Unfortunately, all I have is my Dell laptop and the only inputs I have are microphone. My Van Alstine would overdrive it. I have a nice desktop that has Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 and Pyro loaded in it but it has seen it's day and won't be replaced for some time.
I do have Cakewalk and Pyro on my laptop, and I use them to process and record CDs. I use the CD recorder to put my vinyl onto a CD-RW, manually inserting indexes if there is enough space between the songs. When I'm done recording, I dump the CD-RW on the laptop's harddrive. I convert them to wave files with the Roxio software and store the tunes in a temperary file. With Cakewalk I import the stereo .wav file, edit out all the surface noise from the LP (if any) right up to where the tune starts. Then I go the end of the track and put a nice fade-out at the end. Sometimes, I will also "normalize" the tune and when that is all done, I tell Cakewalk to export it to another temporary file where it is ready to be burnt onto a media CD-R. I have pulled off some damn good recordings this way and have fooled many people who never had a clue the music was recorded from an album.