Impressions of RM40s from a "ribbon-phobe"...

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Impressions of RM40s from a "ribbon-phobe"...
« on: 24 Jun 2003, 03:25 pm »
On a thread on another forum about VMPS, I mentioned an audio get-together between myself and another music-lover.  At the bottom of that post, John Casler asked if I could provide him with that information (a semi-review of the RM40).  However, I hadn't noticed John's request until this morning.

But rather than put the information on a thread that had died 3 weeks ago, I decided he would be more likely to see it here.  Actually, all John requested was the URL link, but it's easier for me to just cut and paste - I apologize.

The gentleman who came to my home (Mike Knapp) is the administrator of a wonderful site called HomeTheaterTalk.  His home theater is breathtaking - seven monoblocks driving seven custom-made speakers; a "built-into-the-wall" subwoofer that stands 5 - 6 feet tall.  He is a long-time member of the audiophile society in Tampa, and is very knowledgeable (experienced) when it comes to music and audio equipment.  

The following post from that site was entitled "Tampa Get-together", and in it Mike gives some of his impressions of my system, which is anchored by RM40s.  I've deleted portions of my 2 posts that are not pertinent to the discussion.  The full post can be found at

posted May 26, 2003 09:02 AM                
Yesterday, I had the good-fortune to have Mike Knapp come over to my home for an A/V session. Although we had spoken on the phone a few times, it was great to actually meet him. As I've stated on other forums, one of the main reasons to join sites such as this is to eventually hook up with like-minded folks. Listening to music shouldn't be an individual sport.

Between songs, we got to know each other a little better. Mike (like myself) is a person with strong opinions and convictions when it comes to audio/music. However, he isn't pushy about it. I knew very quickly that I was glad he had come over.

We then tried a couple of CDs, but this didn't last. We were running short on time, and on my system, the quality of CD sound is not up to snuff after first listening to vinyl.

Well, to summarize, I had a great time, and look forward to spending more time with "the HTT spiritual leader". In a couple of weeks, I get to go to his house and experience Home Theater at its finest. I'm really looking forward to it.


Mike Knapp
From:Tampa, Florida
posted May 26, 2003 10:20 AM                
I really enjoyed the visit. Next time I will allocate more time. Kevin lives on a golf course that I have donated many stray balls to so finding his place was a snap. What a beautiful home.

Once upstairs I knew I was in for a treat on the music side. The speakers were as big as me and the amps were a spectacular sight to behold. I will let Kevin fill you in on the model numbers and equipment info (all tubes).

I commented that the amps were already on and ready to go. Kevin informed me that they were "always ready to go" as he never turns them off. It was hot here in Tampa yesterday but the listening room was not warm at all...surprising considering the number of tubes running in there full time.

I must admit I wasnt prepared for what I was going to hear. Ribbon speakers have not always been my cup of tea. These speakers do acoustic instruments like nobodys business. I was in awe of the sound of drums and piano on this rig. I have never heard more natural sounding acoustic instruments reproduced electronically.

Kevin and I discussed some of the limitations of his room but he has done a magnificent job in there with very little room treatment. His vinyl rig is a thing of beauty and the amp/pre-amp combo he was using had unbelievable dynamics. I couldnt get enough of that smooth sound. Clear highs and stunning midrange. He did have slightly more bottom than I like but it was not objectionable. Most likely a room node.

Funny thing, we listened to the vinyl for about 80 minutes and then we put in a took every bit of 20 seconds for us both to agree that it wasnt cutting it after the vinyl demo. Flat and compressed sounding comparitively. We both just smiled a little smile.

I really enjoyed the time there and I will get back again soon to have some real time to wallow in the sweetness of his rig. It was a magical experience. I will also be picking up a disc or two by Eva Cassidy. Its always nice to get a hook on an artist you were unaware of. I look forward to a recriprical visit from Kevin. My audio rig isnt going to impress him but I think the HT will give him a jolt!

Kevin is from my generation. More and more I am discovering that the older we get, the more mellow we become. It was a pleasure to sit and chat with someone that has a similar life philosophy and outlook on what is important. We were two old coots listening to music and loving every minute of it. Hard to beat that!

BTW, the jazz selection was a 45 RPM mastered version of the LA4 called Just Friends. Available at recommended.


posted May 26, 2003 12:17 PM                
Thanks for the kind words. My stereo equipment is as follows:

VMPS RM-40 Loudspeakers (with TRT capacitors)
KORA Cosmos Monoblocks (100W Triode, Pure Class A)
KORA Eclipse Stereo Preamp (with MM/MC phono stage)
Basis 1400 Turntable (RB-250 and Benz-Micro MC-Gold)

Like all systems, mine has good points and bad points.

I also think it's interesting that in a system composed of ribbon speakers known as being a difficult load being driven full-range by tube amps, that Mike found the bass to be a little HEAVY. After all, that's the supposed limitation of tube amps - they're just gutless on the bottom end.

In terms of heat in the room, the amps do generate a lot of heat. After all, between the two monoblocks, there are 16 output tubes, 8 input tubes, and 4 driver tubes. Fortuneately, my upstairs has only 2 rooms, and they are on a separate A/C system. Otherwise, it could get unbearable in this room.


John Casler

Impressions of RM40s from a "ribbon-phobe"...
« Reply #1 on: 24 Jun 2003, 07:52 pm »
Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the update.  Actually someone did post a link and I read this review from Mike.  Mike is a great guy and has a very nice site.

Glad he got a chance to hear your rig.

Thanks again for making sure I got the info.