ACI Jaguar SE's rolloff points-getting very low measurements

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I have a pair of ACI Jaguar SE's-maybe one of the last pairs sent out last summer from the wharehouse.
Anyway- I have been doing some room measurements to try and dial in my ACI Titan dual sub setup with the Jags.

I have been using the Rives CD with a RS SPL meter.

The Jags are rated down to around 38-40hz I think by themselves.
In doing measurements of the Jags by themselves in my room I am getting some bass readings that are surprising to say the least and are measuring usable bass.

With the ports unplugged:
25hz      (-1db)
31.5 hz  (+1db) 
40hz      (+7db)

With ports plugged:
40hz      (-1db)

I do have some room issues I am trying to sort out and I definitely need some Bass trap/Room TX, but that is another story (with subs on I have spikes at 40/50 and 80hz with a deep null/cancellation in between at 63hz)

Right now I seem to get the flattest readings from 20hz-50hz with the subs engaged with the sub lowpasses at 50hz and the ports unplugged.

ANy thoughts on any of this? Can the Jaguars really produce bass down to 25hz??? Maybe something else is going on that I am not accounting for.

They are sitting about 4 feet into a room that is 15X25X8. They are placed alongside/parallel to the long walls.
« Last Edit: 25 Sep 2006, 03:07 pm by Lkdog »

Mike Dzurko

Re: ACI Jaguar SE's rolloff points-getting very low measurements
« Reply #1 on: 29 Sep 2006, 12:09 am »
Thanks for bringing this up. The numbers make sense. The Jaguar is tuned quite low, and that is one of the best 6 1/2" bass-mids ever made. Shows that you can get quite satisfying nearly full range performance out of a pair of monitors, in the right room, right equipment, etc.

Here comes the soapbox:

But, and it's a big but . . . I said nearly full range, and that is very limited in terms of room size and how loud you want to go.  Even a wonderful bass-mid like this ScanSpeak will run out of excursion, and output pretty soon if you want to go full range. Listen to a pair of Jags by themselves, then properly integrate any of our subs, or the LFMs, and the differences in dynamic capability and lower octave POWER  are not subtle.


Re: ACI Jaguar SE's rolloff points-getting very low measurements
« Reply #2 on: 29 Sep 2006, 01:35 am »

Thanks for confirming that this isn't some crazy anomaly.
As you know, I have had an ACI Titan sub for years and I just recently picked up a second one so now have
dual Titans.  :)

Couldn't agree more-the subs are great for a full range sound and the Titans are wonderful.
Now that I am finally addressing some Room treatment issues the setup is sounding even better.

Quick question-since the Jags go so low either plugged or unplugged in my room and the lowpass only goes down to 50hz on the Titans-how do you suggest I integrate them best?
I presently have the lowpass on the subs at 50 hz and the ports unplugged so they are rolling off in the mid 20's as shown above. I have an integrated amp without an amp in so can't use the filters that you usually recommend.

Mike Dzurko

Re: ACI Jaguar SE's rolloff points-getting very low measurements
« Reply #3 on: 30 Sep 2006, 03:30 pm »

Thanks for confirming that this isn't some crazy anomaly.
As you know, I have had an ACI Titan sub for years and I just recently picked up a second one so now have
dual Titans.  :)

Couldn't agree more-the subs are great for a full range sound and the Titans are wonderful.
Now that I am finally addressing some Room treatment issues the setup is sounding even better.

Quick question-since the Jags go so low either plugged or unplugged in my room and the lowpass only goes down to 50hz on the Titans-how do you suggest I integrate them best?
I presently have the lowpass on the subs at 50 hz and the ports unplugged so they are rolling off in the mid 20's as shown above. I have an integrated amp without an amp in so can't use the filters that you usually recommend.

Nothing substitutes for trial and error. I would also try plugging the ports and re-adjusting the sub. . .