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« on: 11 Nov 2006, 07:37 pm »
or coffee in general....

just a thread here to see what members do for their caffeine?

espresso?  presspot?  drip?

folgers, grind your own, roast your own?

I recently bought a nice grinder (which people say is more important than the espresso machine) and want to get into roasting my own coffee.  I am getting a decent espresso out of an old Gran Gaggia: nice crema, flecked color, rich taste...  mmmmmmmmmm for those of you who might want to spend time talking coffee....


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Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: 11 Nov 2006, 07:44 pm »
Coffees are like wine. Different buzz though. :lol:

I like a good expresso after a nice meal, just before dessert.

I've also recently gotten into Mochachino. Lattes are nice as well.



Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: 11 Nov 2006, 07:49 pm »
When I got my first job out of grad school, I wanted to celebrate by buying an espresso machine and grinder.  Then I was diagnosed hypertensive, and decided to go off caffeine.  However, a few years later I managed to get my wife addicted to coffee, and  encouraged her to do it properly so I could indulge every now and then.  So we now own a (bottom of the line) Gaggia machine (The Espresso), and are very happy.  It was bought through, which also seems to offer pretty good prices on Illy beans and pre-ground coffee, and provides lots of educational resources.

One day I'll get a good grinder.  But to be honest, I can't imagine having the energy to roast the coffee myself.  You must be a true enthusiast, Jim.  I hope you enjoy it.



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Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: 11 Nov 2006, 08:02 pm »
One day I'll get a good grinder.  But to be honest, I can't imagine having the energy to roast the coffee myself.  You must be a true enthusiast, Jim.  I hope you enjoy it.

actually enjoying an espresso as I write.....  I figure what I save from power cords (volex) and interconnects (bluejean), I can afford to spend more time and dollars in my coffee   :lol: :lol: :lol:

its all about the music and the coffee and the wine and the food and the kids and the skiing.... LIFE!!!!
enjoy every second of it (caffeine rush is hitting about NOW) :o


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Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: 11 Nov 2006, 09:39 pm »
I've been grinding, roasting green beans, and brewing for many moons now. Would not have it any other way. More likely though, I could not go back to that "hell juice" they sell "in the can" to unsuspecting people in the grocery stores and who knows where else. If some of the people knew what they were getting out of that preground, canned coffee, they might have changed their minds about what they drink every day long ago. I suppose some think it takes too much time and effort to get some of the best coffee(s) available. It really wasn't that long ago, either, when it was commonplace for people to roast and grind their own coffee at home. Personally, after having some of the best, I could never go back now.


Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: 12 Nov 2006, 04:47 am »
Oh snap,
Now youre talkin a language I know. There are a few of us around here that home roast and we had quite a good thread going a couple years ago....possibly the coffee thread was my response to the "bourbon" and "scotch" threads found elsewhere on this site which were very popular at the time.  aa  Conicidentally, we are here debating irish vs american bourbon.  :D Anyway, I just finished finished giving my two cents on roasting this tricky arabian bean to my buddy who did an article for Roast magazine. I roast the stuff that he sells and he is really making a push to reach out to the people there in yemen. I have always been a gigantic fan of yemen sanani. Always will be. In fact I was thinking about adding a fourth grinder to our espresso line-up to include a straight varietal which would be a yemen mocha. Call me crazy if you want to. At home I use an Isomac..loves it. French press totally is the best next thing to an actual cupping.

peace, beat


Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: 12 Nov 2006, 05:00 am »
Beat, good to hear from you lad!  I was wondering how long it would take for you to find this thread  :lol: Here's the thread that inspired Fajimr to start this one...


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Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: 12 Nov 2006, 06:35 am »
I used to roast all the time. Smelling the smoke and listening for first and second crack...I need to get a new more powerful roaster (probably from sweetmarias).

Favorite green beans are Yirgacheffe (a type of Ethiopian) Costa Rican Tarrazu and various Peaberries,
and Kona when a good one is available.

At home I use a presspot. It is a little more work but it is the cleanest, simplest sytem I have found.

I never drink espesso - it doesn't agree with my stomach.


Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: 12 Nov 2006, 08:23 am »
I think one of the most important factors is the machine. There is a local place that has a machine, that someone had to go to Italy to learn how to work on... It is so good I like it; I just hate the effect of the coffee when I come down off of it. I am not a coffee drinker. This stuff however has none of the bad taste in anyway what-so-ever; it is an amazing machine.

On the other side I get a headache from coffee because I never drink it often. I am going to try Mate Tea I think.
« Last Edit: 12 Nov 2006, 08:10 pm by Destroyer of Smiles. »


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Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: 12 Nov 2006, 02:20 pm »
I have this


and drink Sumatra Mandheling French Roast from

and clean it all with   I just drop the filter handle, steam wand and basket in it to sake for 60 seconds and clean, clean, clean.

Perfect for me!

The pavoni is a pain in the A$$ by the way....  Enjoy!



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Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: 12 Nov 2006, 02:49 pm »
Hi Ken.....yea, your pavoni is probably a pain, but it is a quality machine for a lack of a better word. Not much better for a single shooter than that one. Just need to get the hang of it. What I understand is there is a trick to getting it to create the crema masterpiece, but that does not mean it is not capable. I almost bought that exact one in the copper finish before I bought the one I did. Once you can master the Pavoni like you have consistently, you can then call yourself a genuine barista.


Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: 12 Nov 2006, 05:01 pm »
Long-time enthusiast.  I had a good friend in college (75-79) from Italy and he had a Pavoni and burr grinder in his room!  It absolutely spoiled me for nothing less than excellent espresso ever since.

I have been using the following combo for about six years:

Isomac Millenium

and a Mazzer mini grinder -

It has produced amazing espresso (at least two shots per day) and continues to go strong.


Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #12 on: 12 Nov 2006, 05:13 pm »
I've been using a year 200 Gaggia Baby Millennium for the past 5 years, it has worked flawlessly.  Cant remember the name of my grinder, but a mid-price burr grinder, and I home roast on a iRoast2.  It took a bit, but I have a 14minute roast cycle down now for great espresso.  I have been using Sweet Maria's Liquid Amber.  I tried a handful of single origins for espresso, and it is tough to get something that I liked, I really seem to like the complexity and depth of the blends.  They seem a touch easier to roast too.

Generally I drink it straight, or a traditional cappuccino, about 1:2 esp:milk.

Personally, I think that at the top is machine cleanliness, and roast (proper and fresh).  Without both of these it can't be good.  Like the speakers and amp in an audio system ;).

I sometimes wish I could afford a better system, but as long as I follow my routine on this one, I can make great espresso.  The gaggia gets too hot if left on for too long, needs to be cleaned very regularly, but tastes best after 3-4 shots after cleaning.  The grinder is limited on settings, so I need to balance the fine-ness of the grind with the dose to get good results.



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Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #13 on: 12 Nov 2006, 05:33 pm »
Dear Night_Train....

Humbly, I have mastered it.  I am spoiled, as you know when you get a good bean that you like and a clean, good machine NOTHING store bought compares.  I am consistently disappointed when I buy cappuccinos out on the town, for 3+ dollars a whack!  That said, it took me a long time to get the grind, tamp, shot pull right.  You have to take the machine apart a lot and clean/grease the moving parts...It is beautiful, finicky but amazing.  I bought if before I even liked coffee because of the way it looked.  I taught myself to make a good shot, read everything and now I can do it easily...What I hate is making coffee for dinner parties, I am tied up for an hour :^(  If I just loved coffee and didn't care too much about the beauty and the ART of the shot I would get the Rancilio Silvia Espresso Machine.  It is a beast, fast and very, very well built.  It has a professional size and feel portafilter handle.

A wonderful resource for reviews is

Ps I dont work for them.

Now if I can get my 2 channel stereo where my coffee is I will be all set!



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Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #14 on: 12 Nov 2006, 08:10 pm »
Anyway, I just finished finished giving my two cents on roasting this tricky arabian bean to my buddy who did an article for Roast magazine. I roast the stuff that he sells and he is really making a push to reach out to the people there in yemen. I have always been a gigantic fan of yemen sanani.

hey beat.. very cool, sounds like you are totally into it

would you be willing to share your roasting curves with the rest of us?  where do you source your beans?



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Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: 12 Nov 2006, 08:20 pm »
Here's the thread that inspired Fajimr to start this one...

and unfortunately it looks like the used roaster i bought used from coffeegeek came doa.. either something happened in shipping or maybe something happened during my first attempt  :(

so no roasting for me... for the moment....  the seller is totally cool and will refund my money so that isn't an issue but all this talk about coffee roasting makes me want to go out and buy an I-Roast 2.  At 250.00 they are a bit more expensive here in canada so i might have to wait a little before I can spring for one....

in the mean time I'll get my roasted beans from one of the decent cafes around montreal and continue to enjoy my espresso  :thumb:
I just found a new roaster who had some decent beans.. it's incredible what a difference they can make.  I dropped my last roaster- the last time I went in I asked them to give me the latest bean they roasted and the manager told me everything was fresh (that wasn't my request)... they had a big probat in the front of the cafe so I am sure they roast (although I've never seen it running).  In any case, at least I do have some choices here in montreal... much better than what I had in Utah  :lol:

time for an espresso!!!! 



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Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: 12 Nov 2006, 08:21 pm »

anyone ever take apart an I-Roast 1???  Seems to be an issue with the heating element as it cycles through all the stages- just doesn't get hot enough.  Maybe I'll have to pull out my multimeter and poke around (or maybe I'll just get my refund and save for an I-Roast 2)...  JIM


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Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #17 on: 12 Nov 2006, 10:06 pm »
I am spoiled, as you know when you get a good bean that you like and a clean, good machine NOTHING store bought compares.  I am consistently disappointed when I buy cappuccinos out on the town, for 3+ dollars a whack!  That said, it took me a long time to get the grind, tamp, shot pull right. I taught myself to make a good shot, read everything and now I can do it easily...

I think what you said up there puts some of the problem in perspective. I too have had a hard time finding a quality "pour" at many of the cafe'. Sometimes I don't think that some of the servers know what a good pour is if they saw one. This is not meant to be a sweeping statement though; as I'm sure there are some quality barista's out there. Just few and far between in my experience. I mean when you get an expresso at some of these joints and the crema is light or non existent, a person begins to wonder "what the." Like you, I prefer my own green roasted, ground, and brewed fresh on demand. Couldn't have it any other way now. Just like Burger King's motto "Have It Your Way!"

Edit: Speaking of "what the".....I don't know what I did to that post. Ugly!!!


Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #18 on: 12 Nov 2006, 10:35 pm »

hey beat.. very cool, sounds like you are totally into it

would you be willing to share your roasting curves with the rest of us?  where do you source your beans?


Hey guys,
sure! I will put together what I can. I get most of my beans from Royal in Oakland..If I get in a bind I order from Atlas in Seattle. I am not familiar with home roasters so I cant help you with yours. Sorry. What I use at the shop is a diedrich IR7 which is a 7 pounder at a mile high, with low humidity (though I keep my bean room humidified) so I don't know if my profiles would work in different climates but we'll see if it gets us anywhere. If anyone is interested I have a private stock of kauai that I tend not to roast for the public often..People dont appreciate it for the price so it tends to get old I mean a little longer than a week.  :roll:


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Re: ESPRESSO!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #19 on: 13 Nov 2006, 01:21 am »
hey beat

didn't realize that you were a professional- obviously you are working on an entirely different level....

from your post I was trying to figure out where you are:  bay area (get your beans from oakland) or denver (at a mile high)???  in any case would love to try your coffee when I head back to the West (got family and friends there).  Where can we find your coffee??

I used to be a Peet's fan until they went public and their quality, IMHO, dropped.  Still better than many but not what it used to be...

if you can pass along any wisdom especially with the yemen coffees (or a link to the article you mentioned)...

roast on  :rock: :rock: :rock: