GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***

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GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« on: 10 Dec 2006, 03:22 pm »
Thank you Scott!!  It was a fabulous night.  I am learning more and more GAS as individuals, not just a name on Audio Circle.  I really like meeting new friends with the same illness, I mean hobby.  I will go out today and buy some Boz Scaggs and Tom Hall that I heard last night. 

Now lets get to gear.  For me the locomotive was the best.  Thanks Willie.   As I said last night, I am not buying any new gear for a while.  OK, no body really believes that so what will be next?  2A3, 45, 300B or just stick with my vintage tubes.  Anybody have an extra board I can put my Lowthers in?  Could I use cardboard from the alley?  Cabinet makers should be nervous.

Thank again you to your wife and family for hosting.     


Scott F.

GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #1 on: 10 Dec 2006, 05:03 pm »
Mornin' Folks :green:

Well, this years GAS Christmas Bash seemed to be another great success.

Before I get to the pictures I need to give a HUGE thank you to my lovely wife and partner in crime, Laura. Without her, I never could have pulled this off. She was with me, shoulder to shoulder through the 20 hour day trip to Chicago to discover the modified Lowther based Basszilla at John Ver Halen's house, to the money pit known as the Ikea Store, to rolling paint and doing the trim work to installing the wood veneer on the headwall to (last but definitely not least) cooking all the yummie food for all of us....THANK YOU  :bowdown:

We had TON's of new faces at this year party. Some we've seen at other gatherings, some found out about us (literally) last evening and decided to come by. I haven't done an official count but it was pretty close to 25 or 30 people throughout the day.

And without further adieu, onto the pictures..........

I'll start off with just a partial sampling of the munchies we had......

Next we move to Klaus's Giant Killer, the $1500 Odyssey System. Simply put, this system kicked butt in the Grape Room (with a $75 Pioneer universal player).

Heres a pic of Albert and Bryan's cousin listening to the $1500 Odyssey system and loving every minute of it.

Now we move to the Blue Room and the main system's front end.
Here we've got the modified Korato KVP-20 tubed pre, Blackmore's Opera Droplet CD player and stand, her analog brother the Opera LP-s turntable with a Dynavector 507 MkII arm and Dynavector DV 20xh cart. The Graham Slee Jazz Club phono stage, the Bolder modified SB3 feeding the Paradisea DAC, a Sony 595 SACD player and an Arcam 8se HDCD player. Power conditioning came from a Dezorel LFA-1.
(notice the bastard offspring from the Opera Droplets on the floor)

Here is a closeup of the mongoloid yearling produced by the Droplet CD and the LP-5. This is why inbreeding is against the law in most states (other than Missouri). While just learning to speak, the only intelligible sounds uttered resembled Montrose Rock Candy.

Heres a (somewhat dark) picture of the headwall in the Blue Room.

Here's a closeup of the modified Basszilla's using the Lowther PM2A's on an open baffle with the Goodman's filling in the bass duties.

Here's a pic of my new music Library.

Hmmmm.....Monty....I wonder whats behind door number one?

and Carol Marol reveals what you've just won.....

It's a lifetimes supply of flavored mouthwash  :thumb:

Next up is the Redrum System.
Here the front end is the modified Korato KVP-10 dual mono pre with the AH! Njoe Tjoeb CD player, a Bolder Modified SB3 feeding the Constantine DAC. The turntable is the Audio Note TT-1 with the AN IQ-1 cart feeding the Graham Slee Reflex phono Stage. The first system we have the modified Radii's (KT-88's) driving the Response Audio Music Bella speakers. The second was Willie's Locomotive (PP45's and 2a3's) or my Handmade Audio 2A3 feeding the Lowther based Teresonic Ingenium's.

Unfortunately the Teresonics sounded a bit thin in that room. They sounded extremely good in the Blue Room where they had enough space to open up. Bill's (not so little) Music Bella's sounded extremely good in the Redrum.

and finally heres a pic of most of the guys

For those who didn't stay late (as in after midnite or so) you missed the ABSOLUTE show stopper. Adrian brought a copy of a recording done at Christ Church Cathedral. The music was Bachs Tocatta and Fugue in D minor. The recording engineer is a local friend of his who has had several recordings end up on the Stereophile Test CD's (that should tell you the quality of the recording).

The pipe organ reproduced on the Lowther based modified Basszilla's using the Welborne DRD's and Goodmans was nothing short of stunning. This was truly an OH MY GOD moment. Bach at close to 110db was some of the cleanest most accurate sound you'll hear. It made my nipples stand on end (no BS). The visceral impact of the pipe organ bass was incredible. I've never heard my system do this before so it took me by surprise too. This cut will be THE first cut on our new GAS reference CD (which we never got around to deciding on).

Thanks to everybody for coming out and making this GAS event another great success. :green:

Well, my fingers are tired so I'll stop typing now......

spelling and grammar edits
« Last Edit: 16 Dec 2006, 10:35 pm by Scott F. »

steve k

Re: Its another GAS Christmas
« Reply #2 on: 10 Dec 2006, 05:03 pm »
Thanks for the blast, Scott! It was great to see the GAS regulars, meet some folks I haven't seen in awhile and meet some new folks as well. The GAS community continues to grow and diversify rather nicely. My compliments on the room--it's fabulous! You need to get some good pics up to share with the Circle. That is by far the most creative use of lauan mahogany underlayment I've ever seen and it looks bookmatched too! How many sheets did you need to go through to find grain that came together like that? :scratch:

The open baffle Lowthers were a real treat. They load the room nicely and the sweet spot has really expanded compared to the Medallions. (Wait till my full range driver Lowther buddy in Pennsylvania sees that!) It's always a treat to hear that TT again.  :green: :green: Yes green with jealousy! The Ella did it for me. Adrian's Bach Toccata definitely took the cake though. It's too bad that recording engineer couldn't market that recording-that's the best pipe organ recording I've ever heard and I have quite a few--a definite cut for our GAS demo. (Forgot to leave those tunes with you--I need to get them over there).

I was impressed also with Bill Baker's Bella speakers--they have a really big sound for their size. Easy to listen to. Congratulations to you and Mark on the successful breeding (in-breeding?) of the Droplets. You've got to post some family photos with the new offspring.  :o

All in all, you and Laura have outdone yourselves again. The tunes, the food and the company were all superb! (and no one got stuck in the mud!!!) :lol:

steve k

steve k

Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #3 on: 10 Dec 2006, 05:13 pm »
Scott, you beat me to it. We must have been typing simultaneously. Great pics!

Scott F.

Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #4 on: 10 Dec 2006, 05:18 pm »
I tried moving your and Alex's posts over to this thread but I botched it up and only split them off into a separate thread  :oops: Hopefully one of the Global Moderators can get your posts moved over here since I can't figure out how to do it  :oops: :roll:


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Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #5 on: 10 Dec 2006, 06:00 pm »
Thanks again for the invite Scott, I had a great time meeting you guys and listening to some kick ass stereos.   :icon_lol:

You guys have convinced me my next purchase will be a squeeze boxe.  It may be a little bit before I can drop the money on it, but will be looking around for prices.  If anyone happens to see a really incredible deal on an entry level one please let me know.   :D



Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #6 on: 10 Dec 2006, 06:04 pm »
Scott, you out did yourself this time. The room is awesome looks like a Playboy bachelor pad. There was so much going on I don't now where to start. The open baffles sound wonderful, large soundstage and spacious.
The Bellas are a great sounding speaker they have that very relaxing sound that you can listen to for hours with out thinking about the system. The Odyssey system is always a treat. The fact that you can get that much for so little. It was great to see new faces and  hope to see them again in our smaller groups I tip my hat Laura for the great food and allowing all of us kooks to invade her home. What else can I say other than  BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO :hyper:.


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Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #7 on: 10 Dec 2006, 06:10 pm »
Thanks for the good time Scott.  Sorry we had to bug out early.  I'd have loved to hang around and hear more as always.

The rooms turned out really well.  I think we have Grant totally hooked now!  His wife probably won't speak to me for a while now :wink:  Please thank Laura again for me.  As usual, she was the gracious hostess and the food was outstanding.  Before you send back the Bella's, I'd love to hear them in the big room.

It's always nice to see all the old and new faces and share good conversation with others who share our addiction.



Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #8 on: 10 Dec 2006, 06:46 pm »
Thanks to Scott and Laura. I had a great evening , it was good catching up with everyone and getting a break from the usual retail chaos at this time of year. I hope everyone made it home safely.
Thanks again


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Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #9 on: 10 Dec 2006, 06:51 pm »
Nice photo's Scott..... thanks.....I don't even know the place....looks totally different from past photo's.....great job !! :o   :hyper: :hyper: :beer:

Glad the day went well.......

Question.....The LP racks....those the ones you built or are they from IKEA ?

Thanks.....and ....nice liquor cabinet.....good selections. :lol: :thumb:


Scott F.

Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #10 on: 10 Dec 2006, 07:22 pm »
Nice photo's Scott..... thanks.....I don't even know the place....looks totally different from past photo's.....great job !! :o   :hyper: :hyper: :beer:

Glad the day went well.......

Question.....The LP racks....those the ones you built or are they from IKEA ?

Thanks.....and ....nice liquor cabinet.....good selections. :lol: :thumb:


Thanks Chris,

Yep, those are the Ikea racks. They are great vinyl racks and at darned near give away prices. The tops bottoms and sides honeycombed steel with wood flavored Formica. The individual shelves are Formica over particle board. They are surprisingly sturdy and look great too boot.

Here's a couple of before and afters of the main listening room.

The headwall before....

...and after

The Front End before.....

...and after with Blackmores Droplet

The Library before when it was the Big Fun System....

...and the Library now

....and a wider shot Before

...and the wide shot after

The Grape Room before with the Aperions

...and after with the $1500 Odyssey System

and finally the Redrum before with the Daedelus DA-1's and the Butler amps  (sorry about the dark photo)

...and the after

The remodel was a lot of work but work every ache and pain. It turned out better than I had hoped.  :thumb:


Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #11 on: 10 Dec 2006, 08:09 pm »
I had such a good time! I need Laura to teach me to make that Asian cole slaw.  Never comes out that good at home.  Such good food and good company.  I'm always overwhelmed by the sheer amount of great gear when we get together.  Did MerRev's Chameleon preamp ever get into the system?  Loved the Locomotive, Willie.  I enjoyed Sturgus' Pope Music CD of the Carmen, too.

I am so sorry I left early (11 pm) and missed the Toccata.  Somebody find out how we can get a copy of that. :drool:  I got a copy of Chris' NY demo disc and really think we need to move quickly on our own demo disc. 

Scott, I'll be over on Tuesday to pick up the Droplet around 7pm. See you soon.

Scott F.

Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #12 on: 10 Dec 2006, 08:29 pm »
No worries on the Toccata, I made 6 copies and am ripping it to FLAC so everybody can get a one.

I forgot to mention, the Droplet sounded phenomenal. The way it sounded reminds me that maybe dedicated CD players aren't such a bad thing after all  :lol:

Laura said she'd write down her recipe and give it to you Tuesday when you come by. We can give that Toccata a farewell spin on your Droplet before we lug it back up to the car. You'll be seriously impressed, I promise.

No kidding,the bass notes reminded me of the classic from poster Peter Murphy


Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #13 on: 10 Dec 2006, 09:52 pm »
Scott - Thanks for the great time, fine food, very nice musical systems and the opportunity to hang out with a great group of folks.   :thumb:

Laura -  Thanks for allowing Scott the above.

Glad to be able to match faces with a few more monikers.


PS   Scott what time shall we all come by for part 2 next Saturday?   :lol:


Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #14 on: 10 Dec 2006, 11:43 pm »

     Scott, look like you guys had fun there. :D Wish I could be there to hear those interesting stuffs you guy got there. Especially those hi-ef speakers.

     BTW.... beautiful room lighting. Very nice and this clearly show in your photos... great job. :D

Take care,
Buddy :thumb:


Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #15 on: 11 Dec 2006, 01:01 am »
Scott... Thanks again to you and Laura for a really fine event.   This was my first Christmas Bash, and it everything was great.   Your renovation turned out beautifully.  Everything had either a wonderful sound... or taste :thumb:
  It was nice to see everyone, and see the faces of some more of the members.  Great people, food and music....All anyone could hope for.


Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #16 on: 11 Dec 2006, 02:03 am »
excellent party!  Thank you Scott, Laura & Julie.  :thumb:

The new rooms turned out really well and it looks like your hard work payed off. 
We may need a painter sometime in the near future so I'll save your #. :lol:

The open baffles were very cool & loaded the room nicely with assistance from the Goodman's down below. 
The main room seems monstrous now and really has a funky cool personality. 

Thank you Teresonic for leaving the Ingenium's behind a little longer.  They have a sophisticated sound and a beautiful finish that says hug me, take me home- I can be the focal point of any room you choose. 

Also, the Musical Bella's did a wonderful job  -  room filling deep punchy bass with great tone.   BIG sound - fantastic speakers that kept a good number of us coming back for more.  Thanks Bill (Response Audio) for giving us a chance to hear what they can do. 



Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #17 on: 11 Dec 2006, 02:25 pm »

  Scott and Laura
  Thank you for your wonderful hospitality.
   It was a real treat to hear The Locomotive on those Teresonics, I was really surprised at how dynamic
   they sound even in that small room, I wish I could have heard them in the big room.
   Your remodeling was truly striking, I forgot to mention you should mount that Sax in the library a little
    lower then you could try to play it.  Ha Ha !
   As I told others, I am always amazed how you can blend equipment to get such an incredible sound.     
    I just love New big room system, Baffled Lowthers blended to sound fabulous.
    Sorry I missed Adriane's CD, save me a copy.
    Thanks again


Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #18 on: 11 Dec 2006, 03:18 pm »
Many, many thanks for a stunning Christmas 'hoo-ha' to Scott and Laura.  The revised rooms look and sound great to me!  The food,  :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: Thanks Laura for the effort on the cooked meats and everything else!  I absolutelyl 'grazed' my way through the day and evening.
All the rooms sounded excellent and I got to listen critically to my newly Bolder-modded SB3 on the Teresonics and the Odyssey rooms.
Things were *very* good in that regard, and it was fun watching Adriane's eyes widen and light up as we played stock SB3 -->modded SB3 -->upgraded power supply (all through the digital out/DAC) -->to direct into the amp with Nitro/bybee interconnects.
(and it is always fun watching Mike listen and get defensive about his Wadia CD! heheh :icon_twisted:) It's okay Mike.  I like your Wadia too!   
And hey Blackmore, thanks for the listen on the Droplet! You've returned my faith in cd players, though I'd love to hear a shootout with the modded SB3. (hint!)  I hope you get a chance to a/b on that Scott and get back with us before it goes away.  (yeah, sure, you got ALL the time in the world, right?)
I had a really good time just wandering around with the occassional chat or listen.  After a week in my house with 3 houseguests, who like fish, get a little 'gamey' after 3 days, it was an excellent return to humanity!  I had a severe case of 'mellow' and towards the end of the evening, I was thinking God himself stopped by for a spin on the organ.  Well, it was Adriane's recording of course, and I gotta have some more of that!  Sounded very stunning in the new baffled speakers in the Blue room.  Great sound in there Scott!!
And lastly, it was great seeing one-and-all.  Good to see everyone in such a splendid mood, meeting old friends and new. 
Hope all of the newer folks don't judge us by our holiday cheer alone and come back for some more listenin'!  Glad you made it!
Oops, I've got another 'finally' in thanking Response Audio for the advance on the speakers, and every other vendor for the gear and support they've given our bunch in our pursuit of aural bliss.  We are a lucky bunch to have such great friends 'out in the ether', as well as right here at home.  God *has* blessed us, every one!

Warmest Regards for the holidays, folks!!


Bob in St. Louis

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Re: GAS 06 Christmas Bash ***PICS***
« Reply #19 on: 11 Dec 2006, 04:52 pm »
Scott and Laura, thank you very much for allowing this fine event to take place in your home.
I truly had a wonderful time, can't wait for mext time.

All you guys are to blame when I have to tell my wife that I'm contemplating tubes. :lol: :wink:

I think I missed the "note" by a very short period of time. I'd LOVE to have a copy.

I'd be honored to submit a track or two (or three, or four) for the GAS CD.

Thanks again. Scott and Laura, you truly have a wonderful home.
