Plop in the box

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  • Jr. Member
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Plop in the box
« on: 20 Jun 2003, 03:46 am »
Has anyone heard the Plop in the box by

Looks like a budget Criterion?

Any comments appreciated.

Danny Richie

Plop in the box
« Reply #1 on: 23 Jun 2003, 02:50 pm »
Sorry you got no response. I think few have been built.

Having worked with both of those drivers A LOT, and I do stock and sell the Neo 3's also, I would venture to say it to sound very good.

If BG would have ever released the Neo 3's with the smaller face plate that could be counter sunk, like I asked for, and like they have told me that they were working on, I would have mated the two drivers together myself.

The plop in the box design Dennis made is ideal in that it focuses considerations to a group of people not interested in building fancy boxes, but would like a good sounding speaker.

Kudo's to Dennis.


Plop in the box
« Reply #2 on: 23 Jun 2003, 03:37 pm »
If someone wants to build a "Plop in the Box", can the parts be purchased from you?  I know you sell BG drivers, what about the xover parts and woofer?


Danny Richie

« Reply #3 on: 23 Jun 2003, 04:02 pm »
All the parts needed are listed on Dennis's site, and all of which can be ordered right from our site.

We don't sell the cheaper wire wound inductors though. We only carry the Alpha Core foil inductors. They are a little more expensive but also well worth it, IMO.

We stock Axon caps and Sonicaps in all values, Mills resistors, etc. all can be ordered on line.

I can even through in all the extra goodies like binding post, ports, wire, solder, heat shrink, and all the needed screws for a good price too.

Oh yea, I am the only source for the woofers. It uses our M-130.


Plop in the box
« Reply #4 on: 23 Jun 2003, 04:55 pm »
Danny,  Have you ever listened to the PitB or compared it to any of your products?

Danny Richie

« Reply #5 on: 23 Jun 2003, 04:58 pm »

What is it?


Plop in the box
« Reply #6 on: 23 Jun 2003, 05:03 pm »
I think PITB = Plop In the Box....

Danny Richie

« Reply #7 on: 23 Jun 2003, 05:09 pm »
Oh, Okay.

I guess I missed the obvious.

No, I have not tried it.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 20
Plop in the box
« Reply #8 on: 24 Jun 2003, 03:07 pm »
How humorously coincidental...

I was perusing the P.E. website and when I saw those cute inexpensive new cabinets, I queried Danny about the PITB as well. Seems to make sense if ya want cheaper cabinets. I also wonder if the AV-1 kit might be a fit for that .25 cu ft. box.


Danny Richie

air space
« Reply #9 on: 24 Jun 2003, 06:51 pm »
The A/V-1 needs .39 cubic feet ported.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 20
Plop in the box
« Reply #10 on: 24 Jun 2003, 07:53 pm »
Actually, I meant the .375 cu. ft. cabinet...which is really .41 before taking driver and port tube displacement into consideration. The cabinet IS a bit larger though...14x8x10 or so.

Brian Bunge

Plop in the box
« Reply #11 on: 25 Jun 2003, 03:44 am »

You do realize you still have to cut the driver and port holes, right?;)


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 20
Plop in the box
« Reply #12 on: 25 Jun 2003, 03:59 am »
Silly boy, of course I know that. In fact, I think it may have been YOU that pointed those boxes out to me. I wasn't thinking of those boxes for myself(I'm much more into the aesthetics of YOURS), but for those who can't afford to pony up for the nicer boxes, those P.E. boxes look like a darned good deal and a market waiting to be exploited by a good designer like Danny. Unfortunately, it seemed that Danny looked at it more like "why should I advertise for P.E." than "I wonder how many folks would like to buy a good parts and design kit for those P.E. boxes...".
