Can anyone comments on the Gershman GAP 520-X ?

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Can anyone comments on the Gershman GAP 520-X ?
« on: 13 Mar 2007, 02:01 am »

I've come across an opportunity to purchase, for a reasonably good price, a pair of Gershman GAP 520-X speakers. I'm having trouble deciding whether to take the plunge. They'll run me about $5K and I'm not used to coughing up that kind of cash on audio. My system is a complete Odyssey ensemble that includes the Lorelies driven by Stratos Monos. I'm not concerned about power as the monos will do the trick just fine. My biggest worry is that if I don't like them, they'll be tough to sell/ship due to their size (125 lbs each). I've done the research and not many have commented on them here, or on Audiogon. Ya ya ya. I know let my ears do the judging. Unfortunately due to the uncontrollable circumstances, I don't think I'll have much time to listen to them prior to making a decision. Not only that, but most of the gear upstream is no longer in place. I would have to take everything with me to get them to sing, which means, for convenience sake, it would probably be a receiver.

Can anyone comment as to their sound or possibly their resale value?



Re: Can anyone comments on the Gershman GAP 520-X ?
« Reply #1 on: 13 Mar 2007, 04:02 am »
The doubt and the qualms you have are understandable, especially when it comes to speakers.  If it is any consolation, the newer GAPs, according to HiFi plus magazine in the UK, pull a major sonic trick, and this is with the price calculated in British pounds. 

I have a pair of Gershman X-1s, which are now called X-2s with the respective subwoofers.  I have thought about selling them, but I have not, mostly because I feel the Gershmans have their particular sonic signature. 

When I think about the Odyssey amps you have, I believe that if you EVER get the GAPs, you will find the combination ravishing. 

A particularly nice combination would be the GAPs with your amps and an ultra reveling or lighting fast preamp or a source such as a Wadia preamp+CDP. 

PS:  5K is a lot of money, but the GAPs seldomly ever come to sale, besides, when it comes to everything, no investment, there is definetly no chance of gain.