Excercise and weight loss.

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Excercise and weight loss.
« on: 12 Jan 2007, 02:10 pm »
How fit can a 47 year old man become? After being in excellent shape in my 20's, I slowed down as the years went on. At 21, I was a SAR qualified swimmer for the Navy. By my 40's, I have become a 306 pound office drone. I woke up last September. I figured I could turn 50 one biscuit away from a heart attack or I could do something about it. I decided to do something about it. With the help of a fellow audiophile, I started a diet and excercise program. As of today, I'm at 252 and look and feel better than I have in years. I see a fit, lean 200 by the end of summer [I'm 6'2"]. I want to post observations on my journey here from time to time with the hopes that they may be others here who struggle with the same situation. In my opinion, there is only one way to do it. Eat better, move more. That last sentence could be the shortest and best health book ever written. Today's tip: Stay the hell away from fast food. It's death in a styrofoam box. Stay away from it. Go rent Supersize Me. It will open your eyes.


Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #1 on: 12 Jan 2007, 02:37 pm »
I steeped on the scale in 2001 and saw 234 lbs. old friends would say "wow you've put on weight"
Today I weigh 179 lbs, call it -50lbs
All fresh vegetables lean meats, exercises - no fast food
with about one "recreational" meal every week or two - just so I don't feel like a monk.
Keep up the good work man !!


Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #2 on: 12 Jan 2007, 02:44 pm »
I feel your pain, although in a smaller dose and in a slightly different way.

I was also a continual gym goer, at least 3 times a week, when I was in my 20's. Lots of skiing, hiking, wally-ball, golf, etc. Then I got married and had kids. No more time for the gym, but I still felt that my metabolism was running well and I still felt strong. So now I'm 47 and haven't been to a gym in about 5 years, although I still maintain my Jack La Lanne perpetual membership with the hope of using it every year (it's only $49/year so no big deal).

I'm in a different boat than you though Merle, being only about 15 lbs over my desired weight.  I've changed my eating habits quite a lot in the last 5 years due to high cholesterol and tryglycerides, which has kept my weight manageable. My real problem is that I'm now weak, with little stamina, no real strength, but I still think I'm 30 and can do things I did then (e.g. middle-age syndrom). So at least I have started the workouts again - pushups, situps, stretching and an elliptical at home before I venture into the gym again - in the hopes of getting into a regular routine and changing my lifestyle.

That's the key in my book. Getting psyched to "do better" is only the beginning. This needs to be a lifestyle change where we consciously make time to workout (more stamina and cardio activity is needed than strenght at this age) on a regular basis. The hard part is not losing sight of this essential and consistent need when life throws the inevitable problems in the way (e.g. job pressures, personal life challenges, health issues, kids issues, etc.).

Sorry for the blather - but I hear your message and am with you all the way. Keep the ball rolling forward, a little bit at a time, and you are bound to achieve your goals. Keep up the good work.



Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #3 on: 12 Jan 2007, 03:12 pm »

We must be near clones or it at least happens to many our age.  I just turned 50 and received the double barrels from my doc on Wednesday (nice guy, but also about 50'ish who might be all of 160 lbs soaking wet and clearly doesn't get the struggle with weight).  His lecture on what the future held wasn't pretty either.  I'm also 6-2' and seem to gain another 5-10 each year now on the physical.  I used to be 200-210 in my 30's early 40's with no problems, but not a fitness fanatic either.  Ate whatever I wanted.  Then kids, work, priorities, the usual deal.  I crossed 275 on this physical which really shocked me.  What's frustrating is my teenagers eat easily twice what I do with no impact.  Clearly it's all about habits and metabolism and how you stimulate it.  Like you said "eat better, move more" about sums it up.  You just have to commit to change which is hard.  Oh, my wife's actually a registered dietitian, so you can surround yourself with all the right knowledge and tools too but you still have to commit to action. 

Now if I can just bring myself to replace that listening couch with the stationary recumbent bike...   It's made by Image Fitness and quiet as a church mouse as exercise gear goes, so shouldn't affect my listening pleasure...  Yes, it's about action...

Good luck in the journey!  I'm right there with you.



Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #4 on: 12 Jan 2007, 04:31 pm »
I agree with Merle about "Supersize Me". I saw it last week and I'll never eat fast food again.


Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #5 on: 13 Jan 2007, 03:14 pm »
Hang in there man. When I left college I was a muscular 210 at 6-4' - over the next 5-7 years I got to a much 'softer' 230. I'm now a leaner 200, but it took over a year to get there.

As you will find out, the first half of weight loss is much easier than those last 10-15 pounds, which becomes a slow war of attrition. Eat well, eat less. If your body can stand the pounding of running - it is the absolute best for getting in shape. Swimming is very good also. Lifting weights are also key to not losing strength with the weight.

bikes and beats

Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #6 on: 13 Jan 2007, 03:36 pm »
Hey guys,
Good thread! I'M A 37 y.o audiophile of 6 years. My other passion, cycling I discovered when I was 13. I've been riding ever since and even race occasionally. I'm 5'10 and would be one of those you assume "doesn't get the weigt thing". Well, wrong sort of. All my family members are "bariatric" and sicker because of it. And I've tried to speak with them but it's a subject that just can't be breached.  I love them dearly, but to them i'm a bit of a freak and always will be. Now I'm living with my fiance i met through cycling. we ride and take the dog on hikes and snowshoes. In our part of town, many folks just stare as we go out with the dog in snowstorms and gawk when I ride my bike to work on an icy morning. All I know is, I''m making the right choice to stay active, my body tells me so. I love to sit and listen to an album or two, but an hour a couple nights a week is enough for dedicated listening. Good luck wih all your stuggles. You're going to feel the change and you'l love it! I do.


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Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #7 on: 13 Jan 2007, 06:29 pm »
I am 5'10" and was 210 at my heaviest, lost 40 of it over the course of 9 months.  The most useful things I learned:

1.  Portion control - small portions are more important than anything.  Eat small meals frequently.
2.  Metabolism is directly related to strength and muscle, so hit the weights to increase your metabolism, and hit them hard twice a week.

I'm not much of a fan of aerobic exercise, but it does have it's place, so I will say this:

3.  Of all the aerobic exercises, running has the fastest and most dramatic effect.  Do moderate running 3 times a week.

If you follow these simple steps, the weight will shed and it will be much easier to keep it off over the long term.

I've also kept the weight off for over 2 years now by following these 3 simple rules.


Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #8 on: 13 Jan 2007, 06:36 pm »
My spouse (the dietitian), said in addition to portion control, simply learn to put the darn fork down next to your plate between bites and rest a little.  You'll think you are more full.  It works as long as you don't start with the same large size pile of food and always empty the plate.  It's ok to leave a little there too :)


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Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #9 on: 13 Jan 2007, 07:32 pm »
Great topic!  While I'm actually a few pounds lighter than I was when I was in my best shape ever (242 at 6'5") when I was about 34 or so, 12 years later I'm 225-230, and all that muscle has turned to cookie dough.  Went back to the gym three or four months ago.  Not trying to lose weight, but turn the dough back into muscle.  Had great results so far.  Haven't lost a pound, but I'm sure firming up.  Definition is returning, and I'm hitting the cardio hard to boot.  I just needed to get off my lazy ass and do something!  I'm burning about 5000 calories a week and honestly, physically, I feel better than I have in years, and it's a good ego and confidence booster too! 

My diet really isn't that bad, so I haven't changed it too much other than trying to drink fewer beers.  Now THAT's the hard part for me!!

Good luck everyone!   Keep challenging yourself to hang in there.  DON'T GIVE UP!  That's what I have to tell myself everyday.  What surprises me this that I actually listen . . .

« Last Edit: 14 Jan 2007, 02:48 pm by kirch »


Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #10 on: 14 Jan 2007, 05:29 am »

I'm 45 years old and have been a fitness fanatic for over 20 years.  However, I have almost destroyed my body in the process and I can only walk short distances at this stage.  18 months ago i broke my collar bone in a cycling accident and i subsequently had a bone graft which did not work.  I cannot lift weights as my shoulder is held together by pins and a titanium plate.

I am 188cms and weight 100 kilos as i have put a little bit of weight on due to my inactivity.  I'm hoping that i can undergo another operation(at my last count i've had 4 knee ops, clavicle, shin, groin and nose operated on due to sporting related injuries) this year to repair my clavicle and hopefully return to the gym.  My right knee is slowly getting better as i had a chondrocyte implant to improve my mobility. 

Although i miss keeping fit i'm quite philosophical about all this as i can still walk and get around unlike some other people.

Please keep us posted on how you go Merle.




Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #11 on: 14 Jan 2007, 06:16 am »
Best wishes Merle.  You'll feel alot better all the time with just a minimum of 1.5 hours of exercise a week. I should practice as I preach especially since I have plenty of weight lifting equipment. I get some exercise but nothing compared what I did up until 4 years ago.

Whatever you do just do it.  You don't have to push yourself. When I work out I consider the fact that I'm exercising good and any exercise I do as good. Then I push myself just for the joy of it. I guess it comes naturally as I worked out for alot of years. 

You should take a picture of yourself with your shirt off. Also weigh yourself just once every couple of weeks.  Let us know how you improve. Maybe you'll inspire me to get upstairs and organize the exercise room I don't use. :D


Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #12 on: 14 Jan 2007, 07:38 am »
I personally believe if you want to loose weight you, well noticably, you have to push yourself. I think you can mostly only maintain weight if you do not push yourself, unless you go on a calorie watching diet, then maybe...

I do not recommend pushing yourself too hard in the weight room; that is asking for injury, stick to aerobic pushing.

I am on the battle to loose weight myself. It does not explain why I am having a few beers and some Ben & Jerry's ice cream but... Two beers is good for you. The ice cream well keep your mits off! Although if any of you old guys want to try and out bike me, maybe out Erg me, bring it!

Nick B

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Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #13 on: 14 Jan 2007, 08:29 am »
Good luck on your quest for better health! I hope you have read a few books to educate yourself as there as so many ideas about weight loss. Losing body fat and not just weight is the key.Eating the right kind of diet for you and doing the right kind and intensity of exercise can make the results much better. Understanding the role of insulin, high glycemic carbs, multiple and smaller meals etc is quite important. I found information from Barry Sears, Michael Thurmond, Michael and Mary Dan Eades MDs very useful. Looking forward to more progress reports.


Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #14 on: 14 Jan 2007, 09:58 am »
I do recommend trying to eat more organic and natural food. I think the most important ones to eat better versions of is carb based things (whole wheat or at least all natural (nothing added to it, short list of things in it, usually only found from local bakerys or in some health food store breads), BBQ sauce (no high fructose corn syrup, it is the one thing to keep out of your diet for weight loss more than anything if you ask me or read any research), ketchup, soda with HFCS in it, any snack food (yogurt is usually very high in HFCS, the low fat means diddly shit), NO fruit drinks (just sugar, eat an apple or orange), no stuff like top romin or "meixcan" dishes like enchilada sauce with MSG in it, and put peanut butter on things it makes you stay full!

*HFSC disclaimer* You have to draw your own conclusions based on research, what little there is. Fact is no one could really scientifically come out and claim things or they would be beheaded shortly after. All research indicates without stating anything more than "it is likely, or probably caused" etc, that basically all presumptions against it are true. I believe 100% that it is bad for you and damn near every tiny bit of information is true. Find out in your own life. Stop drinking regular sodas and try one two months later; have fun feeling like you need to throw up. Draw your conclusions; it is easy to see the epidimic of diebaties, obese people, and general bad health mental and physical. I stress the mental part as being largely contributed by things like HFCS. "SuperSize Me" is a good example with the kids that switched to all natural lunches, and the main guy talking about soda.


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Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #15 on: 14 Jan 2007, 02:27 pm »
One thing I'd recommend is measuring yourself with one of those cloth tape measures.  Weight only tells part of the story.  You might also consider a scale that also measures bodyfat.  With these types of scales, you have to measure at the same time each day (the measurement is partially based on water content, so you'll measure higher in bodyfat percentage in the morning).  However, you can get a pretty good idea of the decrease in bodyfat.  I also weigh myself every day, but I don't mind seeing 1-2 pound fluctuations per day.  I just look for a trend.

Also, being older, I think you have to be more diligent -- at least I do.  When I was in college/younger, I simply did more on a daily basis.  I think I walked several miles a day, just getting to/from classes.  I could also recuperate faster.  Now, I sit in front of a computer 8-12 hours a day.  The only exercise I get is when I go to the gym/ride my bike.  Also, I'm much more insulin resistant than I was when I was younger.  This means that I can really only take in carbs right before (and not too much before) and after exercising. Outside those times, I have to stick to vegetables and the like for carbs.  I also think this makes it harder over all to lose weight.  Two years ago, I rode my bike the most I ever have.  I road many, many 60+ mile rides on my own, and "sanctioned" rides of 100km, 75 miles, 100 miles, and 100 miles.  One of the centuries was absolutely brutal (for me) in terms of the amount of climbing -- about 8,000 feet of climbing.  Yet, that year I only lost about 25 pounds.  This year, I'm going to be much more diligent about no alcohol (a "few beers" for me not only screws with my blood sugar level but also is as much as 500-700 calories, as I like good beer, and two beers can easily lead to four).  Furthermore, when I go out, if I order an appetizer, I keep it to the low calorie variety and subsequently only eat half my meal.  I also have to keep eating out to a low level, as I can more easily control what gets put in the food.

Anyway, I wish you luck in your endeavor.

bikes and beats

Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #16 on: 14 Jan 2007, 04:20 pm »
Another thing to consider is BMR or basal metabolic rate. Try http://health.discovery.com/tools/calculators/basal/basal.html  and see what you get. It can be surprising! This is the energy required to maintain your mass with NO exercise. If you walk the dog and generally fiddle around, add 20~40% to that. Then if you go to the gym and get on the treadmill or attend a spin class you can add those calories as well. I'm skeptical about burning 5000 calories as week via gym-style exercise alone, but half that is attainable. 


Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #17 on: 20 Jan 2007, 12:13 am »
Apparently, playing games on a Nintendo Wii will cause weight loss:



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Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #18 on: 20 Jan 2007, 12:53 am »
You can always drink gallons of cold water. your body will compensate by producing excess heat and you will literally burn away the pounds. :lol: I really don't suggest this although the amount of time you'll spend going back and forth to the bathroom may count for someaerobic excercise.

BTW there are these new devices which can track the momentum of your body parts 24 hours a day. Useful for monitoring sleep patterns and indirectly your calories. They a very small and carry radiotransmitters. I'd say within a few years you'll see them in everything.


Re: Excercise and weight loss.
« Reply #19 on: 20 Jan 2007, 01:27 am »
I have found through extensive cardio training on the bike that if I want to lose weight I need to get in the gym.  I ride my road bike 6000 miles in the mountains each year but each Fall I put on 10 lbs as soon as I cut back on the miles.  My body has become accustommed to the effort and needs another wake-up call.  I don't do heavy weight lifting, just sets of 15 for tone and core strength.  Come May I'll be back to 170 lbs at 6'3" which is less than my college weight.  And yes diet is extremely important as mentioned.  We are addicted to junk food.  There needs to be a junk food anonymous to help wean people off the stuff. 
