Parts Express Subwoofer Plate Amps on Sale Now

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John Casler

Re: Parts Express Subwoofer Plate Amps on Sale Now
« Reply #40 on: 4 Apr 2007, 08:10 pm »
My ASC sub trap arrived yesterday.  I put it under my Larger with the Larger in normal position (it previously had been on its side with the slot facing out).  Raising the Larger 22" off of the floor puts the centers of the two drivers pretty much at ear level for me.  The sub trap contains a Helmholtz resonator tuned to 70 Hz as well as other damping material to attenuate bass.  So the change in sound that I heard was due to both lifting the Larger off of the floor as well as adding additional bass absorption.  My listening room already had an ASC tower trap, two 3' x 16" tube traps, two 3' x 16" super traps and four 4' x 13" super traps.  So the bass was already damped.  Inserting the sub trap into the system made a noticeable tightening of the low bass with additional clarity in high bass/low midrange.  Flight of the Cosmic Hippo was mesmerizing.

John Casler has previously recommended getting the subs up off of the floor to remove the floor boundary reinforcement.  He is definitely correct.  Put your sub(s) up on some crates and see if you notice an improvement.  It is a cheap, reversible tweak.

Hi Rog,

Glad you're enjoying "sub-exploration".

I have my front subs even higher which is fun.

I might warn those who are thinking of trying this that one must be "extremely" carefull when lifting and placing any sub, and especially the LARGER.  I am sure it is well over 100# and has very little to hold onto.

DO NOT!!!! use the slot for a handhold, since it is not secure enough to hold large forces. :nono: