VMPS Circle 2nd in mosts posts of any Circle!!!!

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John Casler

VMPS Circle 2nd in mosts posts of any Circle!!!!
« on: 21 Sep 2006, 02:53 am »
While it looks like the Sports Bar will soon overtake it, I just noticed that on the stats page, that the VMPS circle is the "SECOND" most active Circle on AC!!!! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:


I'd say that is quite an accomplishment and commend all you VMPS'rs for being so vocal, supportive, enthusiastic, and active in supporting VMPS here.

Here's to you :notworthy: :notworthy: :beer: :beer: :rock: :rock: :dance:

So keep on Pumpin'  :weights: out the great posts and camaraderie.


Re: VMPS Circle 2nd in mosts posts of any Circle!!!!
« Reply #1 on: 21 Sep 2006, 04:03 am »
WOW...154:1...men/women ratio...


Re: VMPS Circle 2nd in mosts posts of any Circle!!!!
« Reply #2 on: 21 Sep 2006, 04:35 am »
I'd rate it as number one for interest. Brian has always got something going on. Also our speakers are interesting because they're so damn good. It's kind of like modding a Z 28 compared to modding a Honda Civic. Lots more performance potential and options. In other words far more interesting and fun :thumb:


Re: VMPS Circle 2nd in mosts posts of any Circle!!!!
« Reply #3 on: 21 Sep 2006, 04:52 am »
This is an interesting subject for me because back about 5 years ago, I based several purchase decisions based on this statistic. At that time, Norh was a heavily trafficked Circle (including at the other site, Harmonic Discord) so I figured Norh must be a good product. So I bought their tube CD player (now discontinued) and their tube SE-9.

Then, a short time later, I based my purchase of VMPS RM40s in part on all the good pub that they were getting on AC.

I wonder if you could dredge up the stats for just the last 12 months and see where the top traffic is. I would venture to guess that I have become a customer of that Circle's products as well, namely RWA.

John Casler

Re: VMPS Circle 2nd in mosts posts of any Circle!!!!
« Reply #4 on: 23 Sep 2006, 07:44 pm »
This is an interesting subject for me because back about 5 years ago, I based several purchase decisions based on this statistic. At that time, Norh was a heavily trafficked Circle (including at the other site, Harmonic Discord) so I figured Norh must be a good product. So I bought their tube CD player (now discontinued) and their tube SE-9.

Then, a short time later, I based my purchase of VMPS RM40s in part on all the good pub that they were getting on AC.

I wonder if you could dredge up the stats for just the last 12 months and see where the top traffic is. I would venture to guess that I have become a customer of that Circle's products as well, namely RWA.

Those stats might be available, but I don't know how to access them.