What deep water fish oil pill and multivitamine is best for 40 something male?

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Well I have a book in front of me i picked up at a garage sale about 2 years ago - Complete Book of Vitamins and Minerals - a US 1997 publication by Arline McDonald (PhD RD) and PP14-17 have tables of recommended Daily Allowances by the US Food and Nutrition Board, Academy of Sciences - National Research Council. The book goes on to detail/quantify food sources of specific vitamins and maximum safe doses. It even has recipes!!

I take a daily multi and 2 fish oil caps (except when I have tuna mains).



I used the Martek Neuromin brand DHA for about 6 months but didn't prefer it.  I get more of a boost from fish oil.

Now I take Krill Oil and like it.  This is the brand:  http://www.vitacost.com/NSI-KriaXanthin-Antarctic-Krill-Oil-with-Natural-Astaxanthin-1000-mg-300-Softgels

I've tried many brands of vitamins over the years.  The best by far I've used is "OcuPower" which I have been using for a few years now.  This is also an NSI product available at Vitacost:  http://www.vitacost.com/NSI-OcuPower-Multi-Vitamin .  I take 3 a day, not the 6 they recommend. 

I also take a few tablespoons of  flax seed.  This is great for the digestive system as well as providing Omega 3s.  My girlfriend grinds it for us in a coffee grinder every day. 


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Just noticed that I posted the above as "Cappy", I must have registered twice at some point. 

Does anyone know how I can get rid of the Cappy registration?


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Problem with the Martek stuff is it probrably lacks the other things like linolenic acid not to be mistaken with linoleic acid.

All of the omega threes can go on to make all types of weird signalling molecules. So can the omega sixes they usually go on to make prostaglandins for a proinflammatory response. Inflammation is great if you're trying to localize and fight an infection of even limit tissue necrosis but well not so good for cancer and circulatory problems. That's why inflammation is part of the physiological response from my understanding. It's supposed to be a temporary stop gap measure. No omega 3's...you get problems with turning it off!!!! I always think it's weird that it really comes down to these fatty acids that regulate the responses to anti/pro inflammation. More to come about this and it plays it's hand out in just about every physiological event. In the end, no one really knows what the hell is going on here but simply, the omega threes are good for you. bye.

eric the red

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How old are you Aerius?  I too am on the far side of 40, am fairly athletic and am well aware of my diet/lifestyle choices as 50 fast approaches. Many of us at this age are looking at our long-term health and what others in the same boat may have helped them at this age to feel better.

Haven't hit the big 30 yet so I'm still a youngling, but I've seen my parents, family friends, and co-workers go through the whole aging thing.  My opinion's probably influenced a lot by the fact that most people I know are looking for a quick fix instead of putting in the work to make actual diet & lifestyle changes, they think they can continue as before and pop a pill that'll make everything ok.  The other part is my GF was a national level athlete and still performs at a high level, I've seen the work and dedication it takes to maintain her level of fitness and continue staying healthy, and frankly most people can't be bothered to put in 1% of the work that she does.

That's why I emphasize the diet & lifestyle improvements first, that's the foundation on which everything else is built.  Get the foundations right and everything else becomes a whole lot easier, and going the other way, if the foundations aren't good then it's not worth building on, and all the supplements and miracle pills in the world aren't going to improve things.

I don't think people here are asking for any miracle pill or cure, just some advice on what others in our age bracket have found to help with their health maintanence and well-being. I travel 300 days a year and maintaining optimum health/fitness is a challenge. While home last week I visited my physician for a minor ailment, and the first thing he wanted to do was send me to the pharmacy to load up on prescriptions meds. What's the alternative is what I want to know. And btw, you'll get old one day too sonny :green:


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While I'm at it I'll also mention I take one "Iodoral" iodine tablet a day.  This has made a notable difference in my well being, and four
family members and friends also really like it.

Check out this article by a cardiac surgeon and professor at the University of Washington:



I have an excellent book here "Vitamins, Minerals and other nutrients in Clinical Practice, A GP guide" by Anthony D Helman. It is for doctors in Australia and has a chapter (22) on fish oils covering in detail -

"the key actions of omega-3 fatty acids are:


These effects come about in the main because OM3 PUFAs competitively inhibit the metabolism of OM6 PUFAs...."

There are many refs to double blind research studies and value in ischaemic heart disease, breast, prostate and colorectal cancers.."

there's about 6 pages +refs if anyone is interested I could scan it.



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I don't think people here are asking for any miracle pill or cure, just some advice on what others in our age bracket have found to help with their health maintanence and well-being. I travel 300 days a year and maintaining optimum health/fitness is a challenge.

That's good to know, I'm just making sure all bases are covered and that we all know where we're coming from.  BTW, I can only only imagine how hard it must be to stay in shape with all those travel days, well done!

And btw, you'll get old one day too sonny :green:

I don't know about that, I plan on living forever.  So far, so good! :green:


Besides Omega3, I take Glucosamine Sulphate for years. I'm over 60 and damn if those joints don't let me know it. I can do a serious workout in the gym twice a week and feel no pain (no it's not just endorphins).
The only thing you can harm with this stuff is your pocket book. I've spent the price of a super duper set of speakers over the years on supliments. No regrets. Won't cure compulsive buying but it sure takes the edge off depression!


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be careful with the iodine it can whack out your cholesterol. happened to my mother in law. thyroid hormone controls your metabolism but it also helps to make cholesterol. I found the connection a few months ago but I forgot it. at any rate any endocrinologist should know it pretty well.

Rob Babcock

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I've read the Glucosamine Sulphate isn't as good as you hear for joint pain, but the experience of my parents, brother & sister is contrary to that.  They all swear by the stuff.  My brother has a bad ankle and knee that acts up if he's on his feet all day, but if he takes Glucosamine Sulphate regularly he has no problems.  But if he runs out and stops taking it, about 2/3 days later it starts hurting again.  My sister's has experienced the same thing, as have my folks.  It's possible it's placebo effect but I doubt it.

I used to take a muliti but I don't anymore.  I just haven't found one I like.  Supposedly you should take a chelated muliti, and I've read that most of the vitamin content of mass retail supplements passes thru your digestive system with almost no absorbion.  Chelated vitamins are very hard to find, and a bit expensive.  In addition to fish oil I also take psyllium husks (3-4 per day) and a high dose of Chromium Picolinate.

My general health has been a bit worse this last 8 months.  When I moved to Watetown the company put me up in a hotel for the first 2 months- it's very hard to eat right with no kitchen or excercise in a hotel room.  Plus initially I worked 12 hrs a day 7 days a week til things were under control.  Now things are getting into a comfortable routine and the holiday craziness if over, so one of my New Years Resolutions is make sure not to skip my supplements, go back to eating like I did the previous 4 years, and get back to Combat Conditioning (which I've slacked on since moving).



I had a similar experience when I went to work for Madrigal in CT - they put me up in a little tudor style inn/motel nearby Middletown CT for 2 months. Special of the day, a couple beers and back to the motel room.

BTW I eat 2 brazil nuts daily for the selenium.


Rob Babcock

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I had a similar experience when I went to work for Madrigal in CT - they put me up in a little tudor style inn/motel nearby Middletown CT for 2 months. Special of the day, a couple beers and back to the motel room.

BTW I eat 2 brazil nuts daily for the selenium.


Ughhh- that was the killer for me!  12 hours of work then back to the hotel bar.  Or Applebee's.  Or the bar across the street.  2 months without my audio rig or video gear, nothing but crap on the hotel TV channels.  Too easy to eat fast food and hang out at the bar drinking beer and shooting stick.


Too easy to eat fast food and hang out at the bar drinking beer and shooting stick.

Exactly - Knowing no-one in the US I ended up finding share accommodation with a divorcee who was down on men.

Not sure which was worse. :scratch:



Ahh.. but selenium is a 'feelgood' supplement.
You might not be so resentful if you would take some.  :nono:
Mebbe your stocks are down.


Rob Babcock

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Reminds me of The Rundown-  The Rock asks the woman about Brazil nuts, and she says something like "we're in Brazil- here they're just nuts." :lol:


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Feel free to consult me for other mood enhancing goodies! :thumb:

Can you recommend a legal supplement which has similar effects to those of a plant which rhymes with "Tijuana"? aa  :green:


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Feel free to consult me for other mood enhancing goodies! :thumb:

Can you recommend a legal supplement which has similar effects to those of a plant which rhymes with "Tijuana"? aa  :green:

Chocolate, the anandamide in chocolate is apparently the native substrate for the cannabinoid receptor in your brain. Little is known about anandamide except that your body makes it and it has similar effect to THC such as promoting neuroplasticity (your nerve cells become capable of sprouting new branches or reorganinzing their architecture). Good sometimes; bad others.

BTW selenium is a trace nutrient and nothing more from what I've seen. You can get sick without some in your diet. This actually happened in a part of China where the soil was very poor in selenium. Again another one where the jury is out due to confounding evidence.


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I had a similar experience when I went to work for Madrigal in CT - they put me up in a little tudor style inn/motel nearby Middletown CT for 2 months. Special of the day, a couple beers and back to the motel room.

BTW I eat 2 brazil nuts daily for the selenium.


You worked for Madrigal?  I love their equipment.  It's too bad they were purchased by Lexicon. 

As for confounding studies, you'll see quite a few of these.  All I know is that I feel better when taking supplements.  So for me, they're useful.  Sadly, beer and scotch and other "empty calories" are now verboten for me.


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As for confounding studies, you'll see quite a few of these.  All I know is that I feel better when taking supplements.  So for me, they're useful.  Sadly, beer and scotch and other "empty calories" are now verboten for me.

What happened?  It wasn't too long ago that you were looking for partners to go in on a barrel of single malt Scotch.  Are you physically verboten or is it a "voluntary" abstinence?  I hope you are in good health.

As for me, I am going to get Omega 3 and glucosamine as I have a slightly arthritic hip from old football injury.  Thanks everyone, especially Pacifico, for chiming in.  For the new year I am using a gazelle http://www.walgreens.com/store/product.jsp?CATID=301559&navAction=jump&navCount=0&id=prod403147 in my listening room.  Since I listen for a couple of hours down there every night, I figure I better get some exercise instead of just sitting down with eyes closed. This thing is great in that it's silent.