, 12:34 am »
Brad Pitt.  Gets dismissed and not taken seriously lot of times because of his pretty boy good looks, but the guy has got some chops.  More than held his own opposite Edward Norton in Fight Club.  Kalifornia, Seven, 12 Monkeys, Legends of the Fall, Sleepers, Snatch, all were great acting jobs by Pitt.  He's in a similar situation as Robert Redford found himself in, where you compile an amazing body of work, then people finally recognize your talent after you turn 60. . .

Edward Norton - perhaps not underrated, but I'm putting him here because I think he's got the best range of any actor of my generation.  Deniro-like in his ability to disappear in to a roll.  Watch him in American History X, then in Fight Club, then in the Italian Job.  3 extremely different characters, and he makes them all believable, and makes it look easy at that.

Matt Damon - he had a bad break by being associated with the non-actor Ben Affleck.  But check him out in the Talented Mr. Ripley or in Good Will hunting.  There's a lot of talent there, and he's picking good movies to be in (which is more than half the battle).


Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #3 on: 24 Jul 2003, 12:38 am »
spacey is very good, picks the right parts-loved the usual suspects
gina davis finds good parts also

Rob Babcock

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Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #4 on: 24 Jul 2003, 12:38 am »
Damon really surprised me in "The Bourne Identity".  He really played the secret agent action hero role to the hilt; I didn't think he had it in him.

Personally, although he isn't a brilliant actor, I think Kris Kristofferson is a pretty good actor for someone who's primarily a muscian.  I thought he was pretty good way back in "Millenium", and I got a kick out of his Whistler role in "Blade".  He did a good job as the heavy in "Payback" too.


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Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #5 on: 24 Jul 2003, 12:51 am »
Kris Kristoferson isn't exactly my generation :-D

Just givin ya a hard time :-)


Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #6 on: 24 Jul 2003, 01:10 am »
Quote from: Rob Babcock
James Spader- Every time you think you've got a handle on this guy he throws a curve ball. At one time he was in danger of being typecaste in the spoiled rich brat role, but between the bumbling Egyptologist of "Stargate" and the twisted, diseased character he plays in "Crash" there's a lot of ground, and he's covered it well. I liked him in "Two Days in the Valley" and also in "White Palace", two very different roles. Even so, I was surprised by how well he pulled off the 'tough guy' part in "Supernova".

Did you see how buff Spader got for "Supernova"?  TOTAL transformation!

Willem Dafoe is good.

Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman are also very good actors.  Just the right project and they're at the "A" list Tom Cruise star level.

Tonto Yoder

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Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #7 on: 24 Jul 2003, 01:10 am »
Quote from: Rob Babcock
Guy Pearce-  I think he's a genius, too.  He's done some stinkers (eg The Time Machine), but he's been superb every role I've seen from "Hollywood Confidential" to "The Count of Monte Cristo" to "Ravenous".

"Memento" should be listed amongst Guy's notables--IMO easily the equal of "L.A. Confidential" both in terms of acting and the movie as a whole.

Rob Babcock

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Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #8 on: 24 Jul 2003, 01:12 am »
Kris ain't my generation, either! :lol:   Still think he's not bad for a singer.


Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #9 on: 24 Jul 2003, 01:13 am »
Quote from: Rob Babcock
Personally, although he isn't a brilliant actor, I think Kris Kristofferson is a pretty good actor for someone who's primarily a muscian.  I thought he was pretty good way back in "Millenium", and I got a kick out of his Whistler role in "Blade".  He did a good job as the heavy in "Payback" too.

Best banter Kris said in "Blade 2" was when he said to a vampire:  "Better take your sunblock Buttercup."

....To which the vampire angrily & impatiently retorted:  "You're about one fucking cunt hair away from hillbilly heaven!"   :lol:  :lol:


Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #10 on: 24 Jul 2003, 01:20 am »
Johnny Depp - probably my favorite actor.  He takes roles that scare the crap out of the other pretty-boys like Tom Cruise, and Brad Pitt.  Fear and Loathing, Edward Sis. Hands, Blow, that Jack the Ripper movie, etc.  This guy steals every movie he is in.  

Benisio Del Toro - Another guy who has been good everything he has been in.  

William Dafoe (sp?) - great actor, creapy looking guy!  

Hugh Jackman - with a last name like that, how could he go wrong!

Billy Bob Thorton - anyone who can play a retarded, southern psycho-killer get's my vote..oh wait, I don't think he was acting...nevermind.

Tommy Lee (from Pam Anderson home video) - man who knows how to walk softly and carry a big...anyway, get's props for assaulting ol' Pam with blunt object.  



Rob Babcock

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Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #11 on: 24 Jul 2003, 01:24 am »
Depp was great in "The Ninth Gate", a freaky but cool flick.


Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #12 on: 24 Jul 2003, 01:28 am »
Just a tidbit of gossip that you might not have known.  A fellow coworker (junior portfolio manager) is married to a CNBC VP who went to HS with, and is good friends still, with Kevin Spacey.  A year ago they invited him to a dinner party for a bunch of their friends and he brought his SO, a dude.  Apparently even though they are fairly close friends and talk often she didn't even know he was gay and always has been, he keeps it mostly to himself.  

I purposefully didn't mention names other than Kevin in case this isn't public knowledge still.  It doesn't matter that he is gay to me, I think he is a superb actor.  In retrospect I now see it but I was shocked because I never would have guessed on my own.


Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #13 on: 24 Jul 2003, 04:17 am »
I always enjoy...

Chow Yun Fat - Love him in Hard Boiled, The Killer, & The Corrupter.

Jean Reno - He's great in just about anything. Watch Le Grand Bleu (the long cut) if you think he's always playing the same type of guy.

Hugh Jackman - Can't say I've disliked him yet. I really enjoyed him in Paperback Hero among other things.

Ed Norton - He's been awesome for the most part. Death To Smoochy was sweet! Though I thought he was terrible in The Italian Job. He didn't want to be a part of the movie, and it showed.

Kevin Spacey - Hasn't failed me yet.

Christian Bale - He's been pretty good in most things I've seen him in. And every time I watch Equilibrium I appreciate his acting more & more.

Bruce Willis - Hate him if you like, I'll continue to enjoy watching him.

Peter Weller - He was awesome playing Robocop. Too bad he didn't do the third one.

Mel Gibson - Maybe he's usually not acting. But so what? He's still entertaining in the roles he plays.

Christopher Walken - Can either be hilarious, or creepy/scary/intimidating as hell. Gotta love it.

Gary Oldman - Didn't much care for him in Air Force One (though I thought the whole movie sucked), but is good in everything else I recall him in.

Jason Statham & Vinnie Jones - Probably 2 more cases of non-acting. But who cares? They're still both entertaining.

Clive Owen - Only recall seeing him in The Hire short films, & The Bourne Identity. He was hardly in Bourne, but was great in The Hire shorts.

I'm sure I'm leaving a few peeps out. But that's who comes to mind at the moment.


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Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #14 on: 24 Jul 2003, 05:35 am »
I believe Clive was also in Croupier, another great movie that didn't do well at the box office.


Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #15 on: 24 Jul 2003, 05:55 am »
Quote from: Tyson
I believe Clive was also in Croupier, another great movie that didn't do well at the box office.

He was, though I've yet to see it as I disappeared from the theater before I could catch it. And I don't recall if a decent DVD of it has been released yet. The Canadian disc was a P&S release. For a while I was keeping track of it to see if it was going to be released in a WS transfer, but lately I've not kept up on my global disc releases like I used to.


Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #16 on: 25 Jul 2003, 06:08 pm »
Johny Depp- A chameleon

Samuel L. Jackson- Great in everything.

Kevin Spacey- Great In everything

Don Cheadle-Great In everything

Ving Rames-Great in everything

Bradd Pitt-12 Monkeys, need I say more.


Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #17 on: 25 Jul 2003, 11:40 pm »
I agree with the comments on Brad Pitt. I think he's talented, but written off as only a pretty boy.

I'd cast a vote for Willam H. Macy as a real actor, who is overlooked.

I think there's something to be said for people who are 'movie stars', that are not necessarily great thespians. I'm speaking of the Tom Cruise's etc. I mean they have that great gift of charisma. Unfortunately, I think these people tend to get type cast, because, right or wrong, the studio execs believe people want to see Tom being Tom.....and not disappearing into the role.

Actually, I think ole Tom is pretty good. Especially in 'Magnolia'. I remember seeing 'Risky Business' when it was first released, and thinking...this kid is going to be a star. That movie had a pretty cool soundtrack with stuff from 'Tangerine Dream'. I always loved that song called 'Love on a Real Train'.


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Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #18 on: 26 Jul 2003, 12:09 am »
Agreed on Tom Cruise - when he has a strong director to work with, he does good work.  Ipso facto Magnolia (Paul Thomas Anderson), Born on the 4th of July (Oliver Stone), Minority Report (Spielberg), Eyes Wide Shut (Kubrick).  All good performances and challenging roles.  But with a weak director, Cruise can coast.  Mission Impossible 2, Top Gun, Days of Thunder, Far and Away, all average to poor movies with little/no actual acting from Cruise.


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Exceptional / Underrated Actors of our generation
« Reply #19 on: 26 Jul 2003, 05:03 am »
If Mickey Rourke had been killed in an accident after 9 1/2 weeks, Pope of Greenwich Village, and Angel Heart - he would have been our generation's James Dean (I don't claim to be originating that statement - I just happne to agree with it).    Too bad he didn't die soon enough - he started out GREAT.

Ashley Judd gets me hard in EVERY role she plays.   Big Time.   I think that makes her a great actress because short of porno, she's the hottest thing in the world - same as Monroe from back in the day.

Johnny Depp was granted a lot of looks and talent by the man upstairs and wasted none of it.  Great.

Ed Norton - every role is a smash.  Mr Intensity.