AV123 Forum not available?

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Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #460 on: 9 Dec 2008, 05:13 pm »
Have you guys checked out Danny's latest experiment? He's definitely thinking outside the box:



This amazing rendition of the finished product was created by WerTicus:

"Venue" was just a test name - Danny won't be using it for reasons he gives in the thread.

Large version:


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Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #461 on: 9 Dec 2008, 05:42 pm »
Wow, that looks SLICK!!!!

Btw, CloudStrife-- who won the bet between you and Bob on LSU and Notre Dame? I've been meaning to catch back up on the thread, and obviously haven't been able to recently.

And no mentions of the trainwreck of Tennessee's season are necessary. Or I'll hunt you down and give you a noogie.  :D


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Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #462 on: 9 Dec 2008, 05:55 pm »
The deal was that ND would/wouldn't win 8 games.  They are 6-6 with only a bowl game left, so 8 wins is impossible.  Therefore I win.  :thumb:  I gave him an idea of what he could do (dress his entire family up in LSU apparel, face paint and all, and have them sing our fight song), but I'm not sure what he'll do.


Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #463 on: 9 Dec 2008, 06:28 pm »
If they also sound like the Linkwitz Orion's, Danny will have a hit!


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Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #464 on: 9 Dec 2008, 07:54 pm »
Hahaha!! That's awesome!! Bob's a good guy, I wonder how he'll react?


Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #465 on: 9 Dec 2008, 08:09 pm »
I suspect Bob will get into it and do something over the top...


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Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #466 on: 9 Dec 2008, 09:11 pm »
I am starting to get the feeling that I need to find a new audio forum.  Yesterday's unexpected shutdown left me a little miffed, and quite honestly I am getting tired of the drama involved with the AV123 community.  I have a feeling that I will be spending alot more time here at Audiocircle in 2009, not by choice but out of necessity.  It's just not fun anymore.  No doubt that I will miss the comrade of many of my friends at AV123, but such is life.

I'm in the same boat, but if you look around you may find a few people who spend time at AC that you know.  I haven't had a lot of free time lately, so my forum reading has been severely curtailed anywhere, but I do try to pop in for a quick browse here and up until recently av123 to see if any threads interest me or whatnot.  Seeing the forums completely shut down by CHOICE just boggles my mind.  Makes me wonder if this so-called forum expert MLS has been talking to made this particular call, as it seems like a really bad decision to me.  Most of this has been hashed out in this thread, so I won't say much more than that I've been becoming increasingly disillusioned with AV123 and their ability to produce quality product over the last year, and this latest forum shutdown move is pretty much the nail in the coffin for me.  I had been planning an HT system around their 525T product (and more importantly for the sake of this discussion, an announced but not-in-production matching product), but I think I'm going to start looking seriously at alternatives now.  I just have no more faith left.

I honestly hope they can turn things around and get back to what made me interested in the company in the first place, but in the meantime, I think I'll spend my money and free time elsewhere for now.

PS: When are you starting the Backpacking thread in the Sport's Bar, SetterP?!


Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #467 on: 9 Dec 2008, 09:16 pm »
I'd like to understand more about why a "social network" is a bad thing...seems to me that's what they were shooting for, with their own postings and behavior as the prime example...

Genuine curiosity question here, not av123 bashing...


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Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #468 on: 9 Dec 2008, 09:54 pm »
Forum is up


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Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #469 on: 10 Dec 2008, 01:21 am »
Forum is up

That it is. That pretty much kills this thread/forum... for a few days at least.  :P

Anyway one more point that's been touched on needs to be harped on... MLS quit selling product when it is in the development stage, and may never even come to be. Can you go out and buy the concept cars you see at the auto shows? Not until they actually start producing them. If the car companies are poorly run where does that leave AV123?


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Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #470 on: 10 Dec 2008, 01:40 am »
Glad to see the forum back up so that I can connect with some friends.

With that being said, it is hard to 'un-ring the bell'.  I think I'm gonna stick around AC for a spell.  8)


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Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #471 on: 10 Dec 2008, 01:41 am »
Glad to see the forum back up so that I can connect with some friends.

With that being said, it is hard to 'un-ring the bell'.  I think I'm gonna stick around AC for a spell.  8)
  Yeah, the bloom is off of the rose...


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Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #472 on: 10 Dec 2008, 01:41 am »

PS: When are you starting the Backpacking thread in the Sport's Bar, SetterP?!

Ya know Papa, I might just do that.   :thumb:


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Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #473 on: 10 Dec 2008, 02:07 am »
Guess we'll never see that 2nd letter here huh? Oh well, I don't watch soap operas all that much anyways nor do i hang out in "cry in your beer" bars but it was fun watching this crew while it lasted. :lol:

See ya'all next time. :thumb:



Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #474 on: 10 Dec 2008, 02:15 am »
Guess we'll never see that 2nd letter here huh? Oh well, I don't watch soap operas all that much anyways nor do i hang out in "cry in your beer" bars but it was fun watching this crew while it lasted. :lol:

See ya'all next time. :thumb:


I like it here. I don't think I'll be leaving any time soon  8)



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Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #475 on: 10 Dec 2008, 02:18 am »
Guess we'll never see that 2nd letter here huh? Oh well, I don't watch soap operas all that much anyways nor do i hang out in "cry in your beer" bars but it was fun watching this crew while it lasted. :lol:

See ya'all next time. :thumb:


I like it here. I don't think I'll be leaving any time soon  8)


This is good,,, I love your album picks and have been tweeking my library so please do stick around. :thumb:



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Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #476 on: 10 Dec 2008, 02:29 am »
Guess we'll never see that 2nd letter here huh? Oh well, I don't watch soap operas all that much anyways nor do i hang out in "cry in your beer" bars but it was fun watching this crew while it lasted. :lol:

See ya'all next time. :thumb:


I like it here. I don't think I'll be leaving any time soon  8)


This is good,,, I love your album picks and have been tweeking my library so please do stick around. :thumb:


I have to admit that I have been exposed to some excellent tunes from SlushPuppy's picks.  He has a very eclectic taste in music, and has expanded my listening habits.


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Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #477 on: 10 Dec 2008, 02:32 am »
Guess we'll never see that 2nd letter here huh? Oh well, I don't watch soap operas all that much anyways nor do i hang out in "cry in your beer" bars but it was fun watching this crew while it lasted. :lol:

See ya'all next time. :thumb:


I like it here. I don't think I'll be leaving any time soon  8)


This is good,,, I love your album picks and have been tweeking my library so please do stick around. :thumb:


I have to admit that I have been exposed to some excellent tunes from SlushPuppy's picks.  He has a very eclectic taste in music, and has expanded my listening habits.

Yep, i hunger for good n' different and SP's picks are all of that. :D


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Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #478 on: 10 Dec 2008, 03:09 am »
Guess we'll never see that 2nd letter here huh? Oh well, I don't watch soap operas all that much anyways nor do i hang out in "cry in your beer" bars but it was fun watching this crew while it lasted. :lol:

See ya'all next time. :thumb:


The 2nd part of the letter is up, at least as best as I can tell.  It's an addendum to the original post.  We'll have to see how some of the changes to the forum work. 


Re: AV123 Forum not available?
« Reply #479 on: 10 Dec 2008, 03:23 am »
I have also enjoyed getting a glimpse of lots of artists from SlushPuppy.  I have to ask though - is there any music you don't like?  :D