Cool video on youtube

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Cool video on youtube
« on: 30 Dec 2006, 04:28 am »
Found this video in a thread on Agon, take a look and report your findings  :thumb: or  :thumbdown:


Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #1 on: 30 Dec 2006, 04:57 am »
Found this video in a thread on Agon, take a look and report your findings  :thumb: or  :thumbdown:

 :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

I'm afraid that one day i'll be featured in a video like this one!!  :duh: :duh:


Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #2 on: 30 Dec 2006, 05:10 am »
I like it!  It's really fun and well done, but seems to lack a guiding narrative.  You're just kinda thrown into their world without much explanation.  It should have started off with the more philosophical stuff and then gone into the how and why fiddly bits type of footage.  I am not sure a 'lay person' would get what these people are on about.  But overall it's interesting to watch.

Man, those Tannoy Westminsters are gorgeous... :drool:


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Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #3 on: 30 Dec 2006, 05:15 am »
This was posted before(recently) by one of the Greek Club members in another is well done. 8)

dB Cooper

Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #4 on: 30 Dec 2006, 07:28 am »
Good find; thanks. I used TubeSock to download the video to my Mac.


Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #5 on: 30 Dec 2006, 06:05 pm »
It's really fun and well done, but seems to lack a guiding narrative.  You're just kinda thrown into their world without much explanation.  It should have started off with the more philosophical stuff and then gone into the how and why fiddly bits type of footage.  I am not sure a 'lay person' would get what these people are on about.  But overall it's interesting to watch.

I think this was quite deliberate.  The "how and why fiddly bits" weren't meant to be informative.  They were meant to highlight just how foreign this experience is to normal people.  The film maker wanted the non-audiophile viewer to be confounded; to spend the majority of the film shaking his head in disbelief; and to surmise that these audiophile types are completely crazy.  But by closing with the audiophiles reflecting on what it's all about, it sheds a much more sympathetic light on the whole pursuit.  I think the way the film was made, the lasting impression is of a group of people so passionate about what they do, they will go to stupefying lengths to achieve their goals.  In that sense, it's not really about audiophiles but about the way a person's passion can lead him far further than reason would ever dictate.

If the film started with the philosophical stuff, and tried to explain the means by which they tried to achieve their ends, I'm sure the film would have made more sense.  But it would also have simply been an explanation of what audiophiles do:  and that would have been a lot less interesting.


dB Cooper

Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #6 on: 30 Dec 2006, 06:34 pm »
Good review, Chad.

Unfortunately, while it depicts many of the objectives of owning "high end" equipment, it also reflects the reality that pursuing excellence in audio is increasingly a "deep end" hobby. I have always been interested in audio but have never had a "deep-end" budget for it. So I had to shop carefully, and whaddaya know, very good equipment doesn't have to cost a fortune (look where this thread is). Unfortunately, the public at large doesn't seem to give a rat's ass about "fi" anymore for the most part as long as T-Rex shakes the room (more people probably are familiar with "wifi" than "hifi" these days), and inch-thick $300 power cords aren't going to get them interested.


Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #7 on: 30 Dec 2006, 07:17 pm »
I really liked this...but I really don't want to be like...and I am! notice how they started, a bit uptight, and loosened up? Yeah the wives were a trip! you could see the counters turning; "that was our holiday last year, and the washing machine and college tuition and the house in the country he said we couldn't afford"


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Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #8 on: 30 Dec 2006, 07:20 pm »
Yeah, without a narrative, you're not quite sure of the intent of the filmmaker. The editing is done to highlight the lengths and uncompromising methods these men go to in pursuit of audio nirvana. That's what I have a problem with. Is he applauding them for their passionate pursuit, or is he trying to cleverly expose their madness?

Is this a "beware" of these types of people message? Or is it a "wow" look at what these guys have accomplished in building amazingly lifelike audio systems using all available means to them?

They all seemed like very nice, stable, passionate, well rounded human beings and probably of higher than average intelligence. Don't think any of them have bodies buried in their basements y'know?

I think if anybody is a putz here, it's the guy who made this video calling himself a filmmaker.



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Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #9 on: 30 Dec 2006, 09:49 pm »
Wow, it was neat to watch this with a bowl of clam chowder and fresh ground coffee. Good cinematography, so it looked decent even on youtube.

- I knew that was Diana Krall - a cover of Tom Waites

- My creative PC speakers sounded pretty hi-fi

- I felt he was saying, yes these people are obsessed, even a little crazy (50% of the sound is the electricity 20% is the rack, hmmm, that leaves 30% from the source, amps and speakers) but that this is a legal if not expensive way to escape

- the crazy ones are not those who spend all this money on audio gear, they are those who spend this much on a car

- now I have a strong urge to play my Japanese import Quadrophenia


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Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #10 on: 30 Dec 2006, 11:18 pm »
Wow, it was neat to watch this with a bowl of clam chowder and fresh ground coffee. Good cinematography, so it looked decent even on youtube.

- I knew that was Diana Krall - a cover of Tom Waites

- My creative PC speakers sounded pretty hi-fi

- I felt he was saying, yes these people are obsessed, even a little crazy (50% of the sound is the electricity 20% is the rack, hmmm, that leaves 30% from the source, amps and speakers) but that this is a legal if not expensive way to escape

- the crazy ones are not those who spend all this money on audio gear, they are those who spend this much on a car

- now I have a strong urge to play my Japanese import Quadrophenia

Ashame your computer isn't tied to your audio system cuz it sounds as good as it looks on youtube. I've never heard anything sound that good on youtube, hell I didn't know audio could sound that good on youtube. I thought it was an excellent depiction of your atypical internet audiophile, a guy who spends more money than he has,,,, but he's damn happy to do it. It's all in the music ya'know.  :drums: :guitar: :violin:



Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #11 on: 31 Dec 2006, 01:27 am »
Watch it one or two more times, it's amazing what you notice. :wink:


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Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #12 on: 31 Dec 2006, 06:55 pm »
 :lol: :lol: I thought it wsa great, those guys are out there...with his highly suspect electrical feeds  cus' 50% of the sound is electricity. We wire for fire.  That dude is spaced.  The suspended TT looks like a Rube Goldberg model..  Really entertaining. 


Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #13 on: 31 Dec 2006, 10:40 pm »
Just read about this site on Agon more about the film

Brett Buck

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Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #14 on: 1 Jan 2007, 06:40 am »
:lol: :lol: I thought it wsa great, those guys are out there...with his highly suspect electrical feeds  cus' 50% of the sound is electricity.

     Next big thing in audiophile world - run your system with WW2 submarine batteries!  Gotta get "good-sounding acid", of course, at $500 a quart.

    Hey, I'm gonna be rich!



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Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #15 on: 1 Jan 2007, 05:14 pm »
The film-maker's intention was clearly to report and "let the viewer decide."

I decided these guys were clearly off the deep end, with a basically absurd idea about their own powers of hearing and discerning, which they're of course required to have in order to justify their out-of-control addiction to spending for exotic equipment.

Anyone who says "50% of the sound is the electricity" will obviously say anything as long as it supports whatever decisions he has made. If "50%" of the sound is electricity, what's the point of spending 100 grand on your components, anyway.

I'm sure all their stereos sound great. I'm sure they sounded great 50 thousand euros ago, too. I'm sure they all love music. If they need to believe they just love it more than the person without money to burn and without clueless wives (notice they're all men)...whatever.

The first step is admitting you have a problem.


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Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #16 on: 1 Jan 2007, 07:27 pm »
The film-maker's intention was clearly to report and "let the viewer decide."

I decided these guys were clearly off the deep end, with a basically absurd idea about their own powers of hearing and discerning, which they're of course required to have in order to justify their out-of-control addiction to spending for exotic equipment.

Anyone who says "50% of the sound is the electricity" will obviously say anything as long as it supports whatever decisions he has made. If "50%" of the sound is electricity, what's the point of spending 100 grand on your components, anyway.

I'm sure all their stereos sound great. I'm sure they sounded great 50 thousand euros ago, too. I'm sure they all love music. If they need to believe they just love it more than the person without money to burn and without clueless wives (notice they're all men)...whatever.

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

Tbe problem i have is im not close enough to any of them to listen to thier systems. lol Would i if i could?  maybe  aa

and where do you find a 1" $300 power cord for $300 the best i coud do was 3/4"


Re: Cool video on youtube
« Reply #17 on: 1 Jan 2007, 10:22 pm »
that's cool shit,love those big Tannoys,need to get a set of those,ST optional,too bad their 20k new. :D